单选题______Athat Bwhich Cin order that Dfor






in order that  






单选题People buy insurance in order to substitute a small, certain, tolerable loss for a large, uncertain, catastrophic one.Adominate Binput Cexchange Dmanipulate

单选题If active measures are not taken, fossil fuel will be consumed soon in the world.Aused up Bbring up Cheaded out Dhanded down

单选题A land ethic of course cannot prevent the conversion, management, and use of the resources of soil, waters, plants and animals.Aaltercation Balternation Calteration Dallocation

单选题______Aglobalization Brevolution CindustrializationDevolution

单选题The number of USA citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase.Aencouraged Benforced Cexpected Dentitled

问答题Effect of the Great Depression  It is difficult to measure the human cost of the Great Depression. The material hardships were bad enough. Men and women lived in lean-tos made of scrap wood and metal, and families went without meat and fresh vegetables for months, existing on a diet of soup and beans. The psychological burden was even greater4: Americans suffered through year after year of grinding poverty with no letup in sight. The unemployed stood in line for hours waiting for relief checks, veterans sold apples or pencils on street comers, their manhood—once prized so highly by the nation—now in question. People left the city for the countryside but found no salvation on the farm. Crops rotted in the fields because prices were too low to make harvesting worthwhile; sheriffs fended off angry crowds as banks foreclosed long overdue mortgages on once prosperous farms.  Few escaped the suffering. African Americans who had left the poverty of the rural South for factory jobs in the North were among the first to be laid off. Mexican Americans, who had flowed in to replace European immigrants, met with competition from angry citizens, now willing to do stoop labor in the fields and work as track layers on the railroads. Immigration officials used technicalities to halt the flow across the Rio Grande and even to reverse it; nearly a half million Mexicans were deported in the 1930s, including families with children born in the United States.  The poor—black, brown, and white—survived because they knew better than most Americans how to exist in poverty. They stayed in bed in cold weather, both to keep warm and to avoid unnecessary burning up of calories; they patched their shoes with pieces of rubber from discarded tires, heated only the kitchens of their homes, and ate scraps of food that others would reject.  The middle class, which had always lived with high expectations, was hit hard. Professionals and white-collar workers refused to ask for charity even while their families went without food; one New York dentist and his wife turned on the gas and left a note saying, “We want to get out of the way before we are forced to accept relief money.” People who fell behind in their mortgage payments lost their homes and then faced eviction when they could not pay the rent. Health care declined. Middle-class people stopped going to doctors and dentists regularly, unable to make the required cash payment in advance for services rendered.  Even the well-to-do were affected, giving up many of their former luxuries and weighed down with guilt as they watched former friends and business associates join the ranks of the impoverished. “My father lost everything in the Depression” became an all-too-familiar refrain among young people who dropped out of college.  Many Americans sought escape in movement. Men, boys, and some women, rode the rails in search of jobs, hopping freights to move south in the winter or west in the summer. On the Missouri Pacific alone, the number of vagrants increased from just over 13,000 in 1929 to nearly 200,000 in 1931. One town in the Southwest hired special policemen to keep vagrants from leaving the boxcars. Those who became tramps had to keep on the move, but they did find a sense of community in the hobo jungles that sprang up along the major railroad routes. Here a man could find a place to eat and sleep, and people with whom to share his misery. Louis Banks, a black veteran, told interviewer Studs Terkel what these informal camps were like:  Black and white, it didn’t make any difference who you were, cause everybody was poor. All friendly, sleep in a jungle. We used to take a big pot and cook food, cabbage, meat and beans all together. We all set together, we made a tent. Twenty-five or thirty would be out on the side of the rail, white and colored: They didn’t have no mothers or sisters, they didn’t have no home, they were dirty, they had overalls on, they didn’t have no food, they didn’t have anything.

单选题Too many regulatory organizations have a development-first mindset and enforcement and oversight are ineffective, if not altogether lacking.Aneglect Bignorance Cblunder Dsupervision

单选题We seem oblivious of the fragility of the earth’s natural system.Afrailty Bsolitude Cprevalence Dfission

问答题中美合作  中美两国人民的友好合作对世界具有重大影响。美国是最发达的资本主义国家,中国是最大的发展中国家。13亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定与发展,具有极其重要的意义。中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,美国拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量,两国的经济有着很强的互补性。中国的潜在市场同国外的先进技术和资金优势结合起来,就能形成众多的发展机遇和强大的发展活力。  中国和美国,在事关人类生存和发展的许多重大问题上,例如维护世界和平与安全,防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散,保护人类生存环境,打击国际犯罪等,有着广泛的共同利益,肩负着共同责任。这些都是中美两国发展友好合作的重要基础。我们应该牢牢把握中美关系的大局,妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、创未来的目标前进。

单选题The word “edge” underlined in Paragraph 5 means __________.Asomething very sharpBthe outside limit or boundaryCthe degree of anger, nervousness or annoyanceDa slight advantage over somebody

