●To accommodate the longest path allowed by 802.3,the slot time has been set to 512 bitt times,or (75) .(75) A.521μsB.5.12μsC.0.512μsD.512μs

●To accommodate the longest path allowed by 802.3,the slot time has been set to 512 bitt times,or (75) .

(75) A.521μs





参数“滤波反向激活比特滤波时间常数FRABFilterTC”应用于EVDORev.A的T2P算法中,厂家一般的设置值为()。 A.128slotB.256slotC.384slotD.512slot

EVDO系统的一个时隙SLOT,相当于()chips。 A.2048B.1024C.512D.256

EVDO系统的一个时隙SLOT,相当于()CHIP(码片)。 A.64B.512C.1024D.2048

How long() you() a member of the club? A.have,,joinedB.have,,beenC.has,,joinedD.has,,been

To accommodate the longest path allowed by 802.3,the slot time has been set to 512 bit times,orA.0.512μsB.5.12μsC.51.2μsD.512μs

Why()the old block of flats()demolished next month? A、are…beingB、is…beingC、has…beenD、have…been

To accommodate the longest path allowed by 802.3, the slot time has been set to 512 bit times, or(75).A.521μsB.5.12μsC.0.512μsD.512μs


能获取系统当前时间分钟数的方法是以下哪个?A.time.strftime(“% m”, time.localtime())B.time.strftime(“%M”, time.localtime())C.time.strftime(“%t”, time.localtime())D.time.strftime(“%T”, time.localtime())