单选题_____Amade intoBmade fromCmade forDmade up of


made into


made from


made for


made up of


动词短语题。be made up of表示“由……构成”,符合句意。be made into制成。be made from(由……制成)强调一物出自某物。be made for便于;为了。句意:光是由不同颜色的波组成的。故选D项。


问答题Practice 1  Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. (1) It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. (2) But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

单选题_____ music is the music that is considered to be serious and of lasting value as opposed to jazz, folk, etc.ADomesticBForeignCNationalDClassical

单选题When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun _____.AshoneBshinesChas shoneDwas shining

单选题We did a marketing study for yellow telephone boxes and found the _____ too strong.AresistanceBcontradictionCassistanceDevolution


单选题It’s the second time that Dick has been late, _____?Ahasn’t heBisn’t itCisn’t heDhasn’t



单选题I’m going to do all I can to _____ the unpleasant impression you have of me.AmoveBremoveCshiftDtransform

单选题You didn’t let me drive. If we _____ in turn, you _____ so tired.Adrove; didn’tBdrove; wouldn’t getCwere driving; wouldn’t getDhad driven; wouldn’t have got

单选题I have no _____ to take notes in hopes of future use.AleisureBspareClaundryDleague

单选题I am sure _____ he said is true.AthatBabout thatCof thatDthat what

单选题The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” in the first paragraph probably mean _____ while “dull” in the second paragraph means _____.Abright and splendid ... slow in thinking and understandingBpretty and handsome ... ordinary-lookingCgreat and important ... commonDhopeful and helpful ... careless

单选题Why did the country mentioned in the passage suffer from floods and starvation?ABecause an empire was set up.BBecause the empire fell to pieces.CBecause it lost all its trees.DBecause too much had been spent on wars.

单选题It seemed to me that what she saw and heard _____ very interesting.AwasBwereCisDare

单选题The statement had to be delivered to someone who could _____ it to the press.ArelieveBreleaseCemitDdischarge

单选题Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have _____.Aa great effect on everyone’s intelligenceBsome effect on most people’s intelligenceCsome effect on a few people’s intelligenceDno effect on most people’s intelligence

单选题His decision was _____, since he could not see the action from where he was standing.AarbitraryBordinaryCcasualDaccurate

单选题This glass works _____ near the city.AisBareCwereDbe


单选题The linguists’ main interest had been to _____ and describe languages.AanalyzeBexpressCcommandDcomment


单选题There have been few novels by revolutionaries free of those faults _____ by Marx and Engels.ApunishedBblamedCcriticizedDscolded

单选题In that country, the rich _____ richer, the poor poorer.AbecomeBhas becomeCbecomesDis becoming

单选题What we need in life is divided into _____ according to this article.Athe basic necessities and luxuryBmany kinds of need such as food, clothing and housesCfour groups, namely, the basic necessities, luxury, reliable income and future expenseDthe basic necessities and reliable income

单选题I regret _____ you that your application has been refused.AinformBbeing informedCto be informedDto inform

单选题He is unfair, _____ he?AisBisn’tCdoesDdoesn’t

单选题Ellsworth Huntington’s conclusion was based on _____.Avariations of his own mental abilities from season to seasonBthe result of research done by him and other scientists among peoples in different climatesCdetailed records of temperature changes in different placesDdetailed records of different ways of thinking among peoples in different climates