“Public Opinion”

“Public Opinion”


This book is written from the _______of the French. (A)mind(B) idea(C) perspective(D) opinion

Contrary ________ public opinion, this area has long been a heaven for all forms of insect life. A.toB.withC.atD.for

People in the medical()are divided in their opinion about the cause of this disease. A、workB、job

Opinion advertising presents the impression of doing a public service by addressing the importance of a company.() A. 舆论广告展示公司重要形象,履行公共事务。B. 舆论广告强调公司地址的重要性,展示高大形象。C. 舆论广告通过强调公司在公共服务中的重要性来展示公司形象。

One should always _____ facts. A、base one's opinion onB、base one's opinion inC、base one opinion onD、base one opinion in

下列程序片段中,能通过编译的是A.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak();}B.public abstract class Animal{ public void speak(){}}C.public class Animal{ public abstract void speak();}D.public abstract class Animal{ public abstract void speak(){}}

(ii) Construct the argument against Professor West’s opinion, and in favour of Professor Leroi’s opinion thata principles-based approach would be preferable in developing countries. Your answer should considerthe particular situations of developing countries. (10 marks)

In the author’s opinion, advertising ________.[A] emerges in the wake of the anti-happy part[B] is a cause of disappointment for the general public[C] replace the church as a major source of information[D] creates an illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself

(ii) Briefly explain the implications of Parr Co’s audit opinion for your audit opinion on the consolidatedfinancial statements of Cleeves Co for the year ended 30 September 2006. (3 marks)

(b) ‘opinion shopping’; (5 marks)

4 (a) ISA 701 Modifications to The Independent Auditor’s Report includes ‘suggested wording of modifying phrasesfor use when issuing modified reports’.Required:Explain and distinguish between each of the following terms:(i) ‘qualified opinion’;(ii) ‘disclaimer of opinion’;(iii) ‘emphasis of matter paragraph’. (6 marks)

In my opinion,I think they can not survive.()

As a politician,he knows how to manipulate public opinion.A:expressB:divide C:influenceD:anxious

Nowadays,more people are living closer together,and they use machines to produce leisure.As a result,they find that their leisure,and even their working hours,become( )by a byproduct of their machines,namely,noise.Noise is in the news;it has acquired political status,and public opinion is demanding,more and more insistently,that something be done about it.A.damagedB.spoiltC.destroyedD.interfered

As a politician,he knows how to manipulate public opinion.A:.expressB: divideC: influenceD: voice

He maintained that the opinion was wrong.A:emphasized B:repaired C:stuck D:helped

Which three demonstrate an “is a” relationship?() A、 public class X { }  public class Y extends X { }B、 public interface Shape { }  public interface Rectangle extends Shape{ }C、 public interface Color { }  public class Shape { private Color color; }D、 public interface Species { }  public class Animal { private Species species; }E、 public class Person { } public class Employee {  public Employee(Person person) { }F、 interface Component { }  class Container implements Component { private Component[] children; }

interface Data { public void load(); }  abstract class Info { public abstract void load(); }  Which class correctly uses the Data interface and Info class?() A、 public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }B、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } }C、 public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }D、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void Data.load() { /*dsomething */ } public void load() { /*do something */ } }E、 public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load(){ /*do something*/ } }F、 public class Employee extends Info implements Data{ public void Data.load() { /*do something*/ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } }

Which two allow the class Thing to be instantiated using new Thing()?A、 public class Thing { }B、 public class Thing { public Thing() {} }C、 public class Thing { public Thing(void) {} }D、 public class Thing { public Thing(String s) {} }E、 public class Thing { public void Thing() {} public Thing(String s) {} }

下列代码正确的是哪项?() A、 public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable{   public void run ();public Object clone () ; }B、 public class Session extends Runnable, Cloneable {  public void run() {/*dosomething*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/} }C、 public abstract class Session implements Runnable, Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}        }D、 public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}       }

Given an ActionEvent, which method allows you to identify the affected Component?()  A、 Public class getClass()B、 Public Object getSource()C、 Public Component getSource()D、 Public Component getTarget()E、 Public Component getComponent()F、 Public Component getTargetComponent()

单选题Why has public opinion regarding drunken driving changed?ADetailed statistics are now available.BThe news media have revealed the problem.CJudges are giving more severe sentences.DDrivers are more conscious of their image.

单选题If Mickelson had not used the example of the Wright brothers in her argument, what other example might have illustrated her point as well?ADespite widespread public opinion that the sun revolves around the earth, Galileo Galilei published findings showing that the earth revolved around the sun; he later retracted this assertion as a result of pressure from the Church.BA tobacco company chose to market cigarettes to children despite widespread public opinion that such marketing is unethical; over the following decade, the company expanded its share of the tobacco market.CA home electronics company devoted substantial development resources to eight-track audio technology despite widespread industry opinion that cassette tapes were the wave of the future; eight-tracks were soon replaced by cassette tapes, which in turn were replaced by compact disks.DA newspaper chose to publish a story that government lawyers said it could not print; the newspaper won its case against the government lawyers in a federal court, and the writer of the story won a Pulitzer Prize.EA computer company initiated research into manufacturing a computer for home use when widespread public opinion held that computers could be useful only for large corporations or government agencies; personal home computers became a multibillion-dollar market.

单选题下列代码正确的是哪项?()A public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable{   public void run ();public Object clone () ; }B public class Session extends Runnable, Cloneable {  public void run() {/*dosomething*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/} }C public abstract class Session implements Runnable, Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}        }D public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable {       public void run() {/*do something*/}       public Object clone() {/*make a copy*/}       }

单选题Was there an unanimous opinion on the U.S. aid?AYes. Hard-liners made a turn in their hostile attitude toward the U.S.BNo. Public opinion remained divided over the issue.CNo. The reformists are more worried this time around.DYes. It is widely held that the aid offers a chance for ending Iran’s international isolation.

问答题China has the greatest population in the world and a large pool of research workers, yet it has not produced a single Nobel Prize winner so far. What has caused this situation in your opinion? State your opinion in about 160 words, and write it on the answer sheet.

问答题Some people say that computers are making the world lonely and dehumanized. What is your opinion? State your opinion in no less than about 160 words, and write it on the Answer Sheet.