Let me give you _______. A.an adviceB.some advicesC.such an adviceD.some advice

Let me give you _______.

A.an advice

B.some advices

C.such an advice

D.some advice


9.—Let's go to see a comedy!—________. Let’s play tennis.A. Let's goB. That sounds boringC. Yes,we doD. You're welcome

You ( ) me, because I never said I liked coffee without milk. A、must misunderstandB、must have misunderstoodC、must be misunderstandingD、had to misunderstand

— Let’s go and have sports together.\n— _______A.Yes, please.B.You’re welcome.C.Good idea.D.Thank you.

低LET射线的LET值一般小于:()。A、5KeV∕μmB、10 KeV∕μmC、15 KeV∕μmD、20 KeV∕μmE、25 KeV∕μm

49.—What about some drinks?—__________.A. Help, yourselfB. Good ideaC. You're welcomeD. Me,too

A:What do you plan to do this weekend?B:_____56_____A:I hear there′s going to be a basketball match this Sunday.Tom and I are going to watch it._____57_____?B:Of course.Basketball is my favourite.But I have no ticket for the match.What a pity!A:You′re lucky.I have some free tickets.____58______.B:Great!_____59_____?A:Let′s meet at the bus stop at half past five.B:I think there must be a big crowd of people there._____60_____?A:OK.See you at five o′clock.B:See you.第(57)题选A.What about making it a little earlierB.I have no ideaC.Let′s go togetherD.Thank you all the sameE.Do you like basketballF.When and where shall we meetG.What are you going to doH.It doesn′t matter

A:What do you plan to do this weekend?B:_____56_____A:I hear there′s going to be a basketball match this Sunday.Tom and I are going to watch it._____57_____?B:Of course.Basketball is my favourite.But I have no ticket for the match.What a pity!A:You′re lucky.I have some free tickets.____58______.B:Great!_____59_____?A:Let′s meet at the bus stop at half past five.B:I think there must be a big crowd of people there._____60_____?A:OK.See you at five o′clock.B:See you.第(58)题选A.What about making it a little earlierB.I have no ideaC.Let′s go togetherD.Thank you all the sameE.Do you like basketballF.When and where shall we meetG.What are you going to doH.It doesn′t matter

A:What do you plan to do this weekend?B:_____56_____A:I hear there′s going to be a basketball match this Sunday.Tom and I are going to watch it._____57_____?B:Of course.Basketball is my favourite.But I have no ticket for the match.What a pity!A:You′re lucky.I have some free tickets.____58______.B:Great!_____59_____?A:Let′s meet at the bus stop at half past five.B:I think there must be a big crowd of people there._____60_____?A:OK.See you at five o′clock.B:See you.第(56)题选A.What about making it a little earlierB.I have no ideaC.Let′s go togetherD.Thank you all the sameE.Do you like basketballF.When and where shall we meetG.What are you going to doH.It doesn′t matter

Me,you是两个初始集合,则下列关于派生集合定义方式正确的是A.link/me,you/:a;B.link(me,you):a;C.link/me you/a;D.link(me,you)/a;
