单选题A self-righting survival craft will return to an upright position provided that all personnel().Aare seated with seat belts on and doors shutBare seated with seat belts on and doors openCare to shift to one side to right itDescape from the craft

A self-righting survival craft will return to an upright position provided that all personnel().

are seated with seat belts on and doors shut


are seated with seat belts on and doors open


are to shift to one side to right it


escape from the craft


解析: 暂无解析


The air cylinder bottles in the survival craft should be refilled with ______.A.oxygenB.nitrogenC.compressed airD.nitrogen and oxygen

During an abandonment or drill,the first person to arrive at the survival craft should ______.A.pass out food and water to personnelB.open the doors and start the sprinkler systemC.activate the emergency release handleD.open the doors and prepare the craft for boarding

单选题The purpose for the bag or box on top of some survival craft is to().Aright the craft in case of capsizingBincrease area for radar detectionCact as a sail in case of a power lossDsteady the craft in heavy seas

单选题A self-righting survival craft will return to an upright position provided that all personnel().Aare seated with seat belts on and doors shutBare seated with seat belts on and doors openCare to shift to one side to right itDescape from the craft

单选题During the towing of a survival craft,a lookout should be on station to().Arelease the towline in an emergencyBhelp the helmsman steerClook for food and waterDcheck the water level in the bilge

单选题The backup system on an electric start survival craft is a().Ahydraulic systemBpneumatic systemCspare batteryDhand crank

单选题I certify that the()of the portable radio apparatus for survival craft,if provided,complies with the said regulations.AinfectionBfunctioningCeffectingDaffection

多选题The correct statements for survival craft muster station are:()AThe area is at least 0.35 sq.m. per personBHave sufficient clear deck spaceCTo accommodate all persons assigned to muster at that stationDClose to the embarkation stations

单选题The sprinkler system of a survival craft is used to().Acool the craft in a fireBcool the engineCspray oil on the sea to calm itDspray personnel during a fire

单选题The survival craft’s engine is fueled with().AkeroseneBunleaded gasolineCdiesel oilDliquefied gas

单选题Survival craft EPIRBs (Class S) are().Apermanently mounted in the survival craftBportable and stowed for carriage to the survival craftCpermanently mounted on the bridge wingsDportable and stowed in the emergency gear locker

单选题During an abandonment or drill,the first person to arrive at the survival craft should().Apass out food and water to personnelBopen the doors and start the sprinkler systemCactivate the emergency release handleDopen the doors and prepare the craft for boarding

单选题In evacuation from a ship,an individual without the option of a survival craft or liferaft should enter the water on the leeward side,except when().Athere is burning oil on the waterBthere is a rescue craft in the areaCwater temperature is below 40°FDa rigid survival craft is in the area

单选题The limit switches on a ships survival-craft winch system().Astop the winch just before the craft reaches the final stowage positionBlimit the amount of cable on the drumClimit the ascent rateDstop the winch in case the craft weighs too much

单选题Knowing the compass heading that is 90°to the side of a ship will enable the operator of a survival craft to initially steer().Ainto the windBaway in fire and smokeCdirectly to the standby boatDdirectly to the nearest land

单选题The air cylinder bottles in the survival craft should be refilled with().AoxygenBnitrogenCcompressed airDnitrogen and oxygen

单选题The survival craft is manufactured with fire retardant().AfoamBmarine plywoodCsteelDfiberglass

单选题A right-handed propeller will cause the survival craft to().Awalk the stern to starboard in reverseBwalk the stern to port in reverseCrun faster than a lefe-handed propellerDright itself if capsized

单选题Which device provides the main means in the GMDSS for locating ships in distress or their survival craft().ARadio direction finderBSatellite EPIRBsCMF/HF DSCDVHF homing device

单选题A survival craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a ship should approach the person().Aat a high rate of speedBunder oarsCagainst the windDwith the wind

单选题If the engine of a survival craft does not start,check to see().Athat the fuel valve is openBif the air supply system is openCif the water sprinkler system is openDif the limit switch is on

单选题An on-load release system on a survival craft means the cable can be released().Aonly when the load is taken off the cableBonly when there is a load on the cableConly when activated by the controls at the lowering stationDat any time

单选题All vessel personnel should be familiar with the survival craft’s()Aboarding and operating proceduresBmaintenance scheduleCnavigational systemsDfuel consumption rates

单选题All OSV personnel should be familiar with survival craft().Aboarding and operating proceduresBmaintenance scheduleCnavigational systemsDfuel consumption rates

单选题A Certificate of Inspection issued to a small passenger vessel describes().Athe mimimum fire extinguishing equipment,lifejackets,survival and rescue craft she must carryBthe name of the managing operatorCany special conditions or restrictions on her operationDAll the above

单选题An undocumented vessel with 10 people aboard and operating 25 miles off the seacoast must carry a survival craft of the().Ainflatable buoyant apparatus typeBbuoyant apparatus typeClife float typeDAny of the above types are acceptable

单选题If the survival craft is not loaded to full capacity,the personnel should be().Aloaded more on the port side forwardBloaded equally on both sides with more forwardCloaded equally on both sides with more aftDallowed to sit anywhere

单选题When a survival craft drill is held,the person in charge must insure that().Aall survival craft are lowered to the water,launched,and operated for thirty minutesBall davits used for launching liferafts are operatedCeach emergency position indicating radio beacon is tested for thirty minutesDthe helicopter pad landing lights are operating in a quick-flashing mode