It was no _______ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.A coincidence B convention C certainty D complication

It was no _______ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.

A coincidence B convention C certainty D complication


He quickly stepped on the brakes, and his car came to a stop just in time ______an accident.(A) to avoid(B) to be avoiding(C) to have avoided(D) to have been avoided

How did the accident happen?A.A lorry hit a car.B.A car ran into a lorry.C.A bank clerk rushed into the street.

听力原文: Some people dream of being President of the United States. Some dream of becoming stars in a Hollywood movie, and others of making millions of dollars overnight. But, could a dream like that come true in real life? Well, it did happen to Peter Johnson. Peter was an auto mechanic. One day, he walked into the Union Trust Bank in Baltimore and took 5,000 dollars that did not belong to him. The guards and other employees stood back and let him stuff the bills in his shirt and pants without trying to prevent him from taking the money. No one tripped an alarm. No one pulled a gun. No one called the police. Why did they allow him to get away with it?Well, everything was legal. Peter had won a contest promoted by a Baltimore radio station. The first prize entitled him to enter the Union Trust Bank and gather up as much money as he could lay his hands within five minutes. Because he could not bring any large bags or boxes into the bank, all the money had to be placed in his pockets.As the time went by, Peter ran about wildly, trying to pick up as many large bills as he could find. When his time was up, he was out of breath, but was $5,000 richer.Why did Peter go to the Union Trust bank?A.To withdraw his deposit.B.To cash a cheek.C.To get his prize.D.To rob the bank.

Why didn't Peter take more money from the bank?A.He was afraid that be would be caught on the spot.B.The maximum sum allowed was $5,000.C.He was limited by time and the size of his pockets.D.Large bills were not within his reach.

I haven't seen him for quite a long time, but his parents ______ him sometimes.A. still sawB. still seeC. have still seenD. has still seen

--Is there a bank near here?--Yes. I saw him this morning.A. RightB. Wrong

Is there a bank near here?-Yes, The bank is on the corner。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Mr.Smith, together with his children and wife, ( )photos on the Great Wall. A、were seen takeB、was seen takingC、was seen takeD、were seen taking

听力原文:If a customer informs his bank that a draft which has been issued to him has been lost, the drawee bank should be noticed immediately.(8)A.The customer should first notify the drawee bank of the loss of his draft.B.The customer should first notify the drawer bank of the loss of his draft.C.The customer should first notify the remitting bank of the loss of his draft.D.The customer should first notify the collecting bank of the loss of his draft.

I’m looking forward _______ you in the near future.A、to seeingB、to seeC、seeingD、seen

16 How did the accident happen?A .A lorry hit a car.B A car ran into a lorry.C A bank clerk rushed into the street

How did the accident happen?A.A lorry hit a car.B.A car ran into a lorryC.A bank clerk rushed into the street.

Mr. White wanted to park his car near the roadside but the police asked him __________.A.not to doB.not doC.not not

There was a river with a small town on either side of it.The towns were linked by a bridge.One day,a hole appeared in the bridge.Both towns agreed that the hole should be mended.However,disagreement came up as to who should mend it.Each town thought that it had a better?reason for the other to mend the hole.The town on the right bank said that it was at the end of the road,so the left-bank town should mend the hole.The town on the left bank,on the other hand,insisted that?all the traffic came to the right-bank town,so it was in their interest to mend the bridge.The quarrel went on and on,and so did the hole.The more it went on,the more the hostility?between the two towns grew.One day a man fell into the hole and broke his leg.People from both towns questioned him?closely about whether he was walking from the right bank to the left or from the left bank to the?right,in order to decide which town should be blamed for the accident.But he could not remember,since he got drunk that night.Some time later.,a car was crossing the bridge and broke an axle(轴)because of the hole.Neither town paid any attention to the accident,as the traveler was not going from one to the other,but?was merely passing through.The angry traveler got out of the car and asked why the hole was not?mended.On hearing the reason,he declared,"I′11 buy this hole.Who′s the owner?"Both towns at once declared that they owned the hole."One or the other,whoever owns the hole must prove it.""How shall we prove it?"asked both sides."That′s simple.Only the owner of the hole has the right to mend it.I′11 buy the hole from?whoever mends the bridge."People from both towns rushed to do the job while the traveler smoked a cigar and his driver?changed the axle.They mended the bridge in no time and asked for the money for the hole."What hole?"The traveler looked surprised."I can′t see any hole.I′ve been looking for a?hole for several years now.I′m prepared to pay a good price for it,but there′s no hole here.Are?you pulling my leg or what?"He got into his car and drove off.The man who had fallen into the hole failed to answer any questions because he__________。《》()A.had one of his legs brokenB.was busy changing the axleC.had drunk too much wineD.was afraid to blame anybody

