AI的英文全称是()。A、Automatic IntelligenceB、Artifical IntelligenceC、Automatice InformationD、Artifical Information


  • A、Automatic Intelligence
  • B、Artifical Intelligence
  • C、Automatice Information
  • D、Artifical Information


If a project manager communicates a verbal message to a subordinate, and the subordinate leaves without saying a word, the project manager should assume:A the message was understoodB the message was not understoodC the subordinate discarded the informationD the information was not appropriateE None of the above.

医院信息系统的英文全称是( )。A、Clinical Information SystemB、Hospital Information SystemC、Hope Information SystemD、Hospital Idea ServiceE、Hospital Importance Service

The information passed on by word of mouth is important because____.A. ***** through any other sourceB. it helps ***** of the best housing never advertised.C. the final year students always offer better informationD. the landlords have little valuable information

在通信专业中,DSP的英文全称是(),自适应的通常翻译为英文是()。A.Data Signal Pulse B.Digital Signal Processing C.Data Stream Property D.Digital Spectrum ProgrammingA.adaptive B.autonomous C.automatic

如果要删除Student数据库中的Information表,可以使用下列哪个命令?一——A.ALTER TABLE InformationB.TRUNCATE TABLE InformationC.DROP。TABLE InformationD.DELETE TABLE Information

BIM的英文全称是(),即建筑信息模型。 A.Buy Information ModelB.Building Information ModelingC.Build Information ModelD.Building Inform. Modeling

AI是英文()的缩写。 A.Automatic IntelligenceB.Automatic InationC.Artificial IntelligenceD.Artificial Ination

AutoCAD的英文全称是()。A.AutomAtic Computer AidedDesignB.Autodesk Computer AidedDesignC.CAD2000D.CAD2002

The information passed on by word of mouth is important because____.A. it is better than that found through any other sourceB. it helps you find some of the best housing never advertisedC. the final year students always offer better informationD. the landlords have little valuable information

Information theory is related to the quantification of information. This was developed by Claude E. Shannon to who found fundamental limits on()operations such as compressing data and on reliably storing and communicating data.A.signalB.dataC.informationD.signal processing

According to the 13th Five-Year Plan of China,()does not belong to the focus of innovation and development of the new generation of information technology industry.A.Artificial intelligenceB.Mobile Intelligent TerminalC.Advanced SensorsD.4G

以下叙述正确的是()。A、英国的英文名称是United KiongdomB、韩国的英文名称是KoreaC、新西兰的英文名称是NetherlandsD、加拿大的英文名称是CanadaE、巴西的英文名称是Brazil

AutoCAD的英文全称是()A、AutomAtic Computer Aided DesignB、Autodesk Computer Aided DesignC、CAD2000D、CAD2002

自动售检系统(AFC)相应的英文为()。A、Automatic Fare CheckB、Automatic Fare CollectionC、Application Fare CollectionD、Application Fare Check

IT的全称是指()A、InternetB、Information TechnologyC、Information TransmitD、Information Technique

CIO的英文全称是Chief Information ()。

PLC的英文全称是Programmable Logic Controller,MPI的英文全称是Multi Point Interface,SM信号模块的英文全称是Signal Module,扫描周期的英文全称是()。


CQI在以下哪个参数界面中显示?()A、LTE Server Cell InformationB、LTE Power InformationC、LTE PHY InformationD、LTE Cell Information

BIM的全称是()。A、Building Information ManagementB、Building Information ModelingC、Building Infinite ModelingD、Build Information Model

信息技术(IT)的英文全称是()。A、Internet TechnologyB、Information TechnologyC、Information TechnicalD、Input Device

信息技术的全称是()A、System TechnologyB、Office AutomationC、Information EducationD、Information Technology offers account managers which three of these resources? ()A、 customer issue narrativesB、 training and eventsC、 ordering informationD、 products and services information

建筑信息模型,BIM的全称是()。A、Building Information ModelB、Build Information ModelC、Building Information ModelingD、Building Description Model

单选题AI的英文全称是()。AAutomatic IntelligenceBArtifical IntelligenceCAutomatice InformationDArtifical Information

多选题以下叙述正确的是()。A英国的英文名称是United KiongdomB韩国的英文名称是KoreaC新西兰的英文名称是NetherlandsD加拿大的英文名称是CanadaE巴西的英文名称是Brazil

填空题CIO的英文全称是Chief Information ()。