I stood in line for three hours and (all for anything) — the book was sold out.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

I stood in line for three hours and (all for anything) — the book was sold out.()



I haven't read( )book, but I read half of it. At least I know something about the subject now. A、wholeB、the wholeC、all ofD、all



给出下列的代码,哪行在编译时可能会有错误? ① public void modify() { ② int i,j,k; ③ i=100; ④ while(i>0) { ⑤ j=i*2; ⑥ System.out.println(" The value of j is"+ j); ⑦ k=k+1; ⑧ } ⑨}A.line 4B.line 6C.line 7D.line 8

给出下列代码, ( )行在编译时可能会有错误。 ①public void modify( ){ ②int i,j,k; ⑧i=100; ④while(i>0){ ⑤j=i*2; ⑥System.out.println("The value of j is"+j); ⑦k=k+l; ⑧} ⑨}A.line 4B.line 6C.line 7D.line 8

给出下列的代码,哪行在编译时可能会有错误? ① public void modify( ){ ② int i,j,k; ③ i = 100; ④ while( i 0){ ⑤ j = i * 2; ⑥ System.out.println("The value of j is" + j); ⑦ k=k + 1 ⑧ } ⑨ }A.line 4B.line 6C.line 7D.line 8



下面vb6.0中tagname,name,value有什么区别呀? webbrowser1.document.all(i).tagnamewebbrowser1.document.all(i).namewebbrowser1.document.all(i).value

给出下列的程序段,哪行在编译时可能会有错误? ( ) ①public void modify( ) ②int i,j,k; ③ i=100; ④ while(i>0){ ⑤ j=i*2; ⑥ System.out.println("The value of j is "+j); ⑦ k=k+1; ⑧ } ⑨}A.line 4B.line 6C.line 7D.line 8