The teacher discussed with Jim, _____problems was poor study habits. A. one of whichB. one of whoseC. whoseD. who's

The teacher discussed with Jim, _____problems was poor study habits.

A. one of which

B. one of whose

C. whose

D. who's


Natalie breaks up with her boyfriend because he thinks that she is () A、atB、leanC、cruelD、poor

[A] scarce [B] little [C] rare [D] poor

_______ people need more and more time and caring from their children when they are getting older and older. A. YoungB. richC. elderlyD. poor

He was kept in appalling conditions in prison.A:dreadful B:badC:unpleasant D:poor

He talked over his ideas with his boss.A:commented B:mentionedC:argued D:discussed

_______ at the man in charge of the information office.?"We must keep a secret of the things _______ here", the general said,A.discussed, stared seriouslyB.being discussed, seriously be discussed, seriously stareD.D.discussed, stareD.

They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two years.A:dreadfulB:badC:unpleasantD:poor

I thought that this would be a funny trick()Jim.Ato play onBto have playedCplaying onDto being played on

请看一下代码,《插入代码》处应填入的代码是()Map map=new HashMap(); map.put(“tom”,123.6); map.put(“jim”,234.5); map.put(“terry”,45.3); 《插入代码》 其中《插入代码》处要实现的功能是把key为“jim”的value值在原有数字的基础上添加100。“jim”,map.get(“jim”)+100);“jim”,map.get(“jim”)+100);“jim”,234.5);“jim”,234.5);

通过 SQL,在表 Actor 中选择 FirstName 等于 Jim 而 LastName 等于 Carter 的所有记录的表述正确的是()。A.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Jim' AND LastName LIKE 'Carter'B.SELECT FirstName='Jim', LastName='Carter' FROM ActorC.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName='Jim' AND LastName='Carter'D.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName='Jim' OR LastName='Carter'