_________[A] ineffective[B] incompetent[C] inefficient[D] insufficient


[A] ineffective

[B] incompetent

[C] inefficient

[D] insufficient


A company may () its products by mean of newspapers, magazines, television or even skywriting. A.protestB.salaryC.advertiseD.incompetent

[A] malignant [B] deficient [C] ineffective [D] feeble

4 Whilst acknowledging the importance of high quality corporate reporting, the recommendations to improve it aresometimes questioned on the basis that the marketplace for capital can determine the nature and quality of corporatereporting. It could be argued that additional accounting and disclosure standards would only distort a marketmechanism that already works well and would add costs to the reporting mechanism, with no apparent benefit. Itcould be said that accounting standards create costly, inefficient, and unnecessary regulation. It could be argued thatincreased disclosure reduces risks and offers a degree of protection to users. However, increased disclosure has severalcosts to the preparer of financial statements.Required:(a) Explain why accounting standards are needed to help the market mechanism work effectively for the benefitof preparers and users of corporate reports. (9 marks)

● Insufficient (71)can cause a processor to work at 50% or even more below itsperformance potential.(71)A. mouseB. I/OC. documentD. memory

Insufficient ______ can cause a processor to work at 50% or even more below its performance potential.A.mouseB.I/OC.documentD.MemoryA.B.C.D.

Insufficient(71)can cause a processor to work at 50% or even more below its performance potential.A.mouseB.I/OC.documentD.memory

The Open University,one of the great successes of modern Britain,is facing a crisis.On the surface,this centres on the embattled vice-chancellor.Peter Horrocks,whom the staff want to resign.The UCU(University and College Union)branch at the university has passed a motion of no confidence in him.and says he no longer commands the respect of staff.The immediate cause was a remark for which he has been forced to apologise,to the effect that some academics had been allowed"to get away with not teaching for decades",but this came in a context of brutal budget cuts he has proposed.More profoundly.the crisis exposes a huge disagreement about what actually constitutes teaching,and why it is a worthwhile activity.Is it a way to produce exam resulis and certificates of employability,or is the purpose to share whaiever makes a subject worth studying for itself,and to inculcate the skills that will enable students to glimpse and pursue that vision?But the deeper crisis reaches far beyond the vice-chancellor's inadequacies.Some of the challenges facing the university are simply a result of the huge changes in society and technology since it was founded in 1969.In the early days,staff agonised over whether to include colour in their television programmes,since many viewers might still own black and white sets.In those days,too.there was a very large pool of middle-aged people who had been denied tertiary education,and for whom this really was the university of the seconcl chance.But the pool of second chancers has now largely gone the way of black and white televisions.Those are difficulties that would face the university under any administration.So would the widespread competition in the field of distance learning.But with all that said,it is central government that is largely responsible for the difficulties of the OU.The government's conception of higher education as a marketplace where students can shop for qualifications is profoundly destructive to all universities,and the OU is only the most exposed and vulnerable.The introduction,and then the tripling,of tuition fees has wrecked its financial model,so that student numbers have dropped by a third since 2010.The only thing to fall as fast has been the university's rating for student satisfaction,from lst t0 47th.So much for the conception of universities as selling to"customers",rather than teaching students.The university is an institution that enriches the lives of those who attend it.It is on that basis that the government should still recognise,and support,the ideal that everyone deserves access to the benefits of a real university,whatever their past,and whenever they decide they need it.The UCU branch at the OU regards Peter Horrocks as a leader who is《》()A.aggressive.B.incompetent.C.unconfident.D.ineloquent.

Text 1 Smartphones have by now been implicated in so many crummy outcomes-car fatalities,sleep disturbances,empathy loss,relationship problems,failure to notice a clown on a unicycle-that it almost seems easier to list the things they don't mess up than the things they do.Our society may be reaching peak criticism of digital devices.Even so.emerging research suggests that a kev Droblem remains underaDDreciated.It involves kids'development,but it's probably not what you think.More than screen-obsessed young children,we should be concerned about tuned-out parents.Yes,parents now have more face time with their children than did almost any parents in history.Despite a dramatic increase in the percentage of women in the workforce,mothers today astoundingly spend morc time caring for their children than mothers did in the 1960s.But the engagement between parent and child is increasingly Iow-quality,even ersatz.Parents are constantly present in their children's lives physically,but they are less emotionally attuned.To be clear,I'm not unsympathetic to parents in this predicament.My own adult children like to joke that they wouldn't have survived infancy ifl'd had a smartphone in my clutches 25 years ago.To argue that parents'use of screens is an underappreciated problem isn't to discount the direct risks screens pose to children:Substantial evidence suggests that many types of screen time(especially those involving fast-paced or violent imagery)are damaging to young brains.Today's preschoolers spend more than four hours a day facing a screen.And,since 1970,the average age of onset of"regular"screen use has gone from 4 years to just four months.Some of the newer interactive games kids play on phones or tablets may be more benign than watching TV or YouTube,in that they better mimic children's natural play behaviors.And,of course,many well-functioning adults survived a mind-numbing childhood spent watching a lot of cognitive garbage.(My mother-unusually for her time-prohibited Speed Racer and Gilligan's Island on the grounds of insipidness.That I somehow managed to watch every single episode of each show scores of times has never been explained.)Still,no one really disputes the tremendous opportunity costs to young children who are plugged in to a screen:Time spent on devices is time not spent actively exploring the world and relating to other human beings.The word"ersatz"(Para.3)most probably means_____A.invalidB.disputableC.unrealD.insufficient

A、B、C、D为任意集合,以下正确的是A.(A∪B)´(C∪D) = (A´C)∪(B´D)B.(A-B)´(C-D) = (A´C)-(B´D)C.(A∩B)´(C∩D) = (A´C)∩(B´D)D.(AÅB)´(CÅD) = (A´C) Å (B´D)