单选题During the watch keeping at sea, at appropriate intervals inspection should be made of (), auxiliary machinery and steering gear spaces by the duty engineer.Athe main propulsion plantBlifesaving jacketsClifeboat engineDstate of emergency generator
During the watch keeping at sea, at appropriate intervals inspection should be made of (), auxiliary machinery and steering gear spaces by the duty engineer.
the main propulsion plant
lifesaving jackets
lifeboat engine
state of emergency generator
The common way to obtain your ship’s position is ______.A.keeping a close watch and lookoutB.taking a radar range and bearingC.observing a radar target and listening to signalsD.keeping a well clear caution
During the watch keeping at sea, the engineer in charge should notify______in the event of any serious occurrence or a situation where he is unsure of the action to takeA.the masterB.the chief engineerC.the bridgeD.the company superintendent
The engineer ______ the watch to the relieving officer if there is reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying out the watch-keeping duties effectively.A.shall take overB.shall not take overC.shall hand overD.shall not hand over
While on watch at sea you must maintain a proper lookout at all times. On a 700-foot cargo vessel being hand-steered during daylight hours in good visibility and clear of any navigational hazards,the lookout may be ______.A.the helmsmanB.the mate on watchC.Either A or BD.Neither A nor B
While on watch at sea you must maintain a proper lookout at all times. You are on a 200-foot cargo vessel with an unobstructed view astern from the steering position. The vessel is being hand-steered during daylight hours in good visibility and clear of any navigational hazards. The lookout may be ______.A.the helmsmanB.the officer on watchC.either A or BD.neither A nor B
______should be used during the poor visibility if the rader’s screen shows heavy sea returns.A.Gain ControlB.Brilliant ControlC.Anti-clutter Sea ControlD.Sweep Intercept
At sea, much of the sailor’s time is spent ()the ship and keeping her equipment in good condition.A、to maintainB、maintainingC、maintenanceD、maintain
单选题The rate of cylinder lubricating oil metered to each cylinder of a large low-speed main propulsion diesel engine is ()Athe same, whether at sea, or during maneuveringBadjusted during each hour of operation while at constant RPMChigher at sea than while maneuveringDlower at sea than while maneuvering
单选题At sea, much of the sailor’s time is spent ()the ship and keeping her equipment in good condition.Ato maintainBmaintainingCmaintenanceDmaintain
单选题The 10-cm radar as compared to a 3-cm radar of similar specifications will().Abe more suitable for river and harbor navigationBprovide better range performance on low lying targets during good weather and calm seasChave a wider horizontal beam widthDhave more sea return during rough sea conditions
单选题You are a watch standing mate and have come to the bridge to relieve the watch while underway at sea.The watch should not be transferred().ADuring an engine speed changeBDuring a navigational course changeCUnless the helm is in the“hand”modeDAll of the above
单选题The officer in charge of the engineering ()the watch to the reliving officer if there is reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying out the watch-keeping duties effectively.Ashall take overBshall not take overCshall hand overDshall not hand over
单选题The officer of the watch should use radar when appropriate and at all times in()waters.AcongestingBcongestedCcongestionDcongest
单选题All member of the engineering watch shall be familiar with assigned watch-keeping dutiesIn addition, every member shall, with respect to the ship they are serving in have knowledge of() Ⅰ.the use of appropriate internal communication systems Ⅱ.the use of GMDSS Ⅲ.the escape routes from machinery space Ⅳ.the number location and types of fire-fighting equipment in the machinery spacesAⅠ+Ⅲ+ⅣBⅡ+Ⅲ+ⅣCⅢ+ⅣDⅠ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ
单选题While on watch at sea you must maintain a proper lookout at all times. On a 700-foot cargo vessel being hand-steered during daylight hours in good visibility and clear of any navigational hazards,the lookout may be().Athe helmsmanBthe mate on watchCEither A or BDNeither A nor B
单选题()is not within the exception of the perils of the sea.AStranding on rocks during fogBFire at seaCRough sea beating into a shipDThe decaying of the cargo
单选题During the watch at sea () should be logged or recorded in the engine log book.Athe running hours of the cooling water pumpBchief engineer’s orderCthe main parameters of main and auxiliary equipmentDthe position of the vessel
单选题The Convention is the first to establish basic requirements on training certification and watch-keeping for seafarers on an international level()ASTCW78BSTCW95CSOLAS74DSOLAS88
单选题()should be used during the poor visibility if the radar’s screen shows heavy sea returns.AGain ControlBBrilliant ControlCAnti-clutter Sea ControlDSweep Intercept
单选题The sailor keeping ()watch should clean the gangway, the rails, bulwark and the spaces around the gangway.AnavigationBgangwayCportDanchor
单选题While on watch at sea you must maintain a proper lookout at all times. You are on a 200-foot cargo vessel with an unobstructed view astern from the steering position. The vessel is being hand-steered during daylight hours in good visibility and clear of any navigational hazards. The lookout may be().Athe helmsmanBthe officer on watchCeither A or BDneither A nor B
单选题During the watch keeping at sea, routine adjustments should be ()Amade and noted as required by the duty engineerBreported to chief engineer immediately after being made by duty engineerCnever made before getting permission from chief engineerDmade as required but not logged
单选题During the watch keeping at sea, the engineer in charge should notify in the event of any serious occurrence or a situation where he is unsure of the action to take()Athe masterBthe chief engineerCthe bridgeDthe company superintendent
单选题During the watch keeping at sea, at appropriate intervals inspection should be made of (), auxiliary machinery and steering gear spaces by the duty engineer.Athe main propulsion plantBlifesaving jacketsClifeboat engineDstate of emergency generator
单选题During the watch at sea, where situations occur in the machine apace which may affect the speed maneuverability, power supply or other essentials for the safe operation of the ship()should be informed as soon as possible.Athe chief engineerBthe masterCthe bridgeDthe company superintendent
单选题The officer of the watch()a good lookout on the bridge.AkeepBkeepingCkeepsDis keeping