SPC Committee Audit发现某生产部新入职的5位员工一个半月尚未签核《SPC纪律声明》,请问这是谁的责任?

SPC Committee Audit发现某生产部新入职的5位员工一个半月尚未签核《SPC纪律声明》,请问这是谁的责任?



3 Susan Paullaos was recently appointed as a non-executive member of the internal audit committee of Gluck andGoodman, a public listed company producing complex engineering products. Barney Chester, the executive financedirector who chairs the committee, has always viewed the purpose of internal audit as primarily financial in natureand as long as financial controls are seen to be fully in place, he is less concerned with other aspects of internalcontrol. When Susan asked about operational controls in the production facility Barney said that these were not theconcern of the internal audit committee. This, he said, was because as long as the accounting systems and financialcontrols were fully functional, all other systems may be assumed to be working correctly.Susan, however, was concerned with the operational and quality controls in the production facility. She spoke toproduction director Aaron Hardanger, and asked if he would be prepared to produce regular reports for the internalaudit committee on levels of specification compliance and other control issues. Mr Hardanger said that the internalaudit committee had always trusted him because his reputation as a manager was very good. He said that he hadnever been asked to provide compliance evidence to the internal audit committee and saw no reason as to why heshould start doing so now.At board level, the non-executive chairman, George Allejandra, said that he only instituted the internal audit committeein the first place in order to be seen to be in compliance with the stock market’s requirement that Gluck and Goodmanshould have one. He believed that internal audit committees didn’t add materially to the company. They were, hebelieved, one of those ‘outrageous demands’ that regulatory authorities made without considering the consequencesin smaller companies nor the individual needs of different companies. He also complained about the need to have aninternal auditor. He said that Gluck and Goodman used to have a full time internal auditor but when he left a yearago, he wasn’t replaced. The audit committee didn’t feel it needed an internal auditor because Barney Chester believedthat only financial control information was important and he could get that information from his managementaccountant.Susan asked Mr Allejandra if he recognised that the company was exposing itself to increased market risks by failingto have an effective audit committee. Mr Allejandra said he didn’t know what a market risk was.Required:(a) Internal control and audit are considered to be important parts of sound corporate governance.(i) Describe FIVE general objectives of internal control. (5 marks)

(c) Define ‘market risk’ for Mr Allejandra and explain why Gluck and Goodman’s market risk exposure isincreased by failing to have an effective audit committee. (5 marks)

新入职的员工其劳动合同或劳务合同应在员工入职之()天内以书面形式订立。 A.7B.10C.15D.30

入职期(careerentry),时间是入职的第一至三年,是“求生和发现期”。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

新消防员入职培训的思想政治教育时间按照训练教育比例()执行。 A.3:7B.2:8C.7:3D.8:2














某公司有些新入职职工拥有博士学位。该公司所有拥有博士学位的职工都被董事长单独接见过,而该公司所有甲省的职工都没有被董事长单独接见过。 如果以上陈述为真,则以下哪项也一定为真?A、有些新入职职工不是甲省的B、所有新入职职工都是甲省的C、有些新入职职工没有被董事长单独接见过D、有些拥有博士学位的职工是甲省的




问答题SPC Committee Audit发现某生产部新入职的5位员工一个半月尚未签核《SPC纪律声明》,请问这是谁的责任?

单选题某企业在组织新入职的作业人员进行岗前体检时发现,王某患有支气管哮喘,根据《职业健康监护技术规范》(GBZ188),王某的职业禁忌岗位是( )。A汽油作业岗位B甲醇作业岗位C苯作业岗位D氨作业岗位

