Walt Whitmans poetry is characteristic of_________. A.free verseB.blank verseC.alliterationD.end rhyme

Walt Whitmans poetry is characteristic of_________.

A.free verse

B.blank verse


D.end rhyme


It is simple enough to say that since books have classes fiction, biography, poetry,we should separate them and take from each what it right that each should give us.书既然有小说、传记、诗歌之分,就应区别对待,从各类书中取其应该给予我们的东西.()此题为判断题(对,错)。

听力原文: [29] Moving away from newspapers, let's now focus on magazines. Now the first magazine was a little periodical called The Review, and it was started in London in 1704. It looked a lot like the newspapers of the time. But in terms of its content, it was much different. [30] Newspapers were concerned mainly with news events, but The Review focused on important domestic issues of the day, as well as the policies of the government. Now in England at that time, people could still be thrown in jail for publishing articles that were critical of the king. And that's what happened to Daniel Defoe. He was the outspoken founder of The Review. Defoe actually wrote the first issue of The Review from prison. You see, he had been arrested because of his writings that criticized the policies of the Church of England, which was headed by the king. After his release, Defoe continued to produce The Review and the magazine started to appear on a more frequent schedule, about three times a week. It didn't take long for other magazines to start popping up. [31] In 1709, a magazine called The Tattler began publication. This new magazine contained a mixture of news, poetry, political analysis, and philosophical essays.(30)A.Early newspapers in England.B.The early history of magazines.C.The life of Daniel Defoe.D.Differences between newspapers and magazines.

Parents transmit some of their()to their children.A. characteristicsB. characterC. characteristic

which literary form. flourished in elizabethan age more than any other form. of literature?A. Novel.B. Drama.C. Poetry.D. Essay.

Password is a secret series of(73) that enables a user to access a file, computer, or program. On multi-user systems, each user must enter his or her password before the computer will respond to(74). The password helps ensure that(75) users do not access the computer. In addition, data files and programs may require a password.A.symbolB.signC.charactersD.characteristic

Password is a secret series of(69)that enables a user to access a file, computer, or program. On multi-user systems, each user must enter his or her password before the computer will respond to(70). The password helps ensure that(71)users do not access the computer. In addition, data files and programs may require a password.A.symbolB.signC.charactersD.characteristic

When I was about twelve,I suddenly developed a great passion writing( )poetry.for

共用题干Old and ActiveIt is well一known that life expectancy is longer in Japan than in most other countries.A______(51) report also shows that Japan has the longest health expectancy in the world.A healthy long life is the result of the______(52)in social environment?Scientists are trying to work______(53)exactly what keeps elderly Japanese people so healthy,and whether there is。lesson to be_____(54)from their lifestyles for the rest of us.Should we______(55)any changes to our eating habits,for instance,or go jogging each day before breakfast?Is there some secret______(56)in the Japanese diet that is particularly______(57)to the human body? Another factor______(58)to the rapid population aging in Japan is a decline in birthrate.Although longer life should be celebrated,it is_____(59)considered a social problem.The number of older people had_(60)in the last half century and that has increased pension and medical costs.The country could soon be_(61)an economic problem,if there are so many old people to be looked ______(62),and relatively few younger people working and paying taxes to support them.______(63)the retirement age from 65 to 70 could be one solution to the problem.Work can give the elderly a______(64)of responsibility and mission in life.It's important that the elderly play active ______(65)in the society and live in harmony with all generations.64._________A:sense B:sentiment C:feeling D:characteristic

共用题干It is well一known that life expectancy is longer in Japan than in most other countries.A______(51) report also shows that Japan has the longest health expectancy in the world.A healthy long life is the result of ___________(52)in social environment.Scientists are trying to work___________(53)exactly what keeps elderly Japanese people so healthy,and whether there is a lesson to be__________(54)from their lifestyles for the rest of us. Should we_________(55) any changes to our eating habits,for instance,or go jogging each day before breakfast?Is there any secret ingredient in the Japanese diet___________(56)is particularly beneficial____________(57)the human body?Another factor contributing to the rapid population aging in Japan is a___________(58)in birthrate. Although longer________(59)should be celebrated,it is actually considered as a social problem.The ___________(60)of older people had doubled in the last half century and that has increased pension and medical costs.The country could soon be__________(61)an economic problem,if there are so many old people to be looked____________(62)and relatively few younger people working and paying taxes to support them._________(63)the retirement age from 65 to 70 could be one solution to the problem.Work can give the elderly a________(64)of responsibility and mission in life.It'S important that the elderly play active ___________(65)in the society and live in harmony with all generations._________(64)A:senseB:sentimentC:feelingD:characteristic

共用题干Old and ActiveIt is well-known that life expectancy is longer in Japan than in most other countries.A________(51) report also shows that Japan has the longest health expectancy in the world.A healthy long life is the result of the________(52)in social environment.Scientists are trying to work__________(53)exactly what keeps elderly Japanese people so healthy,and whether there is a lesson to be_________(54)from their lifestyles for the rest of us.Should we________ (55)any changes to our eating habits,for instance,or go jogging each day before breakfast?Is there some secret___________(56)in the Japanese diet that is particularly___________(57)to the human body?Another factor____________(58)to the rapid population aging in Japan is a decline in birthrate.Although longer life should be celebrated,it is____________(59)considered a social problem.The number of older people had__________(60)in the last half century and that has increased pension and medical costs.The country could soon be____________(61)an economic problem,if there are so many old people to be looked ___________(62),and relatively few younger people working and paying taxes to support them.___________(63)the retirement age from 65 to 70 could be one solution to the problem.Work can give the elderly a___________(64)of responsibility and mission in life.It's important that the elderly play active ________(65)in the society and live in harmony with all generations._________(64)A:senseB:sentimentC:feelingD:characteristic