多选题Regarding DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol), which two of the following choices below are true?()AThe DHCP Discover message uses FF-FF-FF-FF-FF as the Layer 2 destination address.BThe DHCP Discover message uses UDP as the transport layer protocol.CThe DHCP Discover message uses a special Layer 2 multicast address as the destination address.DThe DHCP Discover message uses TCP as the transport layer protocol.EThe DHCP Discover message does not use a Layer 2 destination address.FThe DHCP Discover message does not require a transport layer protocol.
Regarding DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol), which two of the following choices below are true?()
The DHCP Discover message uses FF-FF-FF-FF-FF as the Layer 2 destination address.
The DHCP Discover message uses UDP as the transport layer protocol.
The DHCP Discover message uses a special Layer 2 multicast address as the destination address.
The DHCP Discover message uses TCP as the transport layer protocol.
The DHCP Discover message does not use a Layer 2 destination address.
The DHCP Discover message does not require a transport layer protocol.
●有关DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)协议,陈述正确的是 (37) 。(37) A.除了子网中网关、路由器以外使用DHCPB.除了子网中网关、路由器,任何服务器和客户机都可以使用DHCPC.NT服务器不能使用DHCPD.只有客户机才能使用DHCP
Regarding DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol), which two of the following choices below are true? (Select two answer choices)A. The DHCP Discover message uses FF-FF-FF-FF-FF as the Layer 2 destination address.B. The DHCP Discover message uses UDP as the transport layer protocol.C. The DHCP Discover message uses a special Layer 2 multicast address as the destination address.D. The DHCP Discover message uses TCP as the transport layer protocol.E. The DHCP Discover message does not use a Layer 2 destination address.F. The DHCP Discover message does not require a transport layer protocol.
下面的缩写中,哪一个是不准确的()。 A.DNS-Dynamic Naming ServiceB.UDP-User Datagram ProtocolC.DHCP-Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolD.TFTP-Trivial File Transfer Protocol
Which of the following are advantages of using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol?() A. IP addresses can be managed from a central pointB. Computers can automatically get new addressing when moved to a different network segmentC. Media Access Control addresses can be changed automaticallyD. The network speed can automatically adjust based on the type of traffic being generatedE. The HOSTS file on the computer can be validated for proper entries
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides configuration parameters to Intemet ( ). DHCP consists of two components: a ( ) for delivering host-specific configuration parameters from a DHCP server to a host and a mechanism for allocation of network addresses to hosts. DHCP is built on a client-server model, where designated DHCP server hosts allocate network addresses and deliver ( ) parameters to dynamically configured hosts. DHCP supports three mechanisms for IP address allocation. In automatic allocation, DHCP assigns a ( ) IP address to a client. In dynamic allocation, DHCP assigns an IP address to a client for a limited period of time. In manual allocation, a clients IP address is assigned by the network ( ), and DHCP is used simply to convey the assitped address to the client.A.switchB.termmalC.hostsD.usersA.routerB.protocolC.hostD.mechanismA.controlB.broadcastC.configurationD.transmissionA.permanentB.dynamicC.cormectionD.sessionA.controllerB.userC.hostD.administrator
Which three of the following protocols will be forwarded to a host specified by the ip helper - address interface configuration command if the configuration has not been modified by the ip forward - protocol udp global con figuration command?()A. BOOTPB. TFTPC. ARPD. DNSE. proxy - ARPF. FTP
Which protocol reduces administrative overhead in a switched network by allowing the configuration of a new VLAN to be distributed to all the switches in a domain?() A. STPB. VTPC. GVRPD. SNMPE. DHCP
DHCP是下面哪些英语单词的缩写(). A.Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolB.Dynamic Host Connection ProtocolC.Dynamic Hot Connection ProtocolD.Denial Host Configuration Protocol
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides configuration parameters to Internet( ).DHCP consists of two components:a( )for delivering host-specifie configuration parameters from a DHCP server to a host and a mechanism for allocation of network addresses to hosts.DHCP is built on a client-server model,where designated DHCP server hosts allocate network addresses and deliver( )parameters to dynamically configured hosts.DHCP supports three mechanisms for IP address allocation.In“automatic allocation”,DHCP assigns a(本题)IP address to client.In“dynamic allocation”,DHCP assigns an IP address to a client for a limited period of time.In“manual allocation”,a client’s IP address is assigned by the network( ),and DHCP is used simply to convey the assigned address to the client.A.permanentB.dynamicC.connectionD.session
DHCP是下面哪些英语单词的缩写().A、Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolB、Dynamic Host Connection ProtocolC、Dynamic Hot Connection ProtocolD、Denial Host Configuration Protocol
有关DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)协议,陈述正确的是()A、除了子网中网关、路由器以外使用DHCPB、除了子网中网关、路由器,任何服务器和客户机都可以使用DHCPC、NT服务器不能使用DHCPD、只有客户机才能使用DHCP
Which protocol reduces administrative overhead in a switched network by allowing the configuration of a new VLAN to be distributed to all the switches in a domain?()A、STPB、VTPC、GVRPD、SNMPE、DHCP
Which statement is true regarding the Port Aggregation Protocol? ()A、Configuration changes made on the port-channel interface apply to all physical ports assigned to the portchannel interface.B、Configuration changes made on a physical port that is a member of a port-channel interface apply to the port-channel interface.C、Configuration changes are not permitted with Port Aggregation Protocol; instead, the standardized Link Aggregation Control Protocol should be used if configuration changes are required.D、The physical port must first be disassociated from the port-channel interface before any configuration changes can be made.