Some people do not like anything to be out of place;they are never late for work;they return their books on time to the library;they remember people's birthdays;and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive.Mr.Hill is such a man.Mr.Hill works in a bank,and lives alone.The only family he has is in the next town:his sister lives there with her husband,and her son,Jack.Mr.Hill does not see his sister,or her family,from one year to the next,but he sends them Christmas cards,and he has not forgotten one of Jack's seventeen birthdays.Last week Mr.Hill had quite a surprise.He drove home from the bank at the usual time,driving neither too slowly nor too fast;he parked his car where he always parked it,out of the way of other cars,and he went inside to make his evening meal.Just then,there was a knock at the door.He opened the door,to find a policeman standing on the door-step."What have I done wrong?"Mr.Hill asked himself."Have I driven on the wrong side of the road?Has there been some trouble at the bank?Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?""Hello,Uncle,"said the policeman,"My name is Jack."Mr.Hill__.A.hardly sees his sisterB.sees his sister only at Christmas timeC.sees his sister on Jack's birthdayD.always sees his sister

Some people do not like anything to be out of place;they are never late for work;they return their books on time to the library;they remember people's birthdays;and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive.Mr.Hill is such a man.Mr.Hill works in a bank,and lives alone.The only family he has is in the next town:his sister lives there with her husband,and her son,Jack.Mr.Hill does not see his sister,or her family,from one year to the next,but he sends them Christmas cards,and he has not forgotten one of Jack's seventeen birthdays.Last week Mr.Hill had quite a surprise.He drove home from the bank at the usual time,driving neither too slowly nor too fast;he parked his car where he always parked it,out of the way of other cars,and he went inside to make his evening meal.Just then,there was a knock at the door.He opened the door,to find a policeman standing on the door-step."What have I done wrong?"Mr.Hill asked himself."Have I driven on the wrong side of the road?Has there been some trouble at the bank?Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?""Hello,Uncle,"said the policeman,"My name is Jack." in a bank by himselfB.lives in a bank and works by himselfC.lives by himself and works in a bankD.lives in a bank by himself

Some people do not like anything to be out of place;they are never late for work;they return their books on time to the library;they remember people's birthdays;and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive.Mr.Hill is such a man.Mr.Hill works in a bank,and lives alone.The only family he has is in the next town:his sister lives there with her husband,and her son,Jack.Mr.Hill does not see his sister,or her family,from one year to the next,but he sends them Christmas cards,and he has not forgotten one of Jack's seventeen birthdays.Last week Mr.Hill had quite a surprise.He drove home from the bank at the usual time,driving neither too slowly nor too fast;he parked his car where he always parked it,out of the way of other cars,and he went inside to make his evening meal.Just then,there was a knock at the door.He opened the door,to find a policeman standing on the door-step."What have I done wrong?"Mr.Hill asked himself."Have I driven on the wrong side of the road?Has there been some trouble at the bank?Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?""Hello,Uncle,"said the policeman,"My name is Jack."Last week Mr.HillA.was pleasantB.was quite astonishedC.was quite disappointedD.was unpleasant

