A time diagram is a diagram of the celestial sphere as observed from above the ______.A.south celestial poleB.north celestial poleC.observer's meridianD.Greenwich meridian
A time diagram is a diagram of the celestial sphere as observed from above the ______.
A.south celestial pole
B.north celestial pole
C.observer's meridian
D.Greenwich meridian
● 在UML的动态建模机制中, (34) 描述了对象之间动态的交互关系,还描述了交互的对象之间的静态链接关系,即同时反映系统的动态和静态特征。(34)A. 状态图(State Diagram)B. 序列图(Sequence Diagram)C. 协作图(Collaboration Diagram)D. 活动图(Activity Diagram)
On a precedence diagram, the arrow between two boxes is called:A.An activity.B.A constraint.C.An event.D.The critical path.E.None of above.
Which quality management tool would be used to determine potential causes of a production problem?A . control chart.B . Ishikawa diagram.C . scatter diagram.D . histogram.E . run chart.
Using the diagram in the Special window, what is the probability that Alternative I will be adopted and completed below budget:A 1.4B 0.8C 0.2D 0.12E None of the above
128 On a precedence diagram, the arrow between two boxes is called:A. An activity.B. A constraint. C. An event.D. The critical path.E. None of above
169 Which quality management tool would be used to determine potential causes of a production problem?A. control chart.B. Ishikawa diagram.C. scatter diagram.D. histogram.E. run chart
116 Using the diagram in the Special window, what is the probability that Alternative I will be adopted and completed below budget:A. 1.4B. 0.8C. 0.2D. 0.12E. None of the above
在使用UML建模时,若需要描述跨越多个用例的单个对象的行为,使用______是最为合适的。A.协作图(Collaboration diagram)B.序列图(Sequence Diagram)C.活动图(Activity Diagram)D.状态图(Statechart Diagram)
在UML建模过程中,对象行为是对象间为完成某一目的而进行的一系列消息交换。若需要描述跨越多个用例的单个对象的行为,使用(43)是最为合适的。A.状态图(Statechart Diagram)B.交互图(Interactive Diagram)C.活动图(Activity Diagram)D.协作图(Collaboration Diagram)
在使用UML建模时,若需要描述跨多个用例的单个对象的行为,使用______是最为合适的。A.协作图(collaboration Diagram)B.序列图(Sequence Diagram)C.活动图(Activity Diagram)D.状态图(Statechart Diagram)
( )is used to model aggregates of information and the relationships these aggregates have to other.A.Data flow diagram B.Entity relationship diagram C.Sequence diagram D.Structure diagram
A time diagram is a diagram on the plane of the ______.A.celestial meridianB.celestial equatorC.celestial horizonD.principal vertical circle
Which of the following activities is the best for training detailed reading?A.Drawing a diagram to show the text structure.B.Giving the text an appropriate title.C.Transforming information from the text to a diagram.D.Finding out all the unfamiliar words.
The Unified Modeling Language is a standard graphical language for modeling object-oriented software. ( ) can show the behavior of systems in terms of how objects interact with each other. A.Class diagram B.Component diagram C.Sequence diagram D.Use case diagram
( ) is used to model aggregates of information and the relationships these aggregates have to other. A.DatA.flow diagram B. Entity relationship diagram C.Sequence diagram D.Structure diagram
单选题A time diagram is a diagram on the plane of the().Acelestial meridianBcelestial equatorCcelestial horizonDprincipal vertical circle
单选题The equator is().Athe primary great circle of the Earth perpendicular to the axisBthe line to which all celestial observations are reducedCthe line from which a celestial body's altitude is measuredDAll of the above
单选题关于Stick Diagram,下列说法正确的是()AStick Diagram包括了所有版图的信息。BStick Diagram的信息是不完整的,因此它对于版图没有任何帮助。CStick Diagram是版图的抽象表示,它可以帮助高效的画出版图。DStick Diagram没有层次的概念。
单选题Which of the following activities is the best for training detailed reading?ADrawing a diagram to show the text structure.BGiving the text an appropriate title.CTransforming information from the text to a diagram.DFinding out all the unfamiliar words.
单选题Which of the following activities is best for training detailed reading? _____ADrawing a diagram to show the text structureBGiving the text an appropriate titleCTransferring information from the text to a diagramDFinding out all the unfamiliar words
单选题A time diagram is a diagram of the celestial sphere as observed from above the().Asouth celestial poleBnorth celestial poleCobserver's meridianDGreenwich meridian