命令“Convert”的目的是?() A.将FAT转换为FAT32B.将FAT32转换为NTFSC.将NTFS转换为FAT32D.将FAT32转换为FAT
Whenperformingadatabaseduplication,whichduplicatedatabaseparameterwouldyousettoensurethattheonlineredologsarecreatedinthecorrectlocation?() A.log_file_name_convertB.convert_log_file_nameC.file_name_convert_logD.redo_log_file_name_convertE.logfile_convert_directory
将舞台上的对象转换为元件的步骤是( ) A.1.选定舞台上的元素2. 单击Insert>Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定B.1. 单击Insert>Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框2.选定舞台上的元素3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定C.1.选定舞台上的元素,并将选定元素拖到库面板上2. 单击Insert>Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定D.1. 单击Insert>Convert to Symbol,打开Convert to Symbol对话框2.选定舞台上的元素,并将选定元素拖到库面板上3.填写Convert to Symbol对话框,并点击确定
For which action can you use the TO_DATE function?()A、Convert any date literal to a dateB、Convert any numeric literal to a dateC、Convert any character literal to a dateD、Convert any date to a character literalE、Format '10-JAN-99' to 'January 10 1999'
将计算机D盘的文件系统由FAT32无损转换为NTFS的命令是()。A、format D:///fs:ntfsB、convert D:///fs:ntfsC、dcpromo D:///fs:ntfsD、以上都对
对可编辑样条线(Convert to Editable Spline)进行修改时,下列说法正确的是()。A、设为首顶点(Makefirst)命令可以影响放样路径的起始端。B、熔合(FusE.命令可以焊接所有顶点。C、相交(CrossInsert)可连接两条线的顶点。D、对样条线顶点所进行的移动时是不可以生成动画。
将采用FAT32文件系统的磁盘d:转换为NTFS文件系统的正确做法是()。A、Convert FS:/d:NTFSB、Convert FS:d:/NTFSC、Convert /FS:NTFS d:D、Convert d: /FS:NTFS
层次原理图之间的切换,可使用菜单Tools下的()命令。A、Up/Down HierarchyB、AnnotateC、Convert Part To Sheet SymbolD、Cross Probe
The character mode sales report is stored on the network drive as a .REX. You need to make changes to the report layout. Using the report builder how would you change this file?()A、Open the file using the menu option file-open make the changes and recompile the report. B、Convert the file into .REP file using the report compiler make the changes and convert the file back to a .REX file. C、Execute the R30CONV command to convert the file to a .RDF file, make the changes and convert the file back to a .REX file. D、Choose file - administration-compile. Convert the file to a .REP file, make the changes and convert the file back to a .REX file. E、Execute the R30CONV command to convert the file to a .REP file, make the changes and convert the file back to a .REX file.
Which two tasks can you perform using only the TO_CHAR function? ()A、convert 10 to 'TEN'B、convert '10' to 10C、convert 10 to '10'D、convert 'TEN' to 10E、convert a date to a character expressionF、convert a character expression to a date
Which two tasks can your perform by using the TO_CHAR function? ()A、Convert 10 to 'TEN'B、Convert '10' to 10C、Convert '10' to '10'D、Convert 'TEN' to 10E、Convert a date to a character expressionF、Convert a character expression to a date
单选题有如下程序:#include void convert(char ch){ if(ch'D')convert(ch+1); printf(%c,ch);}main(){ convert('A'); printf(%);}程序运行后的输出结果是( )。AABCDDCBABABCDCADDCBA
单选题The character mode sales report is stored on the network drive as a .REX. You need to make changes to the report layout. Using the report builder how would you change this file?()AOpen the file using the menu option file-open make the changes and recompile the report. BConvert the file into .REP file using the report compiler make the changes and convert the file back to a .REX file. CExecute the R30CONV command to convert the file to a .RDF file, make the changes and convert the file back to a .REX file. DChoose file - administration-compile. Convert the file to a .REP file, make the changes and convert the file back to a .REX file. EExecute the R30CONV command to convert the file to a .REP file, make the changes and convert the file back to a .REX file.
单选题下列创建Subdiv Surfaces(细分表面)模型方法正确的是()。A执行Create>Subdiv Primitives(创建>细分基本体)菜单下的相应命令,创建出基本细分几何体B先创建多边形,选择对象后执行Modify>Convert>PolygonstoSubdiv(修改>转换>多边形转细分)命令,可以将选择的多边形转换为细分模型C选择NURBS模型,执行Modify>Convert>NURBStoSubdiv(修改>转换>NURBS转细分)命令,可以将选择的NURBS模型转换为细分模型D以上全部