Some people do not like anything to be out of place;they are never late for work;they return their books on time to the library;they remember people's birthdays;and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive.Mr.Hill is such a man.Mr.Hill works in a bank,and lives alone.The only family he has is in the next town:his sister lives there with her husband,and her son,Jack.Mr.Hill does not see his sister,or her family,from one year to the next,but he sends them Christmas cards,and he has not forgotten one of Jack's seventeen birthdays.Last week Mr.Hill had quite a surprise.He drove home from the bank at the usual time,driving neither too slowly nor too fast;he parked his car where he always parked it,out of the way of other cars,and he went inside to make his evening meal.Just then,there was a knock at the door.He opened the door,to find a policeman standing on the door-step."What have I done wrong?"Mr.Hill asked himself."Have I driven on the wrong side of the road?Has there been some trouble at the bank?Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?""Hello,Uncle,"said the policeman,"My name is Jack."Mr.Hill__.A.only remembers one of Jack's seventeenth birthdaysB.always sends Jack something on his birthdayC.has forgotten all of Jack's birthdaysD.has forgotten Jack's seventeenth birthday

It was no____that his car was seen near the bank when the robbery happenedA.coincidenceB.conventionC.certaintyD.complication

共用题干An Intelligent CarDriving needs sharp eyes, keen ears, quick brain, and coordination(协调)between hands and the brain.Many human drivers have all_________(1)and can control a fast-moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself?There is a virtual(虚拟的)driver in the smart car. This virtual driver has "eyes", "brains","hands"and"feet",too.The minicameras_________(2)each side of the car are his"eyes",which_________(3)the road conditions ahead of it.They watchthe_________(4)to the car's left and right.There is also a highly automatic driving _________(5)in the car. It is the built-in computer,which is the virtual driver's "brain".His"brain"_________(6)the speeds of other moving cars near it andanalyzes their positions.Basing on this information,it chooses the_________(7)path for the intelligent car,and gives instructions to the"hands"and"feet"to act accordingly. In this way,the virtual driver_________(8)his car.What is the virtual driver's best advantage?He reacts_________(9).The minicameras are bringing_________(10)continuously to the"brain".It completes the processing of the images within 100 milliseconds._________(11),the world's best driver needs at least one second to react.Besides,when he takes_________(12),he needs one more second.The virtual driver is really wonderful.He can reduce the accident_________(13) considerably on expressways(高速公路).In this_________(14),can we let him have the wheel at any time and in any place?Experts_________(15)that we cannot do that just yet.His ability to recognize things is still limited.He can now only drive an intelligent car on expressways._________(8) A:stops B:finds C:controls D:selects

共用题干An Intelligent CarDriving needs sharp eyes, keen ears, quick brain, and coordination(协调)between hands and the brain.Many human drivers have all_________(1)and can control a fast-moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself?There is a virtual(虚拟的)driver in the smart car. This virtual driver has "eyes", "brains","hands"and"feet",too.The minicameras_________(2)each side of the car are his"eyes",which_________(3)the road conditions ahead of it.They watchthe_________(4)to the car's left and right.There is also a highly automatic driving _________(5)in the car. It is the built-in computer,which is the virtual driver's "brain".His"brain"_________(6)the speeds of other moving cars near it andanalyzes their positions.Basing on this information,it chooses the_________(7)path for the intelligent car,and gives instructions to the"hands"and"feet"to act accordingly. In this way,the virtual driver_________(8)his car.What is the virtual driver's best advantage?He reacts_________(9).The minicameras are bringing_________(10)continuously to the"brain".It completes the processing of the images within 100 milliseconds._________(11),the world's best driver needs at least one second to react.Besides,when he takes_________(12),he needs one more second.The virtual driver is really wonderful.He can reduce the accident_________(13) considerably on expressways(高速公路).In this_________(14),can we let him have the wheel at any time and in any place?Experts_________(15)that we cannot do that just yet.His ability to recognize things is still limited.He can now only drive an intelligent car on expressways._________(1)A:these B:them C:this D:that

The car accident happened at()crossroads a few metres away from()bank.Athe; /B/; aC/; theDthe; the

The car accident happened at()crossroads a few metres away from()bank.A、the; /B、/; aC、/; theD、the; the

单选题_____AFrom the bank he is working for.BFrom his friends.CFrom another bank.DFrom his office.

单选题According to Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, The minimum age at the time of the initial entry into force of this Convention is ()years.A18B16C22D20

单选题When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home, he means Jim _____.Amakes shoes in his homeBdoes his extra work at nightCdoes his own car and home repairsDkeeps house and looks after his children

单选题The driver wanted ______ his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not to.AparkBparkedCto parkDparking