The country’s wealth comes chiefly from its many (). A.herd of cattleB.heard of cattlesC.herds of cattleD.herds of cattles

The country’s wealth comes chiefly from its many ().

A.herd of cattle

B.heard of cattles

C.herds of cattle

D.herds of cattles


The _____ problem is to unite all the members and go on with our cause.A. principle B. principal C. primarily D. chiefly


Amarathon(马拉松)testsarunner's(). A.patienceB.enduranceC.intelligenceD.wealth

They’re organizing a campaign to draw people’s _______ to the environmentally harmful effects of using their cars. A. attentionB. ideaC. thoughtsD. wealth

A: Whose dog is it? B: ( )our dog. ( )name is Rex.A. It's…It'sB. Its… ItsC. It's… Its

The economy of Ireland has been traditionally agricultural,but since ()country.sindustrial base has expanded.Athe mid-1950sBthe mid-1960sCthe 1970sDthe 1980s

A: Whose dog is it? B:()our dog. () name is RexAIt’s;It’sBIts;ItsCIt’s;Its

1、下面程序的输出结果是()。 def StudentInfo(country='中国',name): print('%s,%s'%(name,country)) StudentInfo('美国','大卫')A.大卫,美国B.美国,大卫C.大卫,中国D.报错

3、下面程序的输出结果是()。 def StudentInfo(country='中国',name): print('%s,%s'%(name,country)) StudentInfo('美国','大卫')A.大卫,美国B.美国,大卫C.大卫,中国D.报错

请改正下面程序中存在的错误。 def StudentInfo(country='China', chineselevel='A', name): print('%s,%s,%s'%(name,country,chineselevel)) StudentInfo(country='America', chineselevel='B', name='John')