When a person breathes in TB bacteria, the bacteria can settle in the stomach and begin to grow. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

When a person breathes in TB bacteria, the bacteria can settle in the stomach and begin to grow. ()



Must we clearn the room before we leave?No, you _______ A.mustn'tB.can'tC.needn't

She____toschool,forwehavenoschooltoday. A.can'tB.mustn'tC.can'thavegoneD.mustn'thavegone

—_______ I return the book to the library this week?— No, you _______.You can keep it until the end of this month. A.Must; needn’tB.Can; can’tC.May; mustn’tD.Can; mustn’t

---- Look! The man at the gate ________ be our headmaster. He is always standing there every morning.--- - No, it ________ be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now.A.must, can’t B.must, mustn’t C.can’t, can’t D.can’t, mustn’t

46.A.can'tB.mustn'tC.need toD.are able to

以下不是土壤中的微生物的是?A.Protists 原生生物B.Fungi 真菌C.Bacteria 细菌D.Nematodes(线虫)

以下不属于域水平的分类单元是?A.Fungi 真菌B.Bacteria 细菌C.Archaea 古菌D.Eukarya 真核生物

1、以下不是土壤中的微生物的是?A.Protists 原生生物B.Fungi 真菌C.Bacteria 细菌D.Nematodes(线虫)


在微生物中,产抗生素最多的为 ()。A.MoldB.YeastC.ActinomycetesD.Bacteria