S:The notebooks are over there. 57

S:The notebooks are over there. 57


S380/S380设备对供电电压要求是-48VDC,波动范围为(). A.-40~-50VDCB.-40~-57VDCC.-30~-57VDCD.-45~-51VDC

They removed personal items-bags,notebooks,her six-year-old son's ______(belong)from the car.

The bow thruster generally is ineffective at ______.A.over 3 knots headwayB.at any speed asternC.at any speed aheadD.over 1 knot sternway

●C/S(客户机/服务器)与B/S(浏览器服务器)体系结构的区别是:(57) 。(57)A.B/S建立在局域网上,C/S建立在广域网上B.B/S客户相对固定集中,C/S客户分散C.B/S软件重用性弱于C/SD.B/S较C/S易于维护


Mobile computers-which(71)laptops, notebooks, subnotebooks and handhelds-(72)so ubiquitous in such a short time, no surprise to hear who say: "It will define the leading edge(73)the next five years or so." The most remarkable(74)mobile computers is the amount of data storage and memory packed(75)their tiny boxes. These devices not only handle windows easily but also run storage-hungry programs.A.includedB.includeC.have includedD.have becomeE.had become



【单选题】由起航点30°10'N,120°08'E至到达点10°30'N,145°05'E的纬差与经差为 。A.44°40'N,024°57'EB.19°40'S,024°57'EC.19°40'N,024°57'WD.40°40'S,024°57'W