Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert ___________ it means standing in a queue all ifB.providedC.even ifD.whatever

Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert ___________ it means standing in a queue all night. if
C.even if


解析:考查连词。句意为“即使买到一张音乐会的票意味着排队一整晚,罗德还是决定买它”。 even if引导让步状语从句,表示“即使”,故C项为正确答案。as if“好像”,provided“假如,若是”。whatever“无论什么”,均不符合题意。


The word “reach” (Line 2, Para. 2) probably means ________.(A) get in touch with(B) get to(C) arrive at(D) meet the needs of

Mother dropped the glass ________ she was standing up from her seat.

A middle-aged man might want to see himself as a strong, attractive athlete, which means ().A、All middle-aged men are in good physical health.B、Men also hope to have a beautiful and strong appearance.C、Men usually want to look as attractive as possible.D、Older men should all get exercise in the gym.

manipulate means to get rid of control.()

By saying "We shall know a word by the company it keeps," John Firth, a British linguist, means that the real meaning of a word -____________. A is determined by a dictionaryB is determined by a native speakerC is determined by its contextD is determined by a linguist

It is () great pleasure that I am standing here with all of you tonight.A、ofB、atC、inD、with

The first ________ at the concert got the best seat. A. getB. gotC. reachD. arrive

What does an asset mean on the balance sheet?A.It means all the assets recorded in a period of time.B.It means the sum of all the individual asset amounts added over time.C.It means the individual dollar amount.D.It means accounting information expressed in special terms.

We are sure that he will get over his illness.A:certain B:aware C:happy D:determined

--I can make it to your concert around 9 o′ clock tomorrow night. --Well, by the time you arrive, I __________ my preference.A.have finishedB.had finishedC.will be finishedD.will have finished

I had to stand in a( )for hours to get tickets for the film.A.rowB.processionC.tailD.queue

We are sure that he will get over his illness.A:certain B:aware C:happy D:determined

My friends and I would like to go to the concert,but__________of us has got a ticket.A.bothB.noneC.neitherD.all

The bus broke down and all the passengers had to()A、get inB、get onC、get off

He checked in late, () he didn’t get a window seat.A、thatB、so thatC、until

Which step would you use to get information about the number of contacts currently in queue?()A、Get Contact Info  B、Get Session Info  C、Get Call Contact Info  D、Get Reporting Statistics

单选题The term bumped (line 2) most nearly means ______.Amoving up from coach to first class on your scheduled flightBgiving up your seat in exchange for a seat on a later flight and other compensationCpaying a small fee to be chosen for a better flightDexchanging your airline ticket for a voucher and choosing another means of transportationEselling your airline tickets to other passengers to make money

单选题A: Did you know that Whitney Houston was giving a concert last night in the town?  B: ______AWhy don’t you get some tickets for us?BI like her, but I didn’t have time for the concert.CWhy didn’t you tell me about it earlier?DMaybe we can go to see her concert some other time.

单选题The correct way to make an eye in a wire rope with clips is to place the clips with the().Afirst and third U-bolts on the bitter end and the second U-bolt on the standing partBfirst and third U-bolts on the standing part and the second U-bolt on the bitter endCU-bolts of all clips on the bitter endDU-bolts of all clips on the standing part

单选题The full utilization of berths can be achieved if().Aships arrive at randomBcargo-handling time varies greatlyCships have to queue to get onto berthsDships do not have to wait to get onto berths

单选题The local government is determined to wipe out all _____.AdevicesBjuicesCslicesDvices

单选题Underway vessels shall at all time maintain a proper look-out().Aby sight and hearing onlyBby all available means besides sight and hearingCby all available means except sight and hearingDby none of above means

单选题We ______ pay to get into the concert. It’s free.Acan’tBmustn’tCmight notDdon’t have to

问答题Teenagers who don't get enough rest have more learning, health, behavior and mood problems than students who get at least nine hours a night.

问答题Luckily, I could get the last ticket to the concert.

单选题He checked in late, () he didn’t get a window seat.AthatBso thatCuntil

填空题Before the flight takes off, all passengers are asked to (fast) ____ their seat belts.