The Democratic Party led by Andrew Jackson represented the interests of()A、northern industrialistsB、southern slave ownersC、frontiersmenD、Both B and C

The Democratic Party led by Andrew Jackson represented the interests of()

  • A、northern industrialists
  • B、southern slave owners
  • C、frontiersmen
  • D、Both B and C


The United States has two major Political Parties: One is the Democratic Party, which evolved out of Thomas Jefferson’s party, formed before 1800. The other is the Republican Party, which was formed in the 1850s.()此题为判断题(对,错)。

The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph support the () Party. A.LaborB.RadicalC.ConservativeD.Democratic

Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States in 1861, representing the Democratic Party.()

liberal democratic party is the newest of the major national parties. ()

The vessel shall be employed in such lawful trades between safe ports and places within Northern America as the ______ or their agents shall direct.A.CharterersB.Cargo ownersC.OwnersD.The merchants

The author mentions bankers and investors in the passage as an example of which of the following?( ) A.The Democratic Party s main source of support B.The people that Democrats claimed were unfairly becoming rich C.The people most interested in a return to a simple agrarian republic D.One of the groups in favor of Andrew Jackson’s presidency

The two main islands of the British Isles are( ). A.Great Britain and Northern Ireland B.Great Britain and Northern Scotland C.Great Britain and Southern Wales D.Great Britain and Southern England

There are three main parties represented in the House of Representatives of Australia,which one is the oldest party?( ) A.The Australian Labor Party B.The Nationals C.The Liberal Party of Australia D.Australian Greens party

The American president involved in Watergate Scandal was( ) A.Richard Nixon B.George Bush C.Andrew Jackson D.Bill Clinton

The author mentions bankers and investors in the passage as an example of which of the following?( ) A.The Democratic Party s main source of support. B.The people that Democrats claimed were unfairly becoming rich. C.The people most interested in a return to a simple agrarian republic. D.One of the groups in favor of Andrew Jackson’s presidency.

The Democratic Party led by Andrew Jackson represented the interests of()Anorthern industrialistsBsouthern slave ownersCfrontiersmenDBoth B and C

Like the island continent of Antarctica,Australia is located entirely in()Athe Northern HemisphereBthe Southern HemisphereCthe North PoleDthe South Pole

Canada is located in ()Athe Southern HemisphereBThe Northern HemisphereCthe Western HemisphereDThe Eastern Hemisphere

In 1896()took over and the country was ruled under Sir Wilfrid Laurier.A、the Conservative PartyB、the Liberal PartyC、the Labor PartyD、the New Democratic Party

Ireland is divided into two political parts:().A、Northern Ireland and Southern IrelandB、Southern Ireland and the Republic of IrelandC、The Republic of Ireland and Northern IrelandD、Northern Ireland and Britain

检测肉毒毒素常用()。A、SPA快速诊断法B、动物实验C、Northern blotD、southern blot

Canada is located in ()A、the Southern HemisphereB、The Northern HemisphereC、the Western HemisphereD、The Eastern Hemisphere

Like the island continent of Antarctica,Australia is located entirely in()A、the Northern HemisphereB、the Southern HemisphereC、the North PoleD、the South Pole


()was formed by the trade unions, cooperatives, the Social Democratic Federation, the Independent Labour Party and the Fabian Society in 1900.A、The Conservative PartyB、The Labour PartyC、The Liberal Party.

问答题Passage 1  Historians of the war can be 1 into two schools. The 2 considers that it was the unavoidable outcome of conflicting interests between Northern and Southern states. The second blames it 3 political leaders for __4__ to avert an unnecessary war.  Analysts are also divided on whether the issue of slavery was the primary cause of the war, 5 a symptom of other more critical differences—especially sectional interests and the doctrine of states’ rights—between the North and South 6 had been developing since the formation of the American republic.  The fundamental distinction was economic. In the early 1840s the Northern states began the process of industrialization, modernizing their society to 7 the demands of economic change. 8 conclusion, the slogan of Abraham Lincoln’s Republican party, “free labor, free land, free man” encapsulated the ideology of valuing the freedom of individuals to grasp the opportunity 9 economic self-advancement in a booming, expanding society.  The Southern states remained stubbornly agricultural 10 economically and socially. It was a backward-looking way of life of tall white mansions on great plantations dependent on a labour system which made slaves of approximately 4 million black Americans.  America was thus divided by economic structure, and was led into fratricidal (杀同胞的) warfare by 11 series of political clashes. The most common cause was the future of the West. The crises 12 California’s admission in 1850 and over Kansas-Nebraska in 1854 were typical of the divergent economic interests of North and South in relation to the 13 .  The North wanted free land for independent labour in the same new territories 14 the South sought to perpetuate its traditional way of life by extending slavery. The issue was not the slavery already practised, but the prospect of its extension 15 the West.

单选题A current will develop between areas of different density in ocean waters. If you face in the same direction the current is flowing,the water of().Ahigh density will be on the left in the Northern HemisphereBhigh density will be on the right in the Southern HemisphereClow density will be on the left in the Northern HemisphereDlow density will be on the left in the Southern Hemisphere

单选题()was formed by the trade unions, cooperatives, the Social Democratic Federation, the Independent Labour Party and the Fabian Society in 1900.AThe Conservative PartyBThe Labour PartyCThe Liberal Party.

单选题Conversation between two strangers at a party.  Chester: Hello, I am Brian Chester. Let me get you some more to drink.  Jackson: Not at the moment, thank you. ______AHow do you do?BHow are you?CI am Andrew Jackson.DI am glad to meet you.

单选题_____ is the primary opposition to the Conservatives.AThe Liberal PartyBThe Conservative PartyCThe Labor PartyDThe Liberal Democratic Party

单选题Canada is located in().Athe Southern HemisphereBThe Northern HemisphereCthe Western HemisphereDThe Eastern Hemisphere

单选题The Democratic Party led by Andrew Jackson represented the interests of()Anorthern industrialistsBsouthern slave ownersCfrontiersmenDBoth B and C