183 Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element is behind schedule but under budget?A. Element PB. Element QC. Element RD. Element SE. None of the above

183 Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element is behind schedule but under budget?

A. Element P

B. Element Q

C. Element R

D. Element S

E. None of the above


Which of the following networking methods allows us to show that the last % of one element cannot be completed until % of a previous element has been completed?A.PERTB.ADMC.PDMD.All of the above.E.A and C only.

Using the situation stated in the Special window, WBS Element Q is _____ budget by _____ percent.A . Over, 16.66B . Under, 16.66C . Over, 10.0D . Under, 10.0E . None of the above.

Using the situation stated in the Special window, the schedule performance index (SPI) for WBS Element P is:A . 1.1B . 0.9C . 0.956D . 1.15E . 0.869

Using the situation stated in the Special window, the cost performance index (CPI) for WBS Element R is:A . 0.875B . 1.14C . 0.952D . 0.833E . 1.2

Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element has a favorable cost variance of $150?A . Element PB . Element QC . Element RD . Element SE . None of the above.

Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element is behind schedule but under budget?A . Element PB . Element QC . Element RD . Element SE None of the above.

161 Which of the following networking methods allows us to show that the last 10% of one element cannot be completed until 62% of a previous element has been completed?A. PERTB. ADMC. PDMD. All of the above.E. A and C only

43 Which of the following networking methods allows us to show that the last 10% of one element cannot be completed until 62% of a previous element has been completed?A. PERTB. ADMC. PDMD. All of the above.E. A and C only.

101 Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element is behind schedule but under budget?A. Element PB. Element QC. Element RD. Element SE. None of the above

102 Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element has a favorable cost variance of $150?A. Element PB. Element QC. Element RD. Element SE. None of the above

103 Using the situation stated in the Special window, the cost performance index (CPI) for WBS Element R is:A. 0.875B. 1.14C. 0.952D. 0.833E. 1.20

104 Using the situation stated in the Special window, the schedule performance index (SPI) for WBS Element P is:A. 1.10B. 0.90C. 0.956D. 1.15E. 0.869

112 Using the data shown in the Special window, Activities P, Q, and T are critical path activities. In order to shorten the time duration of the project, which activity should be "crashed" first?A. PB. QC. RD. SE. T

You are using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to create a service. You need to implement a custom message-level security binding element. Which binding element should you use?() A. Transport Security Binding ElementB. Https Transport Binding ElementC. Ssl Stream Secunty Binding ElementD. Windows Stream Security Binding Element

Which element(s) should be taken into account in the preparation of the "Cargo Securing Manual"?A.Weight of the vehiclesB.Geographical area of the voyageC.Dynamic forces under adverse weather conditionsD.All of the above

在J2EE中,使用()选项中的代码,可以生成如下XML文档:      Tony Blair      A、Element people = doc.createElement("PEOPLE");  Element person = doc.createElement("PERSON"); Element name = doc.createElement("NAME"); name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Tony Blair")); people.appendChild(person); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);B、Element people = doc.createElement("PEOPLE");  Element person = doc.createElement("PERSON"); people.appendChild(person); Element name = doc.createElement("NAME"); name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Tony Blair")); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);C、Element people = doc.createElement("PEOPLE");  Element person = doc.createElement("PERSON"); people.appendChild(person); Element name = doc.createElement("NAME"); name.appendText(doc.createTextNode("Tony Blair")); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);D、Element people = doc.createElement("PEOPLE");  Element person = doc.createElement("PERSON");Element name = doc.createElement("NAME"); name.createTextNode("Tony Blair"); people.appendChild(person); person.appendChild(name); doc.appendChild(people);

有如下XML代码段: <element>text</element> 可以通过哪些方法获得标记<element>中的数据“text”?

Which two are valid values for the  element inside a  element of a web application deployment descriptor?()A、 NULLB、 SECUREC、 INTEGRALD、 ENCRYPTEDE、 CONFIDENTIAL

Which element of a web application deployment descriptor  element is required?()A、realm-nameB、auth-methodC、security-roleD、transport-guaranteeE、web-resource-collection

下面的文件正确吗?为什么?用IE和本章中的解析器验证你的结论。 mes.dtd <!ELEMENT message ANY> <!ELEMENT persion (name,age?,lxfs)> <!ELEMENT lxfs (#PCDATA,tel|email)*> <!ELEMENT name (first,last)> <!ATTLIST name sex (male|female) "male"> <!ELEMENT first %pc; > <!ELEMENT last %pc;> <!ELEMENT age %pc;> <!ELEMENT tel %pc;> <!ELEMENT email %pc;> <!ENTITY % pc “(#PCDATA)”> <!ELEMENT emergency EMPTY> <!ATTLIST emergency fire CDATA #FIXED "119" police CDATA #FIXED "110" hospital CDATA #FIXED "120" > mes.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?> <!DOCTYPE SYSTEM "mes.dtd"> <message> <persion> <name sex="男"> <first>li</first> <last>xiao</last> </name> <age>25</age> <lxfs> <tel>123456</tel> </lxfs> </persion> <persion> <name> <first>wang</first> <last>xiao</last> </name> <lxfs></lxfs> </persion> <emergency fire="120" police="110" /> </message>


Which two security mechanisms can be directed through a sub-element of the element in a web application deployment descriptor?()A、AuthorizationB、Data integrityC、ConfidentialityD、Authentication

Which two are valid values for the  element inside a  element ofa web application deployment descriptor?()A、NULLB、SECUREC、INTEGRALD、ENCRYPTEDE、CONFIDENTIAL

You are using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to create a service. You need to implement a custom message-level security binding element. Which binding element should you use?()A、Transport Security Binding ElementB、Https Transport Binding ElementC、Ssl Stream Secunty Binding ElementD、Windows Stream Security Binding Element

单选题Which element(s) should be taken into account in the preparation of the “Cargo Securing Manual”?()AWeight of the vehiclesBGeographical area of the voyageCDynamic forces under adverse weather conditionsDAll of the above


多选题Which two are valid values for the  element inside a  element of a web application deployment descriptor?()ANULLBSECURECINTEGRALDENCRYPTEDECONFIDENTIAL