On router R1, which three of the following protocols will be forwarded to a host specified by the "iphelper-address" interface configuration command if the configuration has not been modified by the"ip forward-protocol udp" global configuration command?()A、BOOTPB、TFTPC、ARPD、DNSE、proxy-ARPF、FTPG、CDP
Which three of the following protocols will be forwarded to a host specified by the ip helper - address interface configuration command if the configuration has not been modified by the ip forward - protocol udp global con figuration command?()A、BOOTPB、TFTPC、ARPD、DNSE、proxy - ARPF、FTP
DHCP代表什么?()A、Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolB、Dynamic Hosting Configuration ProtocolC、Dynamlc Host Computer ProtocolD、Dynamic Host Computer Port
Regarding DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol), which two of the following choices below are true?()A、The DHCP Discover message uses FF-FF-FF-FF-FF as the Layer 2 destination address.B、The DHCP Discover message uses UDP as the transport layer protocol.C、The DHCP Discover message uses a special Layer 2 multicast address as the destination address.D、The DHCP Discover message uses TCP as the transport layer protocol.E、The DHCP Discover message does not use a Layer 2 destination address.F、The DHCP Discover message does not require a transport layer protocol.
Which two tasks does the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol perform?()A、Set the IP gateway to be used by the network.B、Perform host discovery used DHCPDISCOVER message.C、Configure IP address parameters from DHCP server to a host.D、Provide an easy management of layer 3 devices.E、Monitor IP performance using the DHCP server.F、Assign and renew IP address from the default pool.
Which of the following are advantages of using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol?()A、IP addresses can be managed from a central pointB、Computers can automatically get new addressing when moved to a different network segmentC、Media Access Control addresses can be changed automaticallyD、The network speed can automatically adjust based on the type of traffic being generatedE、The HOSTS file on the computer can be validated for proper entries
An AIX server is configured with a static IP address but the system administrator wants the server to give out IP addresses for clients who want to use the dynamic host configuration protocol instead of static IP addresses.How is this accomplished?()A、Use SMIT to have the server use DHCP instead of a static addressB、Edit /etc/rc.tcpip and start the dhcpsd daemonC、Use the network options command to enable ipforwardingD、Edit /etc/rc.net to set network options back to default
The sysdumpdev command can be used to configure remote dump devices. Which of the following conditions is NOT used for a remote dump device configuration?()A、The local and the remote host must have Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) installed and configured. B、The remote host must support NFS. C、The remote host must have an NFS exported directory defined such that the local host has read and write permissions to the dump file on the remote host. D、The remote host can be the same as the local host.
单选题The sysdumpdev command can be used to configure remote dump devices. Which of the following conditions is NOT used for a remote dump device configuration?()AThe local and the remote host must have Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) installed and configured. BThe remote host must support NFS. CThe remote host must have an NFS exported directory defined such that the local host has read and write permissions to the dump file on the remote host. DThe remote host can be the same as the local host.
单选题下面的缩写中,哪一个是不准确的()。ADNS-Dynamic Naming ServiceBUDP-User Datagram ProtocolCDHCP-Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDTFTP-Trivial File Transfer Protocol
单选题DHCP是下面哪些英语单词的缩写().ADynamic Host Configuration ProtocolBDynamic Host Connection ProtocolCDynamic Hot Connection ProtocolDDenial Host Configuration Protocol
多选题On router R1, which three of the following protocols will be forwarded to a host specified by the "iphelper-address" interface configuration command if the configuration has not been modified by the"ip forward-protocol udp" global configuration command?()ABOOTPBTFTPCARPDDNSEproxy-ARPFFTPGCDP
多选题Which three of the following protocols will be forwarded to a host specified by the ip helper - address interface configuration command if the configuration has not been modified by the ip forward - protocol udp global con figuration command?()ABOOTPBTFTPCARPDDNSEproxy - ARPFFTP