● A program is characterized as:A a grouping or related tasks lasting one year or less.B a unique undertaking having a definite time period.C a grouping of similar projects having no definite end that supports the product(s) from cradle to grave.D a project with a cost over $1 million.E None of the above.

● A program is characterized as:

A a grouping or related tasks lasting one year or less.

B a unique undertaking having a definite time period.

C a grouping of similar projects having no definite end that supports the product(s) from cradle to grave.

D a project with a cost over $1 million.

E None of the above.


Which of the following is the desirable characteristic of lab meat?A. It should be nice-looking and long-lasting.B. It should be easily available in supermarket.C. It should look and taste like the traditional meat.D. It should be a cure for bird flu and mad cow disease.

下列各个选项中对字符数组赋字符串的语句中,错误的是( )。A.char s[10];s="program";B.char s[]="program";C.char s[10]="program";D.char s[10]; strcpy(s,"program");

What learning strategy can the following help to train?Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right.A.Grouping.B.Collocation.C.Imitation.D.Imagery.

Have you heard of the relevant report?A:relative B:repeatedC:detailed D:related

This table is strong and durable.A: eternalB: far-reachingC: extensiveD: long-lasting

共用题干Improve Your MemoryTo many people advancing age means losing your hair,your waistline and your memory.But is it an inescapable fact that the older you get,the less you remember? Well,as time goes by,we tend to blame age for problems that are not necessarily age-related.When a teenager can't find her keys,she thinks it's because she's distracted or disorganized, but a 70-year-old blames her memory. In fact,the 70-year-old may have been misplacing things for decades一like we all do from time to time.In healthy people,memory doesn't deteriorate as quickly as many of us think. According to psychologists,as we age,our memory mechanism isn't broken,it's just different.The brain's processing time slows down over the years,though no one knows exactly why.Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency and that there's less activity in the part of the brain that decides whether to store information or not.But it's not clear that less activity is worse.A beginning athlete is winded. more easily than a trained athlete.In the same way,as the brain gets more skilled at a task,it spends less energy on it.There are steps you can take to improve your memory,though you have to work to keep your brain in shape.It's like having a good body. You can't go to the gym once a year and expect to stay in top form.Some memory enhancement experts suggest using the AM principle.Pay attention to what you want to remember. Then give some meaning to it. We remember things when we focus on them, whether we intend to or not. That helps explain why jingles stick in our minds.They are played on loud,flashy TV commercials.They also use rhyme and music to help us remember better.Basic organization helps us remember the boring stuff. For example,rather than trying to recall a random list of groceries,we can divide them into categories,such as dairy,meat and produce. For important things like keys and money,we can set up a"forget-me-not"spot where we always keep them.We can also eat to aid our memory power. Whole grains,fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of glucose,the brain's preferred fuel. Another low-tech way to improve memory is to get adequate rest. Sleep may allow our brain time to encode memories.Interest in friends,family and hobbies does wonders for our memory.A sense of passion or purpose helps us remember. Memory requires us to pay attention to our lives,allowing us to discover in them everything worth remembering.It can be inferred from the passage that memory problems are not really age-related.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several_______. A.workflow engines B.processes C.workflow threads D.tasks

【同步问题解决方案-③】接续第59题 ③处应填入()A.P(mutex);B.P(tasks);C.V(mutex);D.V(tasks);

【同步问题解决方案-⑤】接续第59题 ⑤处应填入()A.P(mutex);B.P(tasks);C.V(mutex);D.V(tasks);

【同步问题解决方案-④】接续第59题 ④处应填入()A.P(mutex);B.P(tasks);C.V(mutex);D.V(tasks);