单选题BlingbyAlex.com was known several years ago by the name AlexBling.com.At times, the sales staff still receives orders from clients at the AlexBling.com address.Both names are owned by the company.After you successfully deploy an Exchange 2010 server configuration, which includes two Hub Transport servers, the sales staff informs you that they are no longer able to receive mail at the AlexBling.com address.What should you do so that they can receive email from both domains?()AOn the Hub Transport server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.BOn the Mailbox server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.CUse Active Directory to add an email alias to each user’s account for AlexBling.com.DOn the Client Access server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.

BlingbyAlex.com was known several years ago by the name AlexBling.com.At times, the sales staff still receives orders from clients at the AlexBling.com address.Both names are owned by the company.After you successfully deploy an Exchange 2010 server configuration, which includes two Hub Transport servers, the sales staff informs you that they are no longer able to receive mail at the AlexBling.com address.What should you do so that they can receive email from both domains?()

On the Hub Transport server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.


On the Mailbox server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.


Use Active Directory to add an email alias to each user’s account for AlexBling.com.


On the Client Access server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.


解析: 暂无解析


He bought a car several years ago, and now it is still in good () A.wayB.situationC.moodD.condition

What is known about the influenza virus?A. It was first found in a group of very old birds.B. All the different strains can be found in wild birds.C. It existed over 100 million years ago.D. It can survive in many different places.

The sentence" We have people. . . down the road" ( Line 4, Paragraph 2)probably means[ A] we have people calling us for parking space two years ahead of time.[ B] people called us for permission to use the places two years ago.[ C] we received calls from people down the road two years ago.[D] people called us for school vacancies two years in advance.

The story she has just told _______ me of an experience I had several years ago. A.remembersB.remindsC.refersD.reflects

Ten years ago he was sent into ( ). A、the prisonB、prisonsC、prisonD、a prison

It _____ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago. A wasB areC wereD had been

I ______ the boy over there for years.A、knewB、will knowC、have knownD、known

His father gave up smoking two years ago . 学科网A. enjoyed B. failed C. stopped 学科 His father gave up smoking two years ago .A. enjoyed B. failed C. stopped

Edison invented the light bulb many years ago(改为被动语态)The light bulb__________ __________by Edison many years ago.

Edgar began()as an office boy years ago.AjobBworkCpositionDoccupation

When did you move to America?()AThree years ago.BAbout three years.CNext year.DThis year

They have learned about()in recent years.A、several hundreds English wordsB、hundreds of English wordsC、hundred of English wordsD、several hundred English words

He worked in this company () several years.A、inB、sinceC、for

It was about 600 years ago () the first clockwith a face and an hour hand was made.

()has been one of the dominant theme in the development of logistics management. This development began 40 years ago at a local level. Today, many businesses are making efforts to integrate global networks, comprise several tiers of supplier and distributor, and the use of different transport modes and carriers.A、IntegrationB、Business reengineeringC、Supply chain managementD、ERP

BlingbyAlex.com was known several years ago by the name AlexBling.com.At times, the sales staff still receives orders from clients at the AlexBling.com address.Both names are owned by the company.After you successfully deploy an Exchange 2010 server configuration, which includes two Hub Transport servers, the sales staff informs you that they are no longer able to receive mail at the AlexBling.com address.What should you do so that they can receive email from both domains?()A、On the Hub Transport server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.B、On the Mailbox server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.C、Use Active Directory to add an email alias to each user’s account for AlexBling.com.D、On the Client Access server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.

单选题What do we know about Methuselah’s sex?AIt will be made clear within a year or two.BIt will remain a myth for at least a decade.CIt won’t be known until several years later.DIt won’t be decided without ancient knowledge.

单选题When was paper first created?AAbout 2000 years ago.BIn the 19th century.CAbout 1000 years ago.DIn the 11th century.

问答题What’s the difference between the clothes at present and ten years ago?

单选题BlingbyAlex.com was known several years ago by the name AlexBling.com.At times, the sales staff still receives orders from clients at the AlexBling.com address.Both names are owned by the company.After you successfully deploy an Exchange 2010 server configuration, which includes two Hub Transport servers, the sales staff informs you that they are no longer able to receive mail at the AlexBling.com address.What should you do so that they can receive email from both domains?()AOn the Hub Transport server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.BOn the Mailbox server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.CUse Active Directory to add an email alias to each user’s account for AlexBling.com.DOn the Client Access server, use the New Accepted Domain Wizard to add AlexBling.com.

单选题The computers made by our company sell best, but several years ago no one could have imagined the role in the markets that they _____.Awere playingBwere to playChave playedDplayed

单选题How long has he been looking for a new apartment?AFor several days.BFor several months.CFor several years.

单选题I have lived in this city thirty years ago, so I know it quite well.AinBthirty years agoCsoDquite well

单选题When was the first story about the monster told?A200 years ago.BOver 500 years ago.CIn 1933.DIn 1960.

单选题— I hear you are a big fan of Yao Ming.— Quite right. But it’s a pity that he ______ several years ago.AretiresBretiredCwill retireDhas retired

单选题For several years now, the student body is attempting to gain more influence over university policies.AFor several years nowBis attemptingCmoreDover

单选题When did you move to America?()AThree years ago.BAbout three years.CNext year.DThis year

单选题Which of the following sentence contain a noun (名词) used as an attribute(定语)?AWe can’t but face the reality.BWe could hardly see any fresh vegetables in winter on market several years ago.CThere are only two women assistants in that shoe shop.DThese young people know little about how to choose good books to read.