单选题While reviewing the MySQL error log, you see occasions where MySQL has exceeded the number of file handles allowed to it by the operating system. Which method will reduce the number of file handles in use?()AActivating the MySQL Enterprise thread pool pluginBRelocating your data and log files to separate storage devicesCDisconnecting idle localhost client sessionsDImplementing storage engine data compression options

While reviewing the MySQL error log, you see occasions where MySQL has exceeded the number of file handles allowed to it by the operating system. Which method will reduce the number of file handles in use?()

Activating the MySQL Enterprise thread pool plugin


Relocating your data and log files to separate storage devices


Disconnecting idle localhost client sessions


Implementing storage engine data compression options


解析: 暂无解析


You are using tracing to diagnose run-time issues.When you look at the traces for the service in SvcTraceViewer.exe,you see what is shown in the exhibit:The exception trace is selected in SvcTraceViewer.exe. You need to interpret the trace results to determine where the error occurred and what to do next.What should you do?()A.B.C.D.

While reviewing the MySQL error log, you see occasions where MySQL has exceeded the number of file handles allowed to it by the operating system.Which method will reduce the number of file handles in use?()A.Activating the MySQL Enterprise thread pool pluginB.Relocating your data and log files to separate storage devicesC.Disconnecting idle localhost client sessionsD.Implementing storage engine data compression options

You adjust a default configuration to the following /etc/my.cnf on a Linux installation:[mysqld] Loq-bin Binrylog_format=ROW You do not notice the spelling error in binrylog_format and restart your production server. How does the MySQL server behave with incorrectly spelled options?()A.Mysqld uses internal configuration versioning and reverts to the previous configurationB.When using mysql_config_editor for configuration adjustments, it detects incorrect syntax and typing mistakesC.The mysqld_safe script skips the unknown variable and starts using the remaining configuration changesD.Mysqld prints to the error log about an unknown variable, and then exits

During the installation of the Cisco WCS version 4.0, an error occurs. Where would you look forthe installation log,in order to learn more about this error?()A、at the root of the installation driveB、in the Cisco WCS installation directoryC、on the desktop of the serverD、in the Cisco WCS/Logs directory

You work as a database administrator for Certkiller .com. You received the following error while working on your database: ORA-01555: snapshot too old  In which situation would you receive such an error?()A、You performed rollback after commit.B、If a log switch occurs in your database.C、Thearchiverfails to generate an archived log file.D、Instance recovery fails to find one of the redo log files.E、A long-running query is unable to get read-consistent image.F、If you perform manual undo management operations in auto mode.

A system administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down. Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location?()A、/tmp/conslogB、/etc/console.logC、/var/adm/ras/conslogD、/var/ras/console.log

During the installation of the cisco wcs version 4.0,an error occurs. Where would you look for the installation log,in order to learn more about this error?()A、at the root of the installation driveB、in the cisco wcs installation directoryC、on the desktop of the serverD、in the cisco wcs/logs directory

A System p administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down.  Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location()A、/var/log/conslogB、/var/log/console.logC、/var/adm/ras/conslogD、/var/ras/console.log

You are attempting to secure a MySQL server by using SSL encryption. On starting MySQL, you get this error: 130123 10:38:02 [ERROR] mysqld: unknown option '—ssl' What is the cause of the error?()A、The — ssl level was not specifiedB、The server was not started with the – enable–ssl-plugin optionC、— ssl is not a valid server optionD、The mysqld binary was not compiled with SSL supportE、The server's SSL certificate was invalid

In which two cases would you perform only consistent backup?()A、You are working on a database where downtime is not tolerated.B、You are working on a database where downtime can be tolerated.C、You are working on a database that operates in ARCHIVELOG mode.D、You are working on a database that operates in NOARCHIVELOG mode.E、You are working on a database where all the tablespaces are locally managed.F、You are working on a database where control files and redo log files are multiplexed.G、You are working on a database where control files and redo log files are not multiplexed.

When you try to open your database, you receive the following error:  ORA-00205: error in identifying control file   Where would you find the details required to resolve this error?()A、audit trailB、alert log fileC、user trace fileD、online trace fileE、background trace fileF、operating system event viewer

You received the following error:   ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted   (file # %s, block # %s)   Which file will you check to view additional information regarding the cause of this error?()A、the alert log file and the trace filesB、 the redo log filesC、 the control fileD、 the change tracking file

You are working on a database, where you have three redo log groups. When the database is down for a backup, an operating system (OS) user deletes all the redo log files in a group. What will happen when you open your database?()A、 The instance starts, the database is mounted, but efforts to open the database fail, and an error about the missing redo log group is displayed.B、 Before the instance starts, you receive an error about the missing redo log files of a group.C、 The instance starts and the database opens with an error message written to the alert log file.D、 The instance starts and the database opens because two redo log groups still exist.E、 The instance starts and the database opens, but every attempt to write to redo log files fails with an error.

