Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when ______.A.the tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest landB.the tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landC.the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landD.the tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when ______.

A.the tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

B.the tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

C.the tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

D.the tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land


From paragraph 4 we can infer that _______ .A the increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumersB WorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costsC the costs of the gobalization process are enormousD the Standard Oil trust might have threatened competition

Food poisoning can be caused by all the following EXCEPT________.A.some chemicalsB.low temperaturesC.some tiny living thingsD.certain natural materials

You should deposit a certain amount of money with a bank before you buy a house.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

Any excitement you have at starting a new job is always ( ) with a certain amount of fear.A、mingledB、dottedC、joinedD、scarred

to get a bachelor s degree, an undergraduate student is required to do the following except ___________.A. passing examinations >Princeton University.B. attending lectures and complete assignments Princeton University.C. taking certain subjects such as history, language and philosophyD. earning a certain number of credits at the end of the four years at college

He acted as if______the result of the election. A、is certain ofB、certainC、certain ofD、he is certain of

Passenger liners often take a certain amount of (). A、cargoesB、cargoC shipmentsD、quantities

Any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from ships to which this Annex of MARPOL 73/78 applies shall be ______ except when special conditions are satisfied.A.requiredB.requestedC.promotedD.prohibited

The tanker has in operation,except as provided for in Regulation 15(5) and (6) of Annex A of MARPOL 73/78,an oil discharge monitoring and control system and ______ as required.A.an IGSB.a scriberC.a P/VD.a slop tank arrangement

An oil tanker,except as provided for otherwise,might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when ______.A.she is not within a special areaB.she is within a special areaC.she has just departured from a special areaD.she is about to enter a special area

Unless such oil tanker carries crude oil which is not suitable for crude oil washing,the oil tanker shall ______ the system in accordance with the requirements of that Regulation.A.operateB.checkC.installD.overhaul

The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks shall be ______ determined that the ship may operate safely on ballast voyages without recourse to the use of cargo tanks for water ballast except as provided otherwise.A.SuchB.AsC.SoD.Well

材料:Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing.The Administration shall undertake to ensure that the system fully complies with the requirements of MARPOL within one year after the tanker was first engaged in the trade of carrying crude oil or by the end of the third voyage carrying crude oil suitable for crude oil washing,whichever occurs later.Unless such oil tanker carries crude oil which is not suitable for crude oil washing,the oil tanker shall operate the system in accordance with the requirements of that Regulation.Every existing crude oil tanker of 40000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with segregated ballast tanks.Existing crude oil tankers may,in lieu of being provided with segregated ballast tanks,operate with a cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washing unless the crude oil tanker is intended to carry crude oil which is not suitable for crude oil washing.Existing crude oil tankers may,in lieu of being provided with segregated ballast tanks or operating with a cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washing,operate with dedicated clean ballast tanks in accordance with the provision of Regulation 13A of this Annex for the following period:for crude oil tankers of 70 000 tons deadweight and above,until two years after the date of entry into force of the present Convention;and for crude oil tankers of 40000 tons deadweight and above but below 70 000 tons deadweight,until four years after the date of entry into force of the present Convention.问题:A new crude oil tanker of 30000 tons deadweight shall ________.A.be fitted with crude oil washing systemB.operate dedicated clean ballast tanksC.be fitted with segregated ballast tanksD.be fitted with washing system other than crude oil washing systemExcept________,the existing crude oil tankers may operate with any of the following installations.A.segregated ballast tanksB.cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washingC.operate with dedicated clean ballast tanksD.protection positionThe latest date for an existing crude oil tanker of 60000 tons deadweight to install dedicated clean ballast tanks is ________.A.until two years after the date of entry into force of the present ConventionB.until four years after the date of entry into force of the present ConventionC.within one year after the tanker was first engaged in the trade of carrying crude oilD.by the end of the third voyage carrying crude oilIt is inferred that ________.A.all oil tankers,both the newly built and existing ones,shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washingB.a new crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and above may,in lieu of being provided with crude oil washing system,operate with segregated ballast tanksC.a new crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and above may,in lieu of being provided with crude oil washing system,operate with dedicated clean ballast tanksD.a new crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and above shall not be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing immediately after her entry in the trade of carrying crude oil请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

单选题The oil discharge monitoring system in the oil tanker vessels is used for detecting the amount of oil discharged overboard to ensure that it does not exceed()A15 liters nautical mileB30 liters nautical mileC60 liters nautical mileD100 liters nautical mile

单选题()is not a condition for a ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above other than an oil tanker to discharge certain amount of oil or oily mixtures into the sea.Athe ship is not within a special areaBthe ship is more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest landCthe ship is proceeding en routeDthe instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content does not exceed 60 liters per nautical mile

单选题In order to ensure the safety of the ship and its equipment during UMS operation, certain essential functions ().Amust be providedBmay be providedChave providedDcan be provided

单选题Which of the following operations aboard a tanker must be recorded in the Oil Record Book ()AAny internal transfer of oil cargo during a voyageBThe discharge overboard in port or at sea of any bilge water accumulated in machinery spacesCThe loading or unloading of any or all oil cargoDAll of the above

单选题Ballast water can only be()in cargo tanks in exceptional cases where the particular character of the operation of an oil tanker renders it necessary to carry ballast water in excess of the quantity required,provided that such operation of the oil tanker falls under the category of exceptional cases as established by the Organization.AcarriedBcontainedCfilledDstuffed

单选题It is necessary for us () after having served for a certain period.Ato change the lube oilBhave the lube oil purifiedChave the lube oil burntDto analyze the lube oil

单选题A hydrostatic release mechanism for a liferaft().Amust be wet before it will releaseBshould be kept in a watertight except in an emergencyCwill inflate the raft in its cradle if operaterd manuallyDmust be submerged to a certain depth to release automatically

单选题The supplement to the IOPP Certificate contains what type of data? ()AThe grades of cargo that an oil tanker is permitted to carryBA checklist of the equipment installed for controlling the discharge of oilCThe trade routes upon which the vessel may operateDA list of the underwriters who will assume financial responsibility in the event of an oil spill

单选题Oil Record Book Part I shall be provided to every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and above, () oil tankers, to record relevant machinery space operations.Aas well asBas long asCrather thanDother than

单选题An oil tanker,except as provided for otherwise,might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when().Ashe is not within a special areaBshe is within a special areaCshe has just departured from a special areaDshe is about to enter a special area

单选题Except as provided for otherwise,an oil tanker might discharge certain amount at certain rate of oil or oily mixtures into sea when().Athe tanker is within 50 nautical miles from the nearest landBthe tanker is no more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landCthe tanker is more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest landDthe tanker is not more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest land

单选题Any oil tanker which is not required to be provided with segregated ballast tanks in accordance with this paragraph may,however,be qualified as a segregated ballast tanker ()it complies with the other requirements of paragraphs of this Convention.Aprovided thatBon the part ofCneverthelessDnotwithstanding

单选题When welding or burning aboard a vessel, you must be certain that the space ().Ais properly ventedBcontains no explosive fumesChas no oil in the bilgesDall of the above

单选题Every()shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing.Aexisting crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and underBnew crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and underCexisting crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and aboveDnew crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above

单选题From Paragraph 4 we can infer that _____.Athe increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumersBWorld Corn serves as a good example of both benefits and costsCthe costs of the globalization process are enormousDthe Standard Oil trust might have threatened competition