—Do the dishes,Mike,or I will tell mum!—Mind your own ,Sue!A.action B.duty C.business D.way

—Do the dishes,Mike,or I will tell mum!

—Mind your own ,Sue!

A.action B.duty C.business D.way



–– Kate: Do you have to have that TV on quite so loud?–– Mike:____. Is it bothering you?–– Kate: Yes, I ’ m trying to sleep.A: Oh, excuse meB: Oh, I ’m sorryC: No, I don ’tD: Yes, I have to


Sue: Do you like these grapes?Nancy: ______A、Not at all.B、I've tasted better.C、Very little.D、They taste terrible.

4.—_________ Mike________ his homework in the evening?—No,he doesn't.A. Do;doesB. Does;doC. Do;doD. Does;does

以下程序段中,循环次数不超过10的是()A.int i=10; do{ i=i+1;} while(i<0);B.int i=5; do{ i+=1;} while(i>0);C.int i=1; do{ i+=2;} while(i!=10);D.int i=6; do{ i-=2;} while(i!=1);

以下能正确计算1+2+3+…+10的程序段是 。A.i=1; s=1; do {s=s+i; i++;} while (i<10);B.do {i=1;s=0; s=s+i; i++;} while (i<=10);C.do {i=1;s=1; s=s+i; i++;} while (i<=10);D.i=1,s=0; do {s=s+i; i++;} while (i<=10);E.i=1; s=1; do {s=s+i; i++;} while (i<=10);F.i=1,s=0; do {s=s+i; i++;} while (i<10);

15、以下程序段中,循环次数不超过10的是()A.int i=10; do{ i=i+1;} while(i0);B.int i=5; do{ i+=1;} while(i0);C.int i=1; do{ i+=2;} while(i!=10);D.int i=6; do{ i-=2;} while(i!=1);

15、以下程序段中,循环次数不超过10的是()A.int i=10; do{ i=i+1;} while(i<0);B.int i=5; do{ i+=1;} while(i>0);C.int i=1; do{ i+=2;} while(i!=10);D.int i=6; do{ i-=2;} while(i!=1);