The teacher discussed with Jim, _____problems was poor study habits. A. one of whichB. one of whoseC. whoseD. who's
The teacher discussed with Jim, _____problems was poor study habits.
A. one of which
B. one of whose
C. whose
D. who's
_______ people need more and more time and caring from their children when they are getting older and older. A. YoungB. richC. elderlyD. poor
_______ at the man in charge of the information office.?"We must keep a secret of the things _______ here", the general said,A.discussed, stared seriouslyB.being discussed, seriously be discussed, seriously stareD.D.discussed, stareD.
They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two years.A:dreadfulB:badC:unpleasantD:poor
I thought that this would be a funny trick()Jim.Ato play onBto have playedCplaying onDto being played on
请看一下代码,《插入代码》处应填入的代码是()Map map=new HashMap(); map.put(“tom”,123.6); map.put(“jim”,234.5); map.put(“terry”,45.3); 《插入代码》 其中《插入代码》处要实现的功能是把key为“jim”的value值在原有数字的基础上添加100。“jim”,map.get(“jim”)+100);“jim”,map.get(“jim”)+100);“jim”,234.5);“jim”,234.5);
通过 SQL,在表 Actor 中选择 FirstName 等于 Jim 而 LastName 等于 Carter 的所有记录的表述正确的是()。A.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Jim' AND LastName LIKE 'Carter'B.SELECT FirstName='Jim', LastName='Carter' FROM ActorC.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName='Jim' AND LastName='Carter'D.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName='Jim' OR LastName='Carter'