Which JSTL code snippet can be used to import content from another web resource?()A、c:import url="foo.jsp"/B、c:import page="foo.jsp"/C、c:include url="foo.jsp"/D、c:include page="foo.jsp"/

Which JSTL code snippet can be used to import content from another web resource?()

  • A、<c:import url="foo.jsp"/>
  • B、<c:import page="foo.jsp"/>
  • C、<c:include url="foo.jsp"/>
  • D、<c:include page="foo.jsp"/>


( )可在JSP页面出现该指令的位置处,静态插入一个文件。A.page指令标签B.page指令的import属性C.include指令标签D.include动作标签

Whichthe JSTLcodesnippetcanbeusedtoimportcontentfromanotherwebresource?() A.c:importurl=*foo.jsp”/B.c:importpage=*foo.jsp”/C.c:includeurl=*foo.jsp”/D.c:includepage=*foo.jsp”/E.ImportingcannotbedoneinJSTL.Astandardactionmustbeusedinstead.

WhichJSTLcodesnippetcanbeusedtoimportcontentfromanotherwebresource?() A.c:importurl=foo.jsp/B.c:importpage=foo.jsp/C.c:includeurl=foo.jsp/D.c:includepage=foo.jsp/

WhichJSPstandardactioncanbeusedtoimportcontentfromaresourcecalledfoo.jsp?() A.jsp:importfile=’foo.jsp’/B.jsp:importpage=’foo.jsp’/C.jsp:includepage=’foo.jsp’/D.jsp:includefile=’foo.jsp’/

WhichJSTLcodesnippetcanbeusedtoperformURLrewriting?() A.ahref=’c:urlurl=foo.jsp/’/B.ahref=’c:linkurl=foo.jsp/’/C.ahref=’c:urlvalue=foo.jsp/’/D.ahref=’c:linkvalue=foo.jsp/’/

You need to dump the data from the master server and import it into a new slave server.Which mysqldump option can be used when dumping data from the master server in order to include the master server‘s binary log information?()A.Include-master-infoB.Master-binlogC.Include-log-fileD.Master-data

当在JSP文件中要使用到Vector对象时,应在JSP文件中加入以下哪个语句?()A、〈jsp:include file=”java.util.*” /〉B、〈jsp:include page=”java.util.*” /〉C、〈%@ page import=”java.util.*” %〉D、〈%@ page include=”java.util.*” %〉

Every page of your web site must include a common set of navigation menus at the top of the page. Thismenu is static HTML and changes frequently,so you have decided to use JSP’s static import mechanism. Which JSP code snippet accomplishes this goal?()A、%@ import file=’/common/menu.html’ %B、%@ page import=’/common/menu.html’ %C、%@ import page=’/common/menu.html’ %D、%@ include file=’/common/menu.html’ %E、%@ page include=’/common/menu.html’ %

Which JSP standard action can be used to import content from a resource called foo.jsp?()A、jsp:import file=’foo.jsp’ /B、jsp:import page=’foo.jsp’ /C、jsp:include page=’foo.jsp’ /D、jsp:include file=’foo.jsp’ /

You are writing a JSP that includes scriptlet code to declare a List variable and initializes that variable to anArrayList object. Which two JSP code snippets can you use to import these list types?()A、%! import java.util.*; %B、%! import java.util.List;import java.util.ArrayList; %C、%@ page import=’java.util.List’import=’java.util.ArrayList’ %D、%@ import types=’java.util.List’types=’java.util.ArrayList’ %E、%@ page import=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %F、%@ import types=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %


与page指令%@ page import= “java.util.*, java.text.* “ % 等价的是()。A、%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ page import= “java.util.* % %@ page import= “java.text.* “ % B、%@ page import= “java.util.*”  ,  import= “java.text.* “ % C、%@ page import= “java.util.* “  ;  % %@ page import= “java.text.* “  ; %D、%@ page import= “java.util.* ; java.text.* “ %



You are building your own layout mechanism by including dynamic content for the page’s header and footersections. The footer is always static, but the header generates the  tag that requires the page name tobe specified dynamically when the header is imported. Which JSP code snippet performs the import of theheader content?() titleA、jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:param name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / /jsp:includeB、jsp:import page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:param name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / /jsp:importC、jsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’jsp:attribute name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:includeD、jsp:import page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. jsp:attribute name=’pageName’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:import

Which JSTL code snippet can be used to perform URL rewriting?()A、a href=’c:url url="foo.jsp"/’ /B、a href=’c:link url="foo.jsp"/’ /C、a href=’c:url value="foo.jsp"/’ /D、a href=’c:link value="foo.jsp"/’ /

Which the JSTL code snippet can be used to import content from another web resource?()A、 c:import url=*foo.jsp”/ B、 c:import page=*foo.jsp”/ C、 c:include url=*foo.jsp”/ D、 c:include page=*foo.jsp”/ E、 Importing cannot be done in JSTL. A standard action must be used instead.