单选题The problems themselves are still not truly strategic because the operation of the global environment is not affected and the survival of civilization is not at stake.Aat risk Bat issue Cpent up Dadhere to

单选题______Avivacity Boriginality Ccreativity Ddynamic

单选题The author implies that __________.Athe teacher should guide all discussions by revealing her own attitudeBin some aspects of social studies a greater variety of methods can be used in the upper grades than in the lower gradesCpeople usually act on the basis of reasoning rather than emotionDchildren’s attitudes often come from those of other children

问答题扶贫开发  二十一世纪中国扶贫(poverty alleviation;poverty relief;aiding the poor)开发面临的难点和比较突出的问题是:第一,虽然贫困人13的收入水平明显提高,但目前中国扶贫的标准是低水平的。第二,由于受自然条件恶劣、社会保障系统(social insurance system)薄弱和自身综合能力差等因素的掣肘,目前已经解决温饱问题的贫困人口还存在很大的脆弱性,容易重新返回到贫困状态。第三,尽管扶贫开发已使广大农村贫困地区的贫穷落后状况明显改变,但贫困农户的基本生产生活条件还没有质的变化,贫困地区社会、经济、文化落后的状况还没有根本改观。第四,由于中国人口基数很大,在今后相当长的一个时期将面临就业压力,这必然会影响到贫困人口的就业,使很多本来能够奏效的扶贫措施难以发挥出应有的作用。第五,尚未解决温饱(have enough to eat and wear)的贫困人口一般都生活在自然条件恶劣、社会发展程度低和社会服务水平差的地区,这些地区投入与产出效益的反差较大。

问答题中美两国的社会制度和对外政策有着本质的区别。但是,双方同意,各国不论社会制度如何,都应根据尊重各国主权和领土完整、不侵犯别国内政、平等互利、和平共处的原则来处理国与国之间的关系。国际争端应在此基础上予以解决,而不诉诸武力威胁。美国和中华人民共和同准备在他们的相互关系中实行这些原则。  双方回顾了中美两国之间长期存在的严重争端。中国方面重申自己的立场:台湾问题是阻碍中美两国关系正常化的关键问题;中华人民共和国政府是中国的惟一合法政府;台湾是中国的一个省,早已归还祖国;解放台湾是中国内政,别国无权干涉;全部美国武装力量和军事设施必须从台湾撤出。中国政府坚决反对任何旨在制造“一台一中”、“一个中国、两个政府”、“两个中国”、“台湾独立”和鼓吹“台湾地位未定”的活动。  美国方面声明:美国认识到,在台湾海峡两岸的所有中国人都认为只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。美国政府对这一立场不提出异议。它重申对中国人民和平解决台湾问题的关心。考虑到这一前景,它确定从台湾撤出全部美国武装力量和军事设施的最终目标。在此期间,它将随着这个地区紧张局势的缓和逐步减少它在台湾的武装力量。

单选题Although the Moon has not held great prominence in the history of religion, the veneration of the Moon by some societies has been practiced since early times.Amagic of Bsymbol for Cworship of Ddependence on

单选题John doesn’t like going out, but occasionally he will go to the town.Aonce again Bagain and againCnow that Dnow and then

问答题新型工业化  我们要推进产业结构优化升级,坚持走新型工业化道路。依靠科技进步,围绕提高自主创新能力,推动产业结构调整。加快开发对经济增长有重大带动作用的高新技术,以及能够推动传统产业升级的共性技术和关键技术。抓紧制定若干重大领域关键技术创新的目标和措施,务求尽快取得新突破。完善鼓励创新的体制和政策体系。坚持引进先进技术和消化吸收创新相结合,增强自主开发能力。大力发展高新技术产业,积极推进国民经济和社会信息化。加快用高新技术改造提升传统产业。以重大工程为依托,推动装备制造业振兴。在专门项目指导下,继续加强能源、重要原材料等基础产业和水利、交通、通信等基础设施建设。积极发展现代配送、旅游、社区服务等第三产业。既要加快发展资金技术密集型产业,又要继续发展劳动密集型产业。

单选题______Adevoted Bloving Cbeloved Dbridal

单选题______Ato Bin Cfrom Dbeyond

单选题______Aup Bout Caway Dwith


单选题______Arequire Badvise Cask Dtell

单选题Apparently the long drought has retarded the trees' growth in this area.Aslowed down Bretained Cpropelled Dfed

单选题The study of law, with its great number of cases, statutes, and contracts, can be a tedious process.Acurious Btiresome Cchallenging Doverwhelming

单选题Composer Philip Glass created single handedly a new musical genre with both classical and popular appeal.Aby himself Bdurable Cmanually Dboldly


单选题Political cartoons often convey messages by mocking a particular type of personality or institution.Aentertaining Bignoring Cdrawing Dridiculing