大数据(big data)具有5V的特点,指的是哪些呢?

大数据(big data)具有5V的特点,指的是哪些呢?

Volume - 大量化,那么什么又算是大量化?正常的计算机处理4g数据需要4分钟的时间,处理1TB需要3个小时的时间,而达到1Pb的数据需要4个月零3天的时间,只有达到pb以上的数据才可以被称之为大数据; Variety - 多样化, 如果一定要把数据分类,最简单的方法是分两类,结构化与非结构化。随着互联网和物联网的发展,又扩展到网页、社交媒体、感知数据,涵盖音频、图片、视频、模拟信号等等,真正诠释了数据的多样性; Velocity - 高速化,什么又称之为高速?就上面的例子而言就处理1PB的数据不到1秒就可以实现,这就是高速,为什么要有高速,是因为数据也是有一个时效性的,超过了这个时间这个数据就会失去其作用; Veracity - 真实性, 大数据中的内容是与真实世界中的发生息息相关的,研究大数据就是从庞大的网络数据中提取出能够解释和预测现实事件的过程; Value - 价值化, 就是获取有价值的数据,如果用行业来类比大数据分析,那么在互联网金融领域甚至整个互联网行业中,最重要的并不是如何炼油,而是如何获得优质原油。


Is a massive volume of structured and unsteuctured data so large it is difficult to process using traditional database or software technique( ).A.Data Processing systemB.Big DataC.Data warehouseD.DBMS

( )is a trem for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture . data curation. Search. Sharing. Storage . transfer. Visualization . querying updating and information privacyA.Data marketB.Data varehouseC.Big dataD.BI

()is a collection of data sets,which is so large and complet that is because difficult to process using on hand database management tools or traditional data peocessing applicationsA.big dataB.clusterC.parallel computingD.data warehouse

() .is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate Challenges include analysis, capture, data ?curation, search, sharing, storage,transfer,visualization, querying, updating and information privacy.A.Data market'B.Data warehouseC.Big dataD.BI

( ) are datasets that grow so large that they become awkward to work with on-hand database management tools.A.Data structures B.Relations C.Big data D.Metadata

()can help organizations to better understand the information contained within the data and will also tify the data that is most important to the business and future business decisions.A.DatA.processing systemB.Big DatA.analyticsC.ClouD.computingD.Database management

下列选项中,其中是大数据5V特点的是( )。A.VolecityB.VelocityC.VearcityD.Valoe

( ) is a collection of data sets, which is so large and complex that is becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications.A.Big dataB.ClusterC.Parallel computingD.Data warehouse

( )is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture ,data curation.,search,sharing,storage,transfer,visualization,querying, updating and information privacy.A.Data market B.Data warehouse C.Big data D.BI

( ) is a collection of data sets,which is so large and complex that is becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications. A.Big data B.Cluster C.Parallel computing D.DatA.warehouse

下列描述大数据(big data)不正确的是()A、ValueB、VarietyC、VelocityD、Vain

( )is a collection of data sets, which is so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications.A、Big dataB、ClusterC、Parallel computingD、Data warehouse

大数据(big data)或称(),指的是所涉及的资料量规模巨大到无法通过目前主流软件工具,在合理时间内达到撷取、管理、处理、并整理成为帮助企业经营决策更积极目的的资讯。A、巨量资料B、大量资料C、巨量数据

网络操作系统应当提供哪些安全保障()A、验证(Authentication)B、授权(Authorization)C、数据保密性(Data Confidentiality)D、数据一致性(Data Integrity)E、数据的不可否认性(Data Nonrepudiation)


()指的是伴随大量活动遗留的数据。A、Public dataB、Private dataC、Data exhaustD、Community data


大数据(Big Data)这个概念最早是由美国哪个公司提出来的?()A、谷歌公司B、微软公司C、IBM公司D、EMC公司

下列关于大数据(Big data)特点的叙述,错误的是()。A、数据体量巨大B、数据类型繁多C、商业价值高D、处理速度慢

大数据(Big Data)这个概念最早是由美国()提出来的。

单选题大数据(Big Data)这个概念最早是由美国哪个公司提出来的?()A谷歌公司B微软公司CIBM公司DEMC公司


单选题下列关于大数据(Big data)特点的叙述,错误的是()。A数据体量巨大B数据类型繁多C商业价值高D处理速度慢

多选题大数据本身是一个比较抽象的概念,单从字面来看,它表示数据规模的庞大。大数据(Big Data)以10TB(1TB=1024GB)规模以上的数据量同过去的海量数据有所区别。它具有以下特点()。A复杂性B规模性C多样性D高速性E具有价值性


单选题()指的是伴随大量活动遗留的数据。APublic dataBPrivate dataCData exhaustDCommunity data

填空题大数据(Big Data)这个概念最早是由美国()提出来的。

单选题大数据(Big Data)这个概念最早是由美国哪个公司提出来的?()A 谷歌公司B 微软公司C IBM公司D EMC公司