54 Historical records during close-out are useful to _____ and _____ for future projects.A. Predict trends, highlight problems.B. Analyze successes, shortfalls.C. Analyze strengths, document results.D. Support litigation, defend claims.E. Justify results, set standards

54 Historical records during close-out are useful to _____ and _____ for future projects.

A. Predict trends, highlight problems.

B. Analyze successes, shortfalls.

C. Analyze strengths, document results.

D. Support litigation, defend claims.

E. Justify results, set standards


The policy of reform. and opening up has a positive ____ on Chinese economic development. A. roleB. impactC. impressD. future

35______A. healthB. safetyC.joyD. future

Tom is the ( ) buyer of my house. A.prospectiveB.prospectC.futuristicD.future

Small molecules hold the ____ for convenient diabetes treatment.A: profitsB: promiseC: wishD: future

He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _____.[A] future[B] possibility[C] ability[D] opportunity

The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics.A:useless B:practicalC:little D:useful

The research should prove invaluable the study of linguistics.A:uselessB:practicalC:littleD:useful

The chemical is deadly to rats but safe to cattle.A: fatalB: hatefulC: goodD: useful

future __________ 子孙后代

p__________ future 光明的前途