单选题You are attempting to secure a MySQL server by using SSL encryption. On starting MySQL, you get this error: 130123 10:38:02 [ERROR] mysqld: unknown option '—ssl' What is the cause of the error?()AThe — ssl level was not specifiedBThe server was not started with the – enable–ssl-plugin optionC— ssl is not a valid server optionDThe mysqld binary was not compiled with SSL supportEThe server's SSL certificate was invalid

单选题The term restricted visibility,when used in the Rules,refers to().Asituations when you can see vessels on radar that you cannot see visuallyBvisibility of less than half a mileCany condition where visibility is restrictedDvisibility where you cannot see shore

单选题You are working on a database, where you have three redo log groups. When the database is down for a backup, an operating system (OS) user deletes all the redo log files in a group. What will happen when you open your database?()A The instance starts, the database is mounted, but efforts to open the database fail, and an error about the missing redo log group is displayed.B Before the instance starts, you receive an error about the missing redo log files of a group.C The instance starts and the database opens with an error message written to the alert log file.D The instance starts and the database opens because two redo log groups still exist.E The instance starts and the database opens, but every attempt to write to redo log files fails with an error.

填空题If you are not well off, you can still find happiness in occasions where comparisons are in your favor.____

单选题While reviewing the MySQL error log, you see occasions where MySQL has exceeded the number of file handles allowed to it by the operating system. Which method will reduce the number of file handles in use?()AActivating the MySQL Enterprise thread pool pluginBRelocating your data and log files to separate storage devicesCDisconnecting idle localhost client sessionsDImplementing storage engine data compression options

单选题A system administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down. Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location?()A/tmp/conslogB/etc/console.logC/var/adm/ras/conslogD/var/ras/console.log

单选题A System p administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down.  Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location()A/var/log/conslogB/var/log/console.logC/var/adm/ras/conslogD/var/ras/console.log

单选题During the installation of the Cisco WCS version 4.0, an error occurs. Where would you look for theinstallation log, in order to learn more about this error?()Aat the root of the installation driveBin the Cisco WCS installation directoryCon the desktop of the serverDin the Cisco WCS/Logs directory

单选题During the installation of the Cisco WCS version 4.0, an error occurs. Where would you look forthe installation log,in order to learn more about this error?()Aat the root of the installation driveBin the Cisco WCS installation directoryCon the desktop of the serverDin the Cisco WCS/Logs directory

单选题You want a record of all queries that are not using indexes. How would you achieve this?()ABy enabling the Slow Query Log because all queries that are not using indexes will be logged automaticallyBBy enabling the Error Log because not using indexes is an errorCBy enabling the Slow Query Log and using the – log-queries-not-using-indexes optionDBy enabling the Error Log and using the – log-queries-not-using-indexes option

单选题You work as a database administrator for Supportcenter.cn. You received the following error while working on your database: ORA-01555: snapshot too old ,In which situation would you receive such an error?()AYou performed rollback after commit.BIf a log switch occurs in your database.CThearchiverfails to generate an archived log file.DInstance recovery fails to find one of the redo log files.EA long-running query is unable to get read-consistent image.FIf you perform manual undo management operations in auto mode.

单选题Consider the MySQL Enterprise Audit plugin. On attempting to start the MySQL service after a crash, notice the following error: [ERROR] Plugin ‘audit_log’ init function returned error. In the audit log file, you notice the final entry: … What action should you take to fix the error and allow the service to start?()A Re-install the audit pluginB Execute the command FLUSH LOGSC Execute the command SET GLOBAL audit_log_fiush= OND Move or rename the existing audit.log file

单选题You install a copy of Mysql 5.6.13 on a brand new Linux server by using RPM packages. The server starts successfully as verified by the following commands: $ pidof mysqld 3132 $tail – n2 /var/lib.mysql/hostname.err 2013-08-18 08:18:38 3132 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld:ready for connections. Version: '5.6.13-enterprise-commercial-advaced' socket:'/tmp/mysql.sock' port; 3306 Mysql Enterprise Server – Advanced Edition (Commercial) You attempt to log in as the root user with the following command: $mysql – u root ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) Which statement is true about this scenario?()AThe RPM installation script sets a default password of password for new installationsBThe local root user must log in with a blank password initially: mysql –u root –pCNew security measures mean that the mysql_secure_installation script must be run first on all new installationsDThe mysql_install_bd post-installation script used – random-password

单选题When you try to open your database, you receive the following error:  ORA-00205: error in identifying control file   Where would you find the details required to resolve this error?()Aaudit trailBalert log fileCuser trace fileDonline trace fileEbackground trace fileFoperating system event viewer

单选题You adjust a default configuration to the following /etc/my.cnf on a Linux installation:[mysqld] Loq-bin Binrylog_format=ROW You do not notice the spelling error in binrylog_format and restart your production server. How does the MySQL server behave with incorrectly spelled options?()AMysqld uses internal configuration versioning and reverts to the previous configurationBWhen using mysql_config_editor for configuration adjustments, it detects incorrect syntax and typing mistakesCThe mysqld_safe script skips the unknown variable and starts using the remaining configuration changesDMysqld prints to the error log about an unknown variable, and then exits