______________. A. in B. through C. out D. down


. A. in B. through C. out D. down


The engineer hasn’t got time to track down the problem.‘To track down’ means to find out.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

After running to the bus-stop, I sat down to __________. A. out of breathB. catch breathC. catch my breathD. lose my breath

35________35. A aside B back C out D down

—How about your journey to Mount Emei ?—Everything was wonderful except that our car _________ twice on the way .A. slowed down B. broke down C. got downD. put down

用()方法进行信息化规划,比较适用于业务相对稳定的组织,通过对业务流程的信息化集成,实现组织整体信息化。 A.从下向上(Bottom-Up)B.中间开花(Middle-Out)C.由上而下(Top-Down)D.由外而内(Out-Inside)

开展信息化规划的方式有很多种,如()等。 A.从下向上(Bottom-Up)B.外包(Outsourcing)C.由上而下(Top-Down)D.由外而内(Out-Inside)E.中间开花(Middle-Out)

The government is looking ______ new methods of raising money without increasing taxes. A. down onB. uponC. out forD. around

[A] handed out[B] turn over[C] brought back[D] passed down

请教:2001年6月成人英语三级(A)真题第2大题第3小题如何解答?【题目描述】第23题:The old lady ________ on hearing his sons death. A. broke in B. broke down C. broke out D. broke away

Which of the following commands causes a router to bring down BGP neighbor relationships?() A. clear ip bgp *B. clear ip bgp clear ip bgp * softD. clear ip bgp out

Imports will be allowed in proportion _______ exports. A. to B. for C. out D. of

Happiness doesn‘t always _______ money. A. go through B. go in for C. go with D. go over


I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t ___ A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through

He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was____ from the outside world.A. cut off B. cut out C. cut up D. cut through

The sales representative from Correct Copies, Ltd. returned Mr. Yoshida's call while he was ___.A. through B. along C. out D. aside

Mr Tunick filed suit against the New York police department after city officials ____ his request.A. turned down B. turned in C. turned off D. turned out

The engineer hasn’t got time to track down the problem.‘To track down’ means to find out.A对B错

The engineer hasn’t got time to track down the problem.‘To track down’ means to find out.

Your archive-log destination directory runs out of space. What is the impact of this on the database?()  A、 None. The database will switch over to the stand-by archive-log destination directory.B、 A warning message will be written to the alert log of the database,but no adverse impacts to the database will be experienced.C、 The database will shut down,and will not restart until you correct the out-of-space situation.D、 The database will continue to try to write to the archive-log destination directory for one hour. After one hour,the database will shut down normally.E、 Once Oracle has cycled through all online redo logs,it will stop processing any DML or DDL until the out-of-space condition is corrected.

单选题Your vessel is at a dock taking bunkers through a pipe laid down on the dock. If oil begins to flow out of a tank vent,what should you do FIRST?()AOpen the intake valve to an adjacent tankBSet out drip pans and sawdust and begin to mop up the spillCSignal the shore control point to shut downDClose the valve on the tank vent line

判断题The engineer hasn’t got time to track down the problem.‘To track down’ means to find out.A对B错

单选题_____ people found out the behavior of electricity.AThrough experiment thatBThrough experiment it wasCIt was through that experimentDIt was through experiment that

单选题After passing through the turbine the exhaust gas is conducted out into the().AintercoolerBcompressorCcylinderDopen air

单选题Your archive-log destination directory runs out of space. What is the impact of this on the database?()ANone. The database will switch over to the stand-by archive-log destination directory. BA warning message will be written to the alert log of the database, but no adverse impacts to the database will be experienced. CThe database will shut down, and will not restart until you correct the out-of-space situation. DThe database will continue to try to write to the archive-log destination directory for one hour. After one hour, the database will shut down normally. EOnce Oracle has cycled through all online redo logs, it will stop processing any DML or DDL until the out-of-space condition is corrected.

单选题The expression “won out” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.Atook the upper handBwent out of controlCran wildDshut down

单选题67. A up B out C down D awayAABBCCDD