–I’d like you to meet Kate.–(). A、Yes, I’d like.B、It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kate.C、You’re welcome.D、Not at all.

–I’d like you to meet Kate.–().

A、Yes, I’d like.

B、It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kate.

C、You’re welcome.

D、Not at all.


—You've been busy, haven't you? —_______A.I was busy last week.B.Yes, I've been working hard on my paper.C.I will get busy with my English studies.D.I'd like to get busy like our teachers.

Would you like to go to attend the conference on global warming with me? (). but I should finish my homework first.A、 It’s hard to sayB、 You’re welcomeC、 I’d love to

Kathy, I’d like you to meet Maggie Jacobs.(). Maggie. You’re doing a great job.A、 I‘m pleased to meet youB、 It’s great to see you againC、 I' m happy to meet you too

What can I do for you, Madam?()500yuan in cash to my son in Beijing University.A、 You’d better remitB、 I'd like to remitC、 I'd rather remit

I'll lend my car_____you.

You didn’t need to describe her. I ___her several times. A.had metB. have metC. metD. meet

I've got something ___ you. AtellBto tellCtellingDfor telling

In my opinion, you’d better have a good rest.______________. A. I’ll take your advice.B. Let me see.C. I’m afraid so.D. Never mind

– David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately.– ( ).A. I haven’t been getting much sleep eitherB. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sickC. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like thatD. You’d better do exercises regularly

I′m sorry I can′t see you immediately;but if you′d like to take a seat,I′ll?be with?you__________.A.for a momentB.in a momentC.for the momentD.at the moment