27 Monte Carlo simulation:A. Was originally developed by Dr. CarloB. Is a European technique for assessing project risksC. assumes the future risk events will occur at random according to predetermined probability distributionsD. is a technique to stimulate create risk event resolutionE. A, B and C only
27 Monte Carlo simulation:
A. Was originally developed by Dr. Carlo
B. Is a European technique for assessing project risks
C. assumes the future risk events will occur at random according to predetermined probability distributions
D. is a technique to stimulate create risk event resolution
E. A, B and C only
150 The starting point in the development of a top-down PERT/CPM chart is the _____ .A. Project specification tree.B. Customer's deliverable list.C. Customer's milestone dates.D. Work breakdown structure.E. Listing of customer team meeting dates
你正在领导一个项目团队开发一种非常复杂的产品,这种产品可以通过电离子直接作用于人的大脑前额皮层来刺激人的神经系统。由于项目在技术上非常复杂,使得你必须对成本进行严格地跟踪和控制,其中主要包括直接成本和间接成本(企业一般管理费用)。你发现对间接成本的管理特别困难,这是因为它:( )A.是按照“一个项目一个项目”的方式来处理的B.只代表直接的劳动成本C.只代表项目需要的设备和原料D.项目经理不能控制这部分成本支出
在进行自制/外购分析并评审其结果后,你们公司决定与外面签署一个医药研究项目的项目管理服务的合同。因为你们公司刚开始实行项目管理,不知道合同需要的服务范围。在这种情况下,签订一个什么样的合同最合适?( )A.总价合同B.固定价值加激励的合同C.成本加一个成本百分数的合同D.工时和材料单价合同