class One { public One() { System.out.print(1); } } class Two extends One { public Two() { System.out.print(2); } } class Three extends Two { public Three() { System.out.print(3); } } public class Numbers{ public static void main( String[] argv) { new Three(); } } What is the result when this code is executed?() A、 1B、 3C、 123D、 321E、 The code rims with no output.
class One { public One() { System.out.print(1); } } class Two extends One { public Two() { System.out.print(2); } } class Three extends Two { public Three() { System.out.print(3); } } public class Numbers{ public static void main( String[] argv) { new Three(); } } What is the result when this code is executed?()
- A、 1
- B、 3
- C、 123
- D、 321
- E、 The code rims with no output.
有如下程序:#includeusing namespace std;class ONE{public:virtual void f(){cout"l";}};class TWO:public ONE{public:TWO(){cout"2";}};class THREE:public TWO{public:virtual void f(){TWO::f(); cout"3";}};int main(){ONE aa, *p;TWO bb;THREE cc;p = cc;p-f();return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是 【 11 】 。
有如下程序: include using namespaee std; class ONE{ public: virtual void f 有如下程序:include <iostream>using namespaee std;class ONE{public:virtual void f( ){cout<<"1";}};class TWO:public ONE{public:TWO( )1 cout<<"2";}{;class THREE:public TWO{public:virtual void f( )}TWO::f( );cout<<"3";}};int main( ){ONE aa,*P;TWO bb;THREE cc;P=cc;p->f( );return 0;}程序的输出结果是______。
( 35 )有如下程序:#includeiostreamusing namespace std;class ONE{int c;public:ONE ( ) : c ( 0 ) {cout1;}ONE ( int n ) : c ( n ) {cout2;}};class TWO{ONE onel;ONE one2;public:TWO ( int m ) : one2 ( m ) {cout3;}};int main () tTWO t ( 4 )return 0}运行时的输出结果是A ) 3B ) 23C ) 123D ) 213
有如下程序: include using namespace std; class ONE { public: virtual void f() { 有如下程序:include <iostream>using namespace std;class ONE{public:virtual void f() { cout << "1"; }};class TWO: public ONE{public:TWO() { cout << "2"; }};class THREE: public TWO{public:virtual void f() {TWO::f(); cout << "3"; }};int main(){ONE aa, *p;TWO bb;THREE cc;p=cc;P->f();return 0;}执行上面程序的输出是【 】。
one of the distinctive features about the british class system is that it has also retained a hereditary aristocracy. ()
类clasg one在声明func成员函数时发生错误,出错原因是______。class oneprivate:int a;public:void func(two);};class two{private:int b;friend vold one::func(two);};void one::func(twor){a=r.b;}
有如下程序:#includeiostreamusing narnespace std;class ONE{int e;public:ONE():c(O){cout1;)ONE(int n):c(13){cout2;}};class TWO{ONE oriel;ONE one2,public:TWO(int m):one2(m){cout3;}};int main(){TWO t(4);return O;}运行时的输出结果是A.3B.23C.123D.213
有下列程序:includeusing namespace std;class ONE{ public:virtual void f(){COUt 有下列程序:include<iostream>using namespace std;class ONE{public:virtual void f(){COUt<<"1";}};c1assTWO:public ONE{public:TWO(){cout<<"2";}};class THREE:public TWO{pub
有以下程序:includeusing namespace std;Class A{public:A(){tout{("A"}};classB{pub 有以下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; Class A{ public: A(){tout{("A"} }; classB{public:B(){cout<<"B";>> classC:public A{ B b; public: C(){cout<<"C";} }; int main(){C obj;return 0;} 执行后的输出结果是( )。A.CBAB.BACC.ACBD.ABC
类class one 在声明func 成员函数时发生错误,出错原因是【 】。Class one{private:int a;public:void func(two )};class two{private:int b;friend void one: :func(two );};void one: : func(two r)a=r.b;}
12.A. grade one,class fourB. class four,grade oneC. Grade One,Class FourD. Class Four,Grade One
class One { void foo() {} } class Two extends One { //insert method here } Which three methods, inserted individually at line 14, will correctly complete class Two?()A、 int foo() { /* more code here */ }B、 void foo() { /* more code here */ }C、 public void foo() { /* more code here */ }D、 private void foo() { /* more code here */ }E、 protected void foo() { /* more code here */ }
class One { public One foo() { return this; } } class Two extends One { public One foo() { return this; } } class Three extends Two { // insert method here } Which two methods, inserted individually, correctly complete the Three class?()A、 public void foo() { }B、 public int foo() { return 3; }C、 public Two foo() { return this; }D、 public One foo() { return this; }E、 public Object foo() { return this; }
Which two statements about login classes correctly define their usage within the JUNOS software?()A、A different login class must be configured for each user.B、Individual commands can be explicitly allowed or denied.C、A user must be assigned to one of the default login classes.D、Each login class is associated with one or more permissions flags.
多选题class One { void foo() {} } class Two extends One { //insert method here } Which three methods, inserted individually at line 14, will correctly complete class Two?()Aint foo() { /* more code here */ }Bvoid foo() { /* more code here */ }Cpublic void foo() { /* more code here */ }Dprivate void foo() { /* more code here */ }Eprotected void foo() { /* more code here */ }
单选题There ______ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon.Ais going to beBwill haveCare going to beDis going to have
单选题class One { public One() { System.out.print(1); } } class Two extends One { public Two() { System.out.print(2); } } class Three extends Two { public Three() { System.out.print(3); } } public class Numbers{ public static void main( String[] argv) { new Three(); } } What is the result when this code is executed?()A 1B 3C 123D 321E The code rims with no output.
多选题class One { public One foo() { return this; } } class Two extends One { public One foo() { return this; } } class Three extends Two { // insert method here } Which two methods, inserted individually, correctly complete the Three class?()Apublic void foo() { }Bpublic int foo() { return 3; }Cpublic Two foo() { return this; }Dpublic One foo() { return this; }Epublic Object foo() { return this; }