单选题The users request that [F2], [F3], and [F4] be used to commit, rollback, and exit,respectively. How do you accomplish this?()AAdd the appropriate PL/SQL code for each key. BMap the logical keys to the physical keys, then add the appropriate PL/SQL code for each key.CCreate an object library to define the key triggers, then reference the object library in the form. DThis cannot be accomplished because other function keys provide this functionality by default.
The users request that [F2], [F3], and [F4] be used to commit, rollback, and exit,respectively. How do you accomplish this?()
Add the appropriate PL/SQL code for each key.
Map the logical keys to the physical keys, then add the appropriate PL/SQL code for each key.
Create an object library to define the key triggers, then reference the object library in the form.
This cannot be accomplished because other function keys provide this functionality by default.
某产品有F1,F2,F3,F4四项功能,采用环比评分法得出相邻两项功能的重要性系数为:F1/F2=1.75,F2/F3,=2.20,F3/F4=3.10。则功能F2的重要性系数是( )。A.0.298B.0.224C.0.179D.0.136
某产品由5个零部件F1、F2、F3、F4、G5、组成,一对一强制评分后的修正功能得分分别为F1=4、F2=3、F3=5、F4=2、F5=1、则F2的功能评价系数是( )。A.0.20B.0.24C.0.33D.0.35
某产品目标成本为800万元,该产品分为四个功能区,各功能区重要性系数和功能实现成本如下:功能区功能重要性系数功能现实成本(万元)Fl0.35302F20.24230F30.22210F40.19178则该产品功能的改进顺序应为()。A.Fl—F2一F3一F4 B.F2一Fl一F4一F3C.Fl—F4一F3一F2 D.F2一F3一F4一Fl
( 22 )有如下头文件:int fl();static int f2();class MA{public:int f3();static int f4();} ;在所描述的函数中,具有隐含的 this 指针的是A ) f1B ) f2C ) f3D ) f4
某产品各功能的功能系数和成本系数如表所示,应列为价值工程优先改进对象的是( )功能。功能 F1 F2 F3 F4功能系数 0.36 0.2 0.25 0.19成本系数 0.3 0.2 0.26 0.24A. F1 B. F2C. F3 D. F4
已知某产品有四个功能,其中各功能重要程度为F1比F2重要,F1比F3重要,F1比F4重要,F3比F2重要,F2比F4重要,F3比F4重要,试用0-1评分法来确定F1的功能重要性系数为()。 A. 0.50B. 0.40C.0.36D. 0.33
Theusersrequestthat[F2],[F3],and[F4]beusedtocommit,rollback,andexit,respectively.Howdoyouaccomplishthis?() A.AddtheappropriatePL/SQLcodeforeachkey.B.Mapthelogicalkeystothephysicalkeys,thenaddtheappropriatePL/SQLcodeforeachkey.C.Createanobjectlibrarytodefinethekeytriggers,thenreferencetheobjectlibraryintheform.D.Thiscannotbeaccomplishedbecauseotherfunctionkeysprovidethisfunctionalitybydefault.
某产品有F1,F2,F3,F4四项功能,采用0-4评分法得出F2和F3同样重要,F1相对于F4重要得多,F1相对于F2重要。则功能F2的重要性系数是( )。A:0.08B:0.25C:0.35D:0.42
某房地产开发项目的四个开发经营方案F1、F2、F3、F4的开发经营期相同,投资大小为 F1 > F2 > F3 > F4 。方案两两比较计算出的差额投资内部收益率分别为当最低可接受收益率MARR=15%时,四个方案中最优的方案是( )。A.F1B.F2C.F3D.F4
某产品有F1、F2、F3、F4四项功能,采用环比评分法得出相邻两项功能的重要性系数为:F1/F2=1. 75,F2/F3 =2. 20,F3/F4= 3.10。则功能F2的重要性系数是( )。A.0.298B.0.224C.0. 179D.0.136
利用TCM软件操作Axios荧光光谱仪时,在M mechanics for sample loading界面进行进样操作时,按计算机功能健的顺序是:()A、F1、F2、F3、F4B、F1、F3、F2、F4C、F4、F3、F2、F1D、F1、F2、F4、F3
某产品由5个零部件F1、F2、F3、F4、F5组成,一对一强制评分后的修正功能得分分别为F1=4、F2=3、F3=5、F4=2、F5=1、则F2的功能评价系数是( )。A、0.20B、0.24C、0.33D、0.35
单选题The users request that [F2], [F3], and [F4] be used to commit, rollback, and exit,respectively. How do you accomplish this?()AAdd the appropriate PL/SQL code for each key. BMap the logical keys to the physical keys, then add the appropriate PL/SQL code for each key.CCreate an object library to define the key triggers, then reference the object library in the form. DThis cannot be accomplished because other function keys provide this functionality by default.
单选题某产品有F1,F2,F3,F4四项功能,采用环比评分法得出相邻两项功能的重要性系数为:F1/F2=1.85,F2/F3=3.20,F3/F4=2.50。则功能F3的重要性系数是( )。A0.082B0.095C0.112D0.136