胰岛素分泌模式调节剂(insulin secretion pattern regulators)
胰岛素分泌模式调节剂(insulin secretion pattern regulators)
Since he succeeded in working out the problem, he deserves ____________. (A) the pat on the back(B) a pat on his back(C) the pat on his back(D) a pat on the back
下列哪项不是引起2型糖尿病发病的环节?( ) A.胰岛素对肝脏、肌肉的胰岛素作用的敏感性降低。B.胰岛素对脂肪组织的胰岛素作用的敏感性降低。C.胰岛素分泌量的增加D.胰岛素分泌量的缺陷E.胰岛素分泌模式异常
非磺酰脲类促胰岛素分泌剂,在肝脏快速被代谢,被称为“膳食葡萄糖调节剂”的药物是A.瑞格列奈SXB 非磺酰脲类促胰岛素分泌剂,在肝脏快速被代谢,被称为“膳食葡萄糖调节剂”的药物是A.瑞格列奈B.格列齐特C.马来酸罗格列酮D.盐酸二甲双胍E.米格列醇
单选题In order to adjust to the loss of salt, the body______.Aloses some bloodBspeeds up its secretion of waterCspeeds up its secretion of saltDis drying up slowly