the undersigned,Master of MV Roslyn,hereby declare that my vessel ______,at present time,no defects in engines or steering gear.A.hasB.isC.getsD.means

the undersigned,Master of MV Roslyn,hereby declare that my vessel ______,at present time,no defects in engines or steering gear.





The master of Utopia,________owners,hereby declare general average(共同海损).A.on behalf behalf behalf withD.on behalf with

A vessel is entering port A for the first time and has a Pilot conning the vessel. The Master is unsure that the Pilot is taking sufficient action to prevent a collision. What should the Master do? ______.A.Nothing; The Pilot is required by law and is solely responsible for the safety of the vesselB.State his concerns to the Pilot but do not interfere with the handling of the vesselC.Direct the Pilot to stop the vessel and anchor if necessary until the situation clearsD.Recommend an alternative action and if not followed relieve the Pilot

Before a Master relieves a Pilot of the conn,the ______.A.Master should foresee any danger to the vessel on the present courseB.vessel must be in extremisC.Master should agree to sign a release of liability formD.Master must first request the Pilot to take corrective action

The responsibility for maintaining the Official Logbook on voyages between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States rests with the ______.A.Chief Mate of the vesselB.Master of the vesselC.Deck Officer of the watch at the time of the occurrenceD.Purser of the vessel

______ behalf of my owners,I hereby give you my formal notice.A.AtB.OnC.OfD.In

I hereby ______ that my vessel is fitted with a rudder angle indicator and an engine revolution indicator on the bridge in such a position that the pilot may read both without having to move away from his station; and that the rudder angle indicator and engine revolution indicator are in good working condition.A.delayB.stateC.deleteD.contain

the undersigned,Master of MV Roslyn,certify that my vessel ______ the conditions laid down in Articles 18 and 45 of the Navigation Regulations.A.satisfiesB.incursC.occursD.contains

A declaration made by the Master before a PRC Consul,giving particulars regarding heavy weather or other incidents which may have caused damage to the vessel or cargo,through no fault of the vessel,her officers,or crew is a(n) ______.A.cargo addendumB.exception reportC.Master's declarationD.note of protest

______ fear of the damages and losses,I hereby note my protest.A.ToB.AgainstC.ForD.With

______,I hereby note my protest against all losses and damages,etc.,reserving the right to extend same at time and place convenient.A.Fearing loss and/or damageB.To fear loss and/or damageC.For fear loss and/or damageD.Fear loss and/or damage

I HEREBY ON BEHALF OF MY OWNERS DECLARE G.A. AND REQUIRE ALL PARTIES CONCERNED TO PROVIDE G.A. SECURITY ASAP.From this fax it is inferred that the vessel ______.A.has suffered some damage or lossB.requires her owners to provide some securityC.requires all parties to declare G.AD.concerned to provide G.A. to all parties

The Sellers hereby undertake to ______ the Buyers against all claims of whatever nature made against the Vessel in respect of liabilities incurred prior to the time of delivery.A.claim fromB.setoff withC.indemnifyD.recover from

With effect from the day and year stated in Box 4 and continuing ______ terminated as provided herein,the Owners hereby appoint the Managers and the Managers hereby agree to act as the Managers of the Vessel.A.unless and untilB.prior toC.afterD.being

I hereby declare that MV Ameber has a summer deadweight tonnage of cargo of 12,453 metric tons or a bale capacity of 18,987 cu. meters. This is a sentence from ______.A.Sea ProtestB.Declaration of DWTCC.Stability InformationD.Cargo Surveyor’s Report

I AM MAKING WATER means ______.A.My vessel is leakingB.My vessel is producing fresh waterC.My vessel is producing sea waterD.Sea water is de-salted on board my vessel

“你们可以按我指定的时间把礼物送到吗?” 翻译错误的是( )。A.Can you deliver my present the time I want?B.Can you deliver my present at time I want?C.Can you deliver present at the time I want?D.Can you deliver my present at the time I want?

Can you deliver my present at the time I want?译成中文是()?

单选题()fear of the damages and losses,I hereby note my protest.AToBAgainstCForDWith

单选题I hereby()you,on behalf of the Loocki Grain Co.,Lisbon,to pay to the Harbor Master of the Santa Marta,Columbia,the sum of 500,000 Peso which represents a fine levied on the above-named vessel for polluting the coastal waters with oily water.ApermitBentitleCauthorizeDgive the right to

单选题I hereby declare that my vessel has a()15400 metric tons.Abale capacityBgrain capacityCcargo capacityDDWTC

单选题A vessel is entering port A for the first time and has a Pilot conning the vessel. The Master is unsure that the Pilot is taking sufficient action to prevent a collision. What should the Master do().ANothing; The Pilot is required by law and is solely responsible for the safety of the vesselBState his concerns to the Pilot but do not interfere with the handling of the vesselCDirect the Pilot to stop the vessel and anchor if necessary until the situation clearsDRecommend an alternative action and if not followed relieve the Pilot

填空题Can you deliver my present at the time I want?译成中文是()?

单选题()behalf of my owners,I hereby give you my formal notice.AAtBOnCOfDIn

单选题Before a Master relieves a Pilot of the conn,the ().AMaster should foresee any danger to the vessel on the present courseBvessel must be in extremisCMaster should agree to sign a release of liability formDMaster must first request the Pilot to take corrective action

单选题You are advised to enter the traffic route at about 1730 hours,because a vessel is scheduled to enter at the time when you intended to enter.What can you understand from this seaspeak?().AIt's a warning of navigation for my vesselBIt's an advice from Port Control to order my vessel not enter the traffic route of the harborCIt's an advice to change my estimated time of entering the traffic routeDIt's an order from the VTS to indicate my vessel to follow the traffic route

单选题(),I hereby note my protest against all losses and damages,etc.,reserving the right to extend same at time and place convenient.AFearing loss and/or damageBTo fear loss and/or damageCFor fear loss and/or damageDFear loss and/or damage

单选题The damage to a vessel is over $25,000. Who must notify the nearest Coast Guard Marine Safety or Marine Inspection Office as soon as possible? ()AThe owner of the vesselBThe Master of the vesselCThe person in charge of the vessel at the time of casualtyDAny one of the above