











He is unable to go to work _______ the fall from his bike. A. as a resultB. as a matterC. as a result ofD. as a matter of

It is important that each of you ________ a note-book to class with you every day. A.will bringB.bringsC.must bringD.bring

Seeing the black cloud he went back to his house to___________his umbrella. A.carryB.fetchC.bringD.take

According to the second paragraph, the 50 to 60 booking phone calls are from those who ______.A.did not know the resultB.wanted to gamble on the resultC.believed that Beijing would be the winnerD.are IOC members

A pointB leadC comeD amount

They paid no ______ to him.A: heedB: leadC: kneedD: need

With the boy()the way, we had no trouble()the way()to Zhongshan Park. A、Leading finding leadingB、to lead found to leadC、Led finding ledD、Leading found led

We wish to()your attention to this matter. A、callB、askC、bringD、pay

The news _____quickly and made a stir. A.spreadB.spreadsC.spreadedD.was spread

_________ of the accident last year, he had to lie in bed for 3 months. A、For a resultB、In a resultC、With a resultD、As a result


关于STIR脉冲序列,叙述正确的是 A、STIR脉冲序列是TSE序列的一种类型B、STIR脉冲序列是GRE序列的一种类型C、STIR脉冲序列是IR序列的一种类型D、STIR脉冲序列是SE序列的一种类型E、STIR脉冲序列是EPI序列的一种类型

The book fair has received a positive __ from readers.A. resultB. responseC. settlementD. solution

In the last paragraph,the author mainly intends toA.list the necessary changes we ought to makeB.advise US to make any necessary changesC.explain what changes can bringD. explain the process of making changes

在wap协议分析时,WSP层消息中对应于GET消息的回应消息是() A.RESULTB.ACKC.REPLYD.PUSHACK

According to the Chemical Data Guide,what does ethyl chloride produce when ignited?A.Toxic fumes of oxides of nitrogenB.Toxic fumes of leadC.Poisonous phosgene gasD.Poisonous chlorine gas

Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. __________, their political influence should be very great.A.As a resultB.As usualC.Even soD.So far

It is probably safe to say that of all the board members, Mr. Cain has the most ( ).A. resultB. effectC. influenceD. conclusion

The love of money is the root of all evil.A:resultB:endC:causeD:force

In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeed.A: resultB: judgmentC: decisionD: event

Five minutes left,the outcome of the match was still in doubt.A:resultB:judgmentC:decisionD:event

They got there without any difficulty with the guide__________the way.A.leadingB.to leadC.ledD.being led


Will you()me a favor, please?A、doB、makeC、bringD、give

()(信不信由你), his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.


单选题______ it or not , his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.ABelieveBTo believeCBelievingDBelieved