71 Ouchi's Theory Z relates more to _____ whereas Theory X / Theory Y relates to _____ .A. Project managers; team membersB. Company management philosophy in treating employees; the average workerC. Project sponsors; project managersD. The functional team; project sponsorsE. Recruitment policy; wage and salary administration

71 Ouchi's Theory Z relates more to _____ whereas Theory X / Theory Y relates to _____ .

A. Project managers; team members

B. Company management philosophy in treating employees; the average worker

C. Project sponsors; project managers

D. The functional team; project sponsors

E. Recruitment policy; wage and salary administration


According to the scientific research, smoking is a major factor that _ to cancer. A.distributesB.contributesC.attributesD.relates

[A] relates [B] refers [C] responds [D] resorts

We do not yet fully understand the implications of Einstein's______(relate)theory.

You are the right person for the job that()your application()the advertisement.A、 Relates…with…B、 Relates…for…C.、Relates…to

The members of an extended family are ____ by blood or by marriage.A: relatedB: relateC: relativeD: relates

已知表达式P[x, f(y), B]的两个置换为:s1={z/x, w/y},s2={q(z)/x, A/y},则以下选项正确的是()A.P[x,f(y),B]s1= P[z/x,f(w/y),B]B.P[x,f(y),B]s2= P[q(z),A,B]C.P[x,f(y),B]s1= P[z,f(w),B]D.P[x,f(y),B]s2= P[q(z),f(A),B]


词根-thet-、-thes- 的涵义是()。A.theory 理论B.to put, to place 放置、制定C.the 定冠词D.rule 法则


试画出下面5条语句的前趋图: S1:x = 5;S2:y = x + 8;S3:z = x + y;S4:a = x + y + z;S5:b = y + a。