You need to dump the data from the master server and import it into a new slave server. Which mysqldump option can be used when dumping data from the master server in order to include the master server's binary log information?()A、Include-master-infoB、Master-binlogC、Include-log-fileD、Master-data

单选题当在JSP文件中要使用到Vector对象时,应在JSP文件中加入以下哪个语句?()A〈jsp:include file=”java.util.*” /〉B〈jsp:include page=”java.util.*” /〉C〈%@ page import=”java.util.*” %〉D〈%@ page include=”java.util.*” %〉

单选题Which the JSTL code snippet can be used to import content from another web resource?()A c:import url=*foo.jsp”/ B c:import page=*foo.jsp”/ C c:include url=*foo.jsp”/ D c:include page=*foo.jsp”/ E Importing cannot be done in JSTL. A standard action must be used instead.

单选题Which JSTL code snippet can be used to import content from another web resource?()Ac:import url=foo.jsp/Bc:import page=foo.jsp/Cc:include url=foo.jsp/Dc:include page=foo.jsp/

单选题与page指令 等价的是()。A%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ import="“java.text.*" page=""%@ import="“java.util.*" page=""%@ page import= “java.util.* % %@ page import= “java.text.* “ % B%@ page import= “java.util.*”  ,  import= “java.text.* “ % C%@ page import= “java.util.* “  ;  % %@ page import= “java.text.* “  ; %D%@ page import= “java.util.* ; java.text.* “ %

单选题Which JSP standard action can be used to import content from a resource called foo.jsp?()Ajsp:import file=’foo.jsp’ /Bjsp:import page=’foo.jsp’ /Cjsp:include page=’foo.jsp’ /Djsp:include file=’foo.jsp’ /

单选题Every page of your web site must include a common set of navigation menus at the top of the page. Thismenu is static HTML and changes frequently,so you have decided to use JSP’s static import mechanism. Which JSP code snippet accomplishes this goal?()A%@ import file=’/common/menu.html’ %B%@ page import=’/common/menu.html’ %C%@ import page=’/common/menu.html’ %D%@ include file=’/common/menu.html’ %E%@ page include=’/common/menu.html’ %

单选题Which JSTL code snippet can be used to perform URL rewriting?()Aa href=’c:url url=foo.jsp/’ /Ba href=’c:link url=foo.jsp/’ /Ca href=’c:url value=foo.jsp/’ /Da href=’c:link value=foo.jsp/’ /

多选题You are writing a JSP that includes scriptlet code to declare a List variable and initializes that variable to anArrayList object. Which two JSP code snippets can you use to import these list types?()A%! import java.util.*; %B%! import java.util.List;import java.util.ArrayList; %C%@ page import=’java.util.List’import=’java.util.ArrayList’ %D%@ import types=’java.util.List’types=’java.util.ArrayList’ %E%@ page import=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %F%@ import types=’java.util.List,java.util.ArrayList’ %

单选题Your web application views all have the same header, which includes the  tag in the  elementof the rendered HTML. You have decided to remove this redundant HTML code from your JSPs and put itinto a single JSP called /WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp. However, the title of each page is unique, so you havedecided to use a variable called pageTitle to parameterize this in the header JSP, like this: 10.${param.pageTitle} Which JSP code snippet should you use in your main view JSPs to insert the header and pass thepageTitle variable?()Ajsp:insert page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. ${pageTitle=’Welcome Page’}. /jsp:insertBjsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. ${pageTitle=’Welcome Page’}. /jsp:includeCjsp:include file=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. ${pageTitle=’Welcome Page’}. /jsp:includeDjsp:insert page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. jsp:param name=’pageTitle’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:insertEjsp:include page=’/WEB-INF/jsp/header.jsp’. jsp:param name=’pageTitle’ value=’Welcome Page’ / . /jsp:include