This is self-service station, please use the ticket vending machine to buy tickets and to recharge your card. 此句应用于( )场景下。 A.刷卡进站B.售票充值C.进站安检D.退票

This is self-service station, please use the ticket vending machine to buy tickets and to recharge your card. 此句应用于( )场景下。






Please stand firm and hold the handrail,do not run or walk in the wrong direction. 此句应用于( )场景下。 A、刷卡进站B、上下列车C、搭乘扶梯D、进出车站

Hold the card in your right hand and swipe it here. 此句应用于( )场景下。 A.刷卡进站B.售票充值C.进站安检D.退票

Train conductor: Excuse me, mama. Ticket, please.Passenger: Sorry. I left it in the smoking section and I'll go fetch it.Train conductor: It's OK, lady._________ .A. Take your timeB. Take your seatC. You can go nowD. As you please

“Chocks inserted, landing gear safety pins inserted, ground power unit on, release brake, please”此句与机组联络的语言是在飞机什么状态时使用的?A.离港B.准备滑出C.进港前D.进港后

Which of the following shows the proper rhythmical节奏的 pattern of the sentenceA.It was 'too ex'pensive for me to 'buy.B.It was 'too 'expensive for me to 'buy.C.It was too ex'pensive for 'me to 'buy.D.It 'was too 'expensive for me to 'buy.


1. 1995年之后,中国政府对于外汇管制政策从“先赚取后使用”(earn-to-use)转向“直接购买并使用”(buy-to-use),中国企业可以在已经赚取外汇的前提下直接从国家外汇管理局购买外汇并对外投资。

8、1. 1995年之后,中国政府对于外汇管制政策从“先赚取后使用”(earn-to-use)转向“直接购买并使用”(buy-to-use),中国企业可以在已经赚取外汇的前提下直接从国家外汇管理局购买外汇并对外投资。
