AFC Automatic Fare Collection 是指什么?

AFC Automatic Fare Collection 是指什么?


以下专业词汇缩写与中英文单词释义不对应的是( )。 A.ACC: AFC control ( clearing) center 票务清分中心B.ACS : Access control system 门禁系统C.AGM: Automatic gate machine 自动检票机/闸机D.APM:Automated people mover 旅客自动输送系统

You plan to have a larger moving window size for the default system-defined moving window baseline because you want to use the adaptive threshold. Which statement factors in this consideration while increasing the size of the moving window?()A. The collection level for the AWR should be set to BASICB. The moving window size must be less than Undo RetentionC. The moving window size should be greater than the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) retention periodD. The moving window size should be equal to or less than the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) retention period

国内婴儿票价(FARE BASIS)是()。A、10%B、20%C、30%D、50%

自动售检票系统(Automatic Fare Collection---AFC)

You plan to have a larger moving window size for the default system-defined moving window baseline because you want to use the adaptive threshold. Which statement factors in this consideration while increasing the size of the moving window?()A、The collection level for the AWR should be set to BASICB、The moving window size must be less than Undo RetentionC、The moving window size should be greater than the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) retention periodD、The moving window size should be equal to or less than the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) retention period

AFC系统的全称Automatic Far Center System

自动售检系统(AFC)相应的英文为()。A、Automatic Fare CheckB、Automatic Fare CollectionC、Application Fare CollectionD、Application Fare Check

ATC是()的缩写。A、Automobile Train ControlB、Automatic Train ConfirmC、Automatic Track ControlD、Automatic Train Control



英译中:Automatic Data Collection

英译中:Automatic data collection(ADC)

ADC(automatic data collection)是()A、自动信息收集B、自动数据采集C、自动数据处理D、自动信息控制

Which of these statements concerning the collection interfaces are true?()  A、Set extends Collection.B、All methods defined in Set are also defined in Collection.C、List extends Collection.D、All methods defined in List are also defined in Collection.E、Map extends Collection.

Initially, for the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) statistics,the retention period is set to 7 days, the collection interval is set to 30 minutes and the collection level is set to Typical in your production database. You have been using the Memory Advisor for the last three months to generate recommendations for tuning memory components. However,when you observe the Memory Advisor on a Friday,you find that the statistics are available only for two days, Thursday and Friday,of that week. What would have caused the statistics to be removed?()A、On Wednesday, the statistics have been purged.B、On Wednesday, the retention period has been set to zero.C、On Wednesday, the collection interval has been set to zero.D、On Wednesday, the collection level has been changed to All.E、On Wednesday, the retention period has been set to one day.F、On Wednesday, the retention period has been set to two daysG、On Wednesday, the collection level has been changed to Typical.H、On Wednesday, the collection interval has been set to 1440 minutes.

单选题自动售检系统(AFC)相应的英文为()。AAutomatic Fare CheckBAutomatic Fare CollectionCApplication Fare CollectionDApplication Fare Check

名词解释题英译中:Automatic data collection(ADC)

名词解释题自动售检票系统(Automatic Fare Collection---AFC)

问答题AFC Automatic Fare Collection 是指什么?

判断题AFC系统的全称Automatic Far Center SystemA对B错

名词解释题英译中:Automatic Data Collection

单选题You received complaints about the degradation of SQL query performance. You identified top SQL queries that consume time. What would be your next step to find out recommendations about statistics collection and restructuring of the SQL statement to improve query performance?()Arun Segment AdvisorBrun SQL Tuning Advisor on top SQL statementsCrun the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reportDrun the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)on top SQL statements


多选题Which of these statements concerning the collection interfaces are true?()ASet extends Collection.BAll methods defined in Set are also defined in Collection.CList extends Collection.DAll methods defined in List are also defined in Collection.EMap extends Collection.

单选题John: I want to go to Chicago. When is the next train, please?  Booking clerk: In fifteen minutes.  John: How much is the fare?  Clerk: You want to buy a single fare or a round trip ticket?  John: ______  Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 10% of the fare.AWill it take me straight there?BHow much is it?CWhat’s the difference?DWhat is the fare?

单选题Initially, for the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) statistics,the retention period is set to 7 days, the collection interval is set to 30 minutes and the collection level is set to Typical in your production database. You have been using the Memory Advisor for the last three months to generate recommendations for tuning memory components. However,when you observe the Memory Advisor on a Friday,you find that the statistics are available only for two days, Thursday and Friday,of that week. What would have caused the statistics to be removed?()AOn Wednesday, the statistics have been purged.BOn Wednesday, the retention period has been set to zero.COn Wednesday, the collection interval has been set to zero.DOn Wednesday, the collection level has been changed to All.EOn Wednesday, the retention period has been set to one day.FOn Wednesday, the retention period has been set to two daysGOn Wednesday, the collection level has been changed to Typical.HOn Wednesday, the collection interval has been set to 1440 minutes.

单选题ADC(automatic data collection)是()A自动信息收集B自动数据采集C自动数据处理D自动信息控制