单选题All of the following are distress signals under the Rules EXCEPT().AInternational Code Signal AABorange-colored smokeCred flaresDthe repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arms

All of the following are distress signals under the Rules EXCEPT().

International Code Signal AA


orange-colored smoke


red flares


the repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arms


解析: 暂无解析


Which of the following fall(s) under the responsibilities of a project manager?A . Labor relations with project personnelB . Affirmative actionC . Personnel trainingD . Discrimination and equal employment opportunityE . All of the above

DSC遇险呼叫时,它的格式符£¯类别是()。 A、Distress/distressB、allship/DistressC、Distress/ALL shipD、All ship/All ship

One of the signals, other than a distress signal, that can be used by a rescue boat to attract attention is a/an ______.A.red star shellB.searchlightC.burning barrelD.orange smoke signal

According to the navigation rules, all of the following are engaged in fishing except a vessel ______.A.Setting netsB.TrawlingC.Using a dredging netD.Trolling

_____ do such a thing. A、Under no circumstances I willB、Under all circumstances I willC、Under no circumstances will ID、Under all circumstances will I

A vessel sailing shall keep out of the way of all of the following vessels except a vessel ______.A.not under commandB.engaged on pilotage dutyC.restricted in her ability to maneuverD.engaged in fishing

A vessel on the high seas that is not under command shall display which of the following day signals? ______A.Two black ballsB.Three black ballsC.Two red ballsD.Three red balls

In determining a safe speed, the Rules list all of the following as factors which must be taken into account EXPECT the ______.A.limitations of radar equipmentB.presence of background lights at nightC.maximum horsepower of your vesselD.maneuverability of your vessel


单选题All of the following are distress signals under the Rules EXCEPT().AInternational Code Signal AABorange-colored smokeCred flaresDthe repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arms

单选题All of the following are recognized distress signals under the Navigation Rules EXCEPT().Aa green star signalBorange-colored smokeCred flaresDthe repeated raising and lowering of outstretched arms

单选题All of the following are distress signals EXCEPT().Athe continuous sounding of any fog signal apparatusBgiving five or more short and rapid blasts of the whistleCfiring a gun at intervals of about a minuteDa barrel with burning oil in it,on deck

单选题Distress signals may be().Ared flaresBsmoke signalsCsound signalsDAny of the above

单选题In determining safe speed,the Rules list all of the following as factors which must be taken into account EXCEPT the().Alimitations of radar equipmentBpresence of background lights at nightCmaximum horsepower of your vesselDmaneuverability of your vessel

单选题Please use()for().AEnglish/all distress communicationsBChinese/some distress callsCthe language decided by Administration/all distress callsDJapanese/some distress alerts

单选题The Rules state that a seaplane shall().Anot be regarded as a vesselBin general,keep well clear of all vesselsCproceed at a slower speed than surrounding vesselsDwhen making way,show the lights for a vessel not under command

单选题One of the signals,other than a distress signal,that can be used by a vessel to attract attention is a(n)().Ared star shellBsearchlightCburning barrelDorange smoke signal

单选题All the following equipment can be used to identify the position of the vessel in distress except().AAISBLRITCVDRDGPS

单选题In a crossing situation on open waters,a sailing vessel shall keep out of the way of all the following vessels EXCEPT a vessel().Anot under commandBrestricted in her ability to maneuverCengaged in towingDfishing

单选题A vessel sailing shall keep out of the way of all of the following vessels except a vessel ().Anot under commandBengaged on pilotage dutyCrestricted in her ability to maneuverDengaged in fishing

单选题Distress traffic()all messages relating to the immediate assistance required by the ship in distress, including search and rescue communications and signals for locating.Aconsists ofBis consisted ofCconsisted ofDare consisted of

单选题Upon receipt of a distress message,a merchant vessel is bound to proceed to the scene of the distress. Under which of the following cases would this NOT be true?()AThe vessel would arrive at the distress scene more than 36 hours after the receipt of the initial distress messageBThere are vessels closer to the distress scene that are proceeding to assistCThe Master of the vessel in distress has requisitioned another vessel,and that vessel has accepted the requisitionDYou are on a tanker and the distress involves a major fire on board the other vessel

单选题What following is not among the functions of SOLAS ships?()Areceive shore-to-ship distress alertingBtransmit ship-to-shore distress alertingCreceive message for public correspondenceDtransmit and receive locating signals

单选题All fog signals shall be sounded every two minutes with the exception of a vessel().Aunderway or making wayBunder sail or under towCanchored or agroundDnot under command or restricted in her ability to maneuver


单选题The regulations require that inspected vessels on an international voyage,other than small passenger vessels,must carry which of the following distress signals on or near the navigating bridge?()A12 hand red flaresB12 rocket parachute flaresC12 hand combination flares and orange smoke signalsD6 hand red flares,and 6 hand orange smoke signals

单选题The Repairer shall be relieved of all obligations under these terms and conditions caused by such all following matters except().Aact of GodBlock-outCstrikeDpaint fire

单选题All of the following vessels are “restricted in their ability to maneuver” EXCEPT a vessel ().Alaying a pipelineBdredgingCmineclearingDnot under command