填空题The man sitting next to the author in the class could not open the right screen because of his typing mistakes.____

The man sitting next to the author in the class could not open the right screen because of his typing mistakes.____


由题干“The man sitting next to the author”可定位至H段倒数第二和第三句。文中讲到,他没有意识到自己总是犯拼写错误(making typing mistakes),这使得他总是进入错误的页面而不知道怎样返回。故匹配段落为H段。


What magic did Oda have?() A.she could see the dead manB.she could hear the dead manC.She caould touch the dead manD.she could hit the dead man

A man who could () such treatment was a man of remarkable physical courage and moral strength. A.bear uponB.insist onC.stand up toD.persist in

She asked the pupil ________ still, but they kept ________ out of class. A.to sit; to moveB.to sit; movingC.sit; moveD.sitting; moving

The author advises us to be______.A. friendly to everybodyB. considerate to othersC. aware of man's weaknessD. meet other's demands

To the author, the best thing that shows how a man is full of contradictions is the matter of sleep.()

Now, telephone makes people sitting next to you ( ) absent.A、feelB、to feelC、feltD、feeling

词法分析器输出的单词符号常常表示成什么样的二元式()。 A(ClAss,VAlue)B(OP,Result)C(ClAss,Result)D(OP,VAlue)

You should give the application to the man ______ at that chair.A:sitsB:to sitC:satD:sitting

Passage Four There was once a man in South America who had a parrot (鹦鹉), a pet bird that could imitate (模拟), human speech. The parrot was unique. There was no other bird like him in the whole world. He could learn to say any word except one. He could not say the name of his native town, Cotano. The man did everything he could to teach the parrot to say “Cotono” but he never succeeded. At first he was very gentle with the bird, but gradually he lost his temper, “You stupid bird! Why can’t you learn to say that One word! Say ‘Cotano’ or I’ll kill you!” But the parrot would not say it. Many times , the man screamed (大声叫), “Say ‘Cotano’ or I’ll kill you!” But the bird would never repeat the name. Finally the man gave up. He picked up the parrot and threw him into the chicken house. “You are even more stupid than the chickens!” In the chicken house, there were four old chickens waiting to be killed for Sunday’s dinner. The next morning, when he went out to the chicken house, the man opened the door. He was shocked by what he saw. He could not believe his eyes and ears. On the floor lay three dead chickens, the parrot was screaming at the fourth, “Say ‘Cotono’ or I’ll kill you!”(1).Why couldn’t the parrot say the name of his native town?A.Because it was stupid.B.Because it didn’t want to liveC.Because the man didn’t teach it how to say.D.The reason is not mentioned in the story.(2).Why did the man lose his temper?A.Because the bird couldn’t repeat his master’s name.B.Because the bird screamed all day long.C.Because the bird uttered the wrong word.D.Because the bird failed to say the name of the town.(3).Who killed the three chickens?A.The cruel masterB.The man in the kitchenC.The pet birdD.The fourth chicken(4).Why was the man shocked at the scene the next morning?A.The bird had finally understood his threat.B.The bird managed to escape from the chicken house.C.The bird had learned to scream back to him.D.The bird was living peacefully with the chicken.(5).Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.The man loved his parrot very much and always treated it kindly.B.The parrot could imitate a lot of human languages.C.The parrot was thrown into the chicken house by its master.D.Three of the old chickens were dead the next day.

The next morning she found the man lying in bed, dead.()

What is the man going to do next?A. Go for a walkB. Take picturesC. Eat food

The author bought coffee for the old man becauseA. he thought the old man was poorB. he wanted to start a conversationC. he intended to show his politenessD. he would like to thank the old man

In the cinema, there was an old man __________beside me.A.atB.sitC.sitting D.to sit

The author and photographer_________coming to our university to give a lecture next Friday.A.wasB.isC.wereD.are

The author and photographer ___________ coming to our university to give a lecture next Friday.A.wasB.isC.wereD.are

—Why are you standing there,Maggie?—I can't see the blackboard clearly.Two tall boys are sitting me.A.be hindB.in front ofC.be sideD.next to

Could you()the appointment()next Monday?Arearrange,forBrearrange,atCrearrange,untilDrearrange,in

Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()A、class Man extends Dog{}B、class Man implements Dog{}C、class Man{private BestFriend dog;}D、class Man{private Dog bestFriend;}E、class Man{private Dog;}F、class Man{private BestFriend;}

Which Man clsss properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()A、class Man extends Dog { }B、class Man implements Dog { }C、class Man { private BestFriend dog; }D、class Man { private Dog bestFriend; }E、class Man { private Dog; }F、class Man { private BestFriend; }

单选题In the passage, the author says that every man is a philosopher. This is because _____.Aevery man lives like a philosopherBevery man is aware of the importance of philosophyCevery man lives in accordance with his world outlookDevery man lives consciously

单选题What will the man give the woman next?AA penBA postcardCA stamp

单选题The author’s attitude towards the judge’s ruling could be described as _____.AdoubtfulBcriticalCcautiousDsupportive

单选题Which Man class properly represents the relationship “Man has a best friend who is a Dog”?()A class Man extends Dog { }B class Man implements Dog { }C class Man { private BestFriend dog; }D class Man { private Dog bestFriend; }E class Man { private Dog }F class Man { private BestFriend }

单选题What is called science or art, according to the author?Athe deficit answers of some of man’s questionsBMan’s thoughtsCall of man’s questionsDthe meaning of reality

填空题The man sitting next to the author in the class could not open the right screen because of his typing mistakes.____

单选题The old man sitting on the park bench seemed_______to me, yet I couldn't possibly remember where we had met before.AproudBgradualCfamiliarDmental

单选题Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()Aclass Man extends Dog{}Bclass Man implements Dog{}Cclass Man{private BestFriend dog;}Dclass Man{private Dog bestFriend;}Eclass Man{private Dog;}Fclass Man{private BestFriend;}

单选题The author’s tone in this passage could be ______.AtentativeBhumorousCcertainDcritical