单选题Tube leaks in the distillate cooler of a two stage flash evaporator will result in ().Aloss of second stage vacuumBcontamination of the distillateClower feed inlet temperatureDcontamination of the second stage condenser

Tube leaks in the distillate cooler of a two stage flash evaporator will result in ().

loss of second stage vacuum


contamination of the distillate


lower feed inlet temperature


contamination of the second stage condenser


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following factors tends to increase scale formation on the saltwater side of a heat exchanger used in a diesel engine cooling water system?A.Baffle plates that have been bent during prior removalB.Leaks m the cooler tube nestC.Operating the engine while maintaining a high sea water outlet temperatureD.A punctured sea water strainer supplying cooling water to the heat exchanger

The PPP over Ethernet Discovery Stage determines which two parameters? ()(Choose two.) A. session IDB. authentication serverC. IP address of the clientD. MAC address of the ERX router

In a flash type evaporator, all saltwater heaters are vented through individual vent cocks to the ______.A.saltwater heater shellB.second-stage condenserC.atmosphereD.second-stage flash chamber

Which of the listed problems could produce a high absolute pressure within a flash type evaporator?A.production of high salinity distillateB.seawater feed temperature below 165℃C.a leak in the first stage demisterD.a cracked distillate pump vent line

单选题One advantage of a flash distilling plant when compared to a submerged tube distiller is()Agreater distillate purity through high temperature evaporationBcold shocking for scale removal is not requiredCless internal corrosion because of lower brine densityDless feed-water is required for equal plant capacity

单选题In a flash type evaporator, all saltwater headers are vented through individual vent cocks to the().Asaltwater heater shellBsecond-stage condenserCatmosphereDsecond-stage flash chamber

单选题Which of the listed problems could produce a high absolute pressure within a flash type evaporator?()AProduction of high salinity distillateBSeawater feed temperature below 165℃CA leak in the first stage demisterDA cracked distillate pump vent line

单选题Tube leaks in the distillate cooler of a two stage flash evaporator will result in ().Aloss of second stage vacuumBcontamination of the distillateClower feed inlet temperatureDcontamination of the second stage condenser

多选题The PPP over Ethernet Discovery Stage determines which two parameters? ()(Choose two.)Asession IDBauthentication serverCIP address of the clientDMAC address of the ERX router

单选题In the operation of a flash type evaporator equipped with air ejectors,the air and non- condensable gases are evacuated directly from the ().Afirst stage flash chamberBsecond stage flash chamberCfirst stage after condenserDsecond stage distilling condenser

单选题One distinct advantage of flash type evaporators, as compared to most other evaporators, is that in a flash evaporator ().Ahigh temperature distillate can be re- circulated to induce additional flashingBscale formation is not a severe problemCcold shocking is more effective in removing scaleDwater purity is greatly increased at high capacity

单选题Less scale formation occurs in a flash evaporator than in a submerged tube evaporator because ().Athe distillate produced has greater purityBno boiling occurs on heat transfer surfacesCevaporation occurs at a higher rateDthe incoming feed is at a higher temperature

单选题The advantages of flash type evaporators, as compared to submerged tube type evaporators, include ().Aless internal corrosion because of lower brine densityBhigher temperature evaporation for lower salinity of the distillate producedCless scale formation in a flash evaporatorDless feed-water required for a flash evaporator

单选题In the two stage flash distilling plant, which of the pumps listed is vented to the shell of the second stage in order to remove vapor from the pump suction?()ACondenser circulating water pumpBFeed-water heater drain pumpCDistillate pumpDAir ejector condenser drain pump

单选题On a multistage flash-type evaporator, the flash chamber is ()Acombined as part of the salt water feed heaterBthe open area above the brine levels in the first and second stagesCcombined as part of the distillate coolerDanother term used to describe the vapor feed heater

单选题Why will a two stage flash type distilling plant tend to operate more efficiently when operating in cold seawater?()AThe colder seawater passing through the condenser tube bundles of the various stages increases evaporator vacuumBThe amount of heated feed water discharged from the feed water heater after cndenser is increasedCFewer non-condensable gases are created by the flow of colder seawaterDMore seawater is allowed to pass through the flint stage overflow weir

单选题The second stage feed-water temperature and shell absolute pressure in a multistage, flash type, distilling plant is ()Ahigher than the first stage feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressureBlower than the first stage feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressureCthe same as the first stage feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressureDnot related to the feed-water temperature and absolute shell pressure

单选题In a flash evaporator, scale as a result of higher than normal temperatures in most likely to occur in the ()Asecond stage feed heaterBsaltwater feed heaterCdistillate coolerDsecond stage vapor separator

单选题Which of the listed conditions will cause the feed water that has not flashed to vapor in the first-stage of a flash evaporator, to flow into the second-stage?()AGravity siphon effectBHigher vacuum in the second-stageCDifference in brine density between first and second stagesDlower pressure in first-stage

单选题More than one stage of evaporation can take place by admitting the sea water into chambers with progressively () pressure in the flash evaporator.AlowerBhigherCthe lowerDthe higher

单选题On which of the following heated surfaces of a flash type evaporator would you be more likely to find soft scale formation?()AFeed-water heater internal tube surfacesBInternal distillate cooler tubesCFlash chamber vertical surfacesDDistilling condenser tubes

单选题In which of the areas listed would you expect to find the highest salt concentration in a flash evaporator?()ADistiller air ejector cooling mediumBSaltwater heater dischargeCFirst-stage internal feed boxDSecond-stage internal feed box

单选题The scavenge air receiver is of a simplified and modular design with integral non-return flaps, hanging cooler and two auxiliary air blowers()AdozensBparcelsCbundlesDgallons

单选题In a flash distilling unit, evaporator feed (seawater) first absorbs heat in the ().Avapor feed heaterBair ejector condenserCsaltwater heaterDdistillate cooler

单选题Puncture leaks in the lower tubes or bottom of an inflatable liferaft should FIRST be stopped by using().Asealing clampsBrepair tapeCa tube patchDsail twine and vulcanizing kit

单选题(), iea steam cooler, may be filled in the boiler system to control the superheated steam temperature.AAn economizerBAn attemperatorCA water dramDA down-comer tube

单选题In a shell-and-tube type hydraulic fluid cooler, the amount of heat transferred from the hydraulic fluid to the cooling water depends upon()Athe temperature of the hydraulic fluidBthe flow rate of the hydraulic fluidCthe temperature of the cooling waterDall of the above

单选题A vacuum is initially created in a flash type distilling plant by().Athe flashing of the feed waterBthe condensation of the saltwater feedCair ejectors, eductors, or a separate vacuum pumpDcondensation of the distillate