


信息提取题。定位到文中第一句“...should not be used by anyone who is not the original intended recipient”,由此可知,此处应该填写original intended recipient。


填空题In what season is the Garden concert held?In ____.

单选题There is no way we’ll get lost in the mountains, since the tour guide has figured out the return route.A我们根本不会在山里迷路,因为导游已回到了原来的路线上。B既然导游已经弄清了返程的路线,我们就绝不会在山里迷路。C因为我们在山里迷失了方向无路可走,导游只好按原路返回。

填空题What happened in the factory last night?The central heating system ____.

单选题_____APrepare a price list.BGo to the Brown Company.CSend a parcel by post.DMail a price list.

单选题Air France carries out its Frequency Plus _____.Athrough its reduced ticket pricesBthrough its extensive network of partnersCby providing convenient flight schedulesDby offering excellent services on board

填空题If your credit(信誉) is good, you will be allowed (use) ____ the credit card.

单选题According to the second rule, too much liquid in the cooker may result in _____.Aa ruined mealBundercooked foodCtoo little pressureDa blocked vent pipe

单选题It is obvious that Jack can hardly understand the instructions of the mobile phone he is reading.A杰克显然看不懂他正在阅读的手机说明书。B杰克费了很大劲才看懂本来很明显的手机指令。C显然,杰克努力去理解他正在阅读的手机指令。

单选题According to the passage, Melbourne is a city where _____.Arich people choose to liveBthe best wine is producedCvarious cultures existDAsian food is popular

单选题The proposal _____, we’ll have to make another decision about when to start the project.AacceptedBacceptingCto acceptDbe accepted

填空题Where is the hotel located on the island of Oahu?On ____.

单选题_____AStudy math with John.BTalk with John about his study.CAsk John to be their tutor.DTake John to a doctor.

单选题Small moments sometimes last a very long time. And a few words—though they mean little at the time to the people who say them—can have enormous power.A有些瞬间虽然倏忽即逝,却常常令人久久不能忘怀。同样,有些话虽然对说的人来说算不了什么,但是对听的人来说却具有深远的影响。B小的片刻有时持续很长时间。而且很少的几个字在当时对于说这些字的人而言没有什么,最终能有很大的力量。C有些瞬间能持续久远。有些只言片语却意义非凡。

单选题The villagers have offered much help to us and we think we should do something for them _____.Ain returnBin placeCin fashionDin danger


填空题She can’t help (cry) ____ at such a touching movie.



填空题What’s the relationship between the type of policy and your financial plan?The type of policy should meet your ____.

填空题What could you win if you fly with Singapore Airlines within the period mentioned?You could win ____ every day, plus a chance to win great prizes.

填空题30 percent of the students who (interview) ____ yesterday believe they should continue with their education until they have a university degree.

填空题What was Mike Smith’s major at London University?____



单选题What can we learn about the company?AIt has the largest number of customers.BIt is grateful for its employees’ efforts.CIt is successful in the market place.DIt charges the least for its services.

单选题_____AIn the office.BIn a factory.CAt the airport.DAt the railway station.

单选题The news _____ he had landed on the moon spread all over the world.AwhichBthatCwhatDas

单选题The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage _____ the other car.AatBtoConDfor