PUBMED中用“science[ta]”和用“science[journal]”检索出的结果相同。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
领导们谈到了改革,谈到了价格,到了工资,谈到了科技的重要性。The leaders talked about the reform, prices, wages and the importance of science and technology.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
Foreign Language Teaching ology is a science which studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
Nowadays, more new technology is being introduced to the fields of IT with the development of science.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
Science and technology are distinct from one another in that science came much earlier than technology.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
Web of Science数据库普通检索方式中,选择“出版物名称”字段进行检索,检索框内输入检索词cardio*,可检索出()期刊的文献。ACardiologyBJournal of Cardiovascular NursingCClinical CardiologyD以上结果都对
Web of Science数据库普通检索方式中,选择“出版物名称”字段进行检索,检索框内输入检索词cardio*,可检索出()期刊的文献。A、CardiologyB、Journal of Cardiovascular NursingC、Clinical CardiologyD、以上结果都对
单选题Web of Science数据库普通检索方式中,选择“出版物名称”字段进行检索,检索框内输入检索词cardio*,可检索出()期刊的文献。ACardiologyBJournal of Cardiovascular NursingCClinical CardiologyD以上结果都对