25.intx=12;  26. while (x  10) {  27. x--;  28. }  29. System.out.print(x); What is the result?()A、 0B、 10C、 12D、 Line 29 will never be reached.

25.intx=12;  26. while (x < 10) {  27. x--;  28. }  29. System.out.print(x); What is the result?()

  • A、 0
  • B、 10
  • C、 12
  • D、 Line 29 will never be reached.


26.负债股息是公司通过建立一种负债,用债券或应付票据作为股息分派给股东。 ( )



下列的程序段中与上题的程序段对y的计算结果相同的是 ______。A.x=34567 y=0 flag=.T. DO WHIL flag y=x% 10+y * 10 x=int(x/10) IF x>0 flag=.F. ENDIF ENDDOB.x=34567 y=0 flag=.T. DO WHIL flag y=x%10+y * 10 x=int(x/10) IF x=0 flag=.F. ENDIF ENDDOC.x=34567 y=0 flag=.T. DO WHIL!flag y=x%10+y* 10 x=int(x/10) IF x>0 flag=.F. ENDIF ENDDOD.x=34567 y=0 flag=.T. DO WHIL!flag y=x%10+y* 10 x=int(x/10) IF x=0 flag=.T. ENDIF ENDDO

26. My cousin has been happy since he_________ to spend more time with his friends.A. will allowB. will be allowedC. allowedD. was allowed




interfaceFoo{11.intbar();12.&ensp 10.interfaceFoo{11.intbar();12.}13.14.publicclassBeta{15.16.classAimplementsFoo{17.publicintbar(){return1;}18.}19.20.publicintfubar(Foofoo){returnfoo.bar();}21.22.publicvoidtestFoo(){23.24.classAimplementsFoo{25.publicintbar(){return2;}26.}27.28.System.out.println(fubar(newA()));29.}30.31.publicstaticvoidmain(String[]argv){32.newBeta().testFoo();33.}34.}Whichthreestatementsaretrue?()


川芎的功效是26. 热壅血滞宜配伍

有以下程序 include int fun(char s[]) { int n=O; whil 有以下程序 #include <stdio.h> int fun(char s[]) { int n=O; while(*s<='9'*s>='0') { n=10*n+*s-'0'; s++; } return (n); } main() { char s[10]={ '6', '1', '*', '4', '*', '9', '*', '0', '*'}; printf("%d\n",fun(s)); }A.9B.61490C.61D.5

有以下程序 include void fun(char *t, char *s) { whil 有以下程序 #include <stdio.h> void fun(char *t, char *s) { while(*t!=0) t++; while( (*t++ = *s++ )!=0 ); main() { char ss[10]="acc",aa[10]="bbxxyy"; fun(ss, aa); printff"%s,%s\n", ss,aa); 程序的运行结果是A.accxyy, bbxxyyB.acc, bbxxyyC.accxxyy, bbxxyyD.accbbxxyy, bbxxyy

有以下程序: #includestdio.h main( ) { char*s="[2]34";int k=0,a=0; whil(s[k+1]!=\0) { k++; if(k%2=o){a=a+(s[k]-0+1);continue; } a=a+(s[k]-0); printf("k=%d a=%d\n",k,a); } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.k=6 a=11B.k=3 a=14C.k=4 a=12D.k=5 a=15

1995~2004年,香港对内地出口年均增长率约为()。A. 26. 2% B. 16. 3% C. 10. 4% D. 21. 4%

26. —Do you like fruit?—Yes,l like _________best.A. potatoesB. chickenC. pearsD. bread

26. Diana,together with her friends,__________Chinese in China.A. studyB. have studiedC. studiesD. are studying


69、54、49、37、26. ( )A.16B.83C.91 D.92

2. 4、13. 26. 41. 82、27、( )A.43B.54C.64D.32

1996 -26.以下哪个脉象的主病为惊A.结脉 B.代脉 C.促脉 D.动脉 E.疾脉

混凝土试块试压后,某组三个试件的强度分别为26. 5MPa、30. 5MPa、 35. 2MPa。该组试件的混凝土强度代表值为:A. 30. 73MPa B. 26. 5MPa C. 30. 5MPa D. 35. 2MPa

25.intx=12; 26.while(x10){ 27.x--; 28.} 29.System.out.print(x); What is the result?()A、0B、10C、12D、Line29willneverbereached.

单选题Given: What is the result?()A CanadaB null CanadaC Canada nullD Canada CanadaE Compilation fails due to an error on line 26.

单选题25.intx=12; 26.while(x10){ 27.x--; 28.} 29.System.out.print(x); What is the result?()A0B10C12DLine29willneverbereached.

单选题25.intx=12;  26. while (x  10) {  27. x--;  28. }  29. System.out.print(x); What is the result?()A 0B 10C 12D Line 29 will never be reached.
