


We are establishing the relative L/C with the Bank of China, Shanghai and shall let you know by cable ( ) it is opened A.untilB.beforeC.unlessD.as soon as

critical relative humidity

If air at 95°Cdry bulb temperature and 50%relative humidity is conditioned to 75°Cdry bulb temperature and 50%relative humidity, it is an example of() A.cooling onlyB.cooling and humidifyingC.cooling and dehumidifyingD.adiabatic(绝热的)cooling

A true bearing of a charted object,when plotted on a chart,will establish a ______.A.fixB.line of positionC.relative bearingD.range

When the relative motion display is selected all tracked objects will display ______ vectors.A.motionB.stationaryC.dynamicalD.flashing

A hygrometer is device used for determining ______.A.the absolute temperatureB.atmospheric pressureC.wind velocityD.relative humidity

As the temperature for a given mass of air increases, the ______.A.dew point increasesB.dew point decreasesC.relative humidity increasesD.relative humidity decreases

In the doldrums you will NOT have ______.A.high relative humidityB.frequent showers and thunderstormC.steep pressure gradientsD.frequent calms

The relative pronoun "which" in the last paragraph (Line 6) refers to (  ).A.expertsB.periodsC.theoriesD.issues

Identify the differences of option 10A, as opposed to option 10C, for interAS vpn offerings. For option 10A().A、Greater scalability is offeredB、The ASBR holds VPNv4 routesC、Relative technical simplicity is offeredD、Lower relative security is offeredE、Multihop E-BGP between ASBRs is utilizedF、Better suitability for InterProvider VPNs is provided

当与他人比较时,个体觉得自己没有得到所应得的那么多,这一现象称为()A、社会比较效应B、相对剥夺(relative deprivation)C、适应水平效应(adaption-level effect)D、相对替代(relative displacement)

临界相对湿度(critical relative humidity,CRH)


名词解释题相对海平面变化(relative sea level change)

单选题When comparing the air with 50% of relative humidity with the air with 100% of relative humidity, which one will hold more water?()Athe formerBthe latterCnot for sureDsame each other

单选题当与他人比较时,个体觉得自己没有得到所应得的那么多,这一现象称为()A社会比较效应B相对剥夺(relative deprivation)C适应水平效应(adaption-level effect)D相对替代(relative displacement)

单选题It will be a relief over the death of a friend or a relative if the friend or relative dies from ______.Aa traffic accidentBan acute infectious diseaseCheart attackDa three-year cancer

单选题When air is at its dew point it is at its()Alowest absolute humidityBlowest relative humidityChighest absolute humidityDhighest relative humidity

单选题A cargo hold has been determined to have a relative humidity of 80% and a dry bulb temperature of 80 ℃ and a dry bulb temperature of 85℃.When the hold is sealed and the dry bulb temperature decreases, the relative humidity in the space will ()AdecreaseBincreaseCdecrease to zeroDremain unchanged

单选题A lower thermostatic temperature setting will provide a desired degree of comfort in a room where ()Alow relative humidity is maintainedBtriple banded squirrel cage fans are usedCair circulation is a maximumDhigh relative humidity is maintained

单选题Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger()to an old friend or a relative.AthatBmore thanCasDthan

单选题If air at 95℃ dry bulb temperature and 50% relative humidity is conditioned to 75℃ dry bulb temperature and 50% relative humidity, it is an example of ().Acooling onlyBcooling and humidifyingCcooling and dehumidifyingDadiabatic cooling