15.A. aB.anC.theD.some


A. a





Tianan Men Square and () Great Wall are tow of the places everyone should see in () People’s Republic of China. A.the…theB./…/C.the…/D./…the

在()情况下,AT会执行建立连接流程 A.AT始发业务连接B.AN始发业务连接,发送Page消息,AT收到后page消息C.会话初始建立,需要配置协商时D.以上都对

15.A. atB.inC. onD. for

15.A. happenedB. solvedC. realizedD. found

If you would like to have some vegetable beef, what may be your choice?A.French Slam? B.Chicken-Fried Steak?C.The Super Bird? D.Sandwich with Salad or Soup?

15.A. go to schoolB. go to bedC. get to schoolD. get up

______recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S .would be higher than the number of English speaker by_____ year 2091. A.A, theB.A, /C.The ,/D.The, a

He usually goes out for ___ walk in ___ evening. A.a, theB.a, /C.the, /D./, /

His father is ___ old doctor.He often tells him not to smoke in ___ public. A.a, /B.an, /C.an, theD./, the

Everything eones with price;there is no mteh tning as a frce fttnneh in the wodd.A.a , a B.the , /C.the , a D.a , /

AT在进行配置协商,以及建立业务信道时,需要建立连接,执行下面哪些流程(). A.AT始发业务连接。B.AN始发业务连接,发送PAGE消息。AT收到后PAGE消息C.会话初始建立,需要配置协商时D.以上都不对,

__________ is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.A.A locutionary act B.An illocutionary actC.A perlocutionary act D.A performative act

In Vietnam__________ motorcycle is __ popular means of transportation.A.the; a B.a; /C.the ; the D.a; the

It′s___good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them___pleasure.A.不填,;aB.a;不填,C.the;aD.a;the

One of the prominent characteristics of a law is( ) A.the result on the individuals behavior on which a restraining influence is being exercised B.the result of a behavior on the members of the governmental agency C.the result of a behavior on ordinary citizens D.BothAandB

Which part of the European is still Catholic?( ) A.The southern and eastern two-thirds. B.The northern and western one-third. C.The Spanish-ruled Netherlands. D.The northern part approximating to modern Holland.

A.the government B.the consumer C.the processor D.the grower

The research at the University of Wisconsin is mentioned to show( ) A.the isolation of stem cells B.the effects of gene therapies C.the advantages of human cloning D.the limitations of tissue replacements

The Parliament of Australia consists of the House of Representatives and( ) A.the House of Commons B.the House of Lords C.the Senate D.the General

It can be learned from Paragraphs 1 and 2 that the EEOB has housed( ) A.Supervising Architect of the Treasury B.the growing staffs of the Executive Branch Departments C.only a few of staffs of the State,War,and Navy Departments D.some prominent diplomats and politicians

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the change in business procedures?( ) A.An increase in credit sales. B.The use of courier services between cities. C.The adoption of simpler accounting procedures. D.The improvement of roads.

Changes in pension schemes were also part of( ) A.the corporate layoffs B.the government cuts in welfare spending C.the economic restructuring D.the warning power of labors unions

In the Canadian parliamentary system,( )holds the highest position. A.The British Crown B.The President C.The Governor General D.The Prime Minister

In Australia, the Constitution can be changed only by ( ) A.referendum B.British Queen C.the Prime Minister D.the Supreme Court

Henry Fielding′s ( )indicates the genre of novel has got to the mature period. A.Joseph Andrews B.Jonathan Wild C.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling D.Amelia

The poem“I Sought tell my love, Love that never told can be” violates among the ( ) Cooperative Principle. A.the maxim of quality B.the maxim of relation C.the maxim of quantity D.the maxim of manner

Percy Bysshe Shelley was famous for( ). A.Ode to a Nightingale B.Ode to Autumn C.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner D.Prometheus Unbound

What is the highest mountain in Britain? A.Scafell B.Ben Nevis C.The Cotswolds D.